God Stick Paradise

Chapter 25 Shocking Change The senior is a good person

"Ouch!" Liu Yunfeng was kicked down directly from the tree by Elia and made a strange cry in the air. Three figures fell from the tree one after another.

Liu Yunfeng was a little embarrassed when he landed on the ground. He squeezed out a smiling face and greeted them: "Tut... How accurate it is, how cleverly connected it is, and what a gorgeous way of holding the law. Presumably three are friends from the capital of elements, Heliria Oaks!" But I felt that I couldn't calm down.

It is worth mentioning. During the trial of the Blue Continent, the college requires students to rescue other students when they are in danger, but if there is no danger. There is another competitive relationship. Because there is a hidden rule in the blue trial, which is to acquiesce in the students to grab each other's booty. This helps to improve the competitiveness among students.

When the four arrived, they did not choose to appear directly, but hid in the woods to watch the battle. However, Liu Yunfeng was found by the other party because he did not calm down, which was very misleading. If it is in the mercenary continent, the other party may directly determine it as the enemy and choose to attack directly.

A bang. Yero rewarded Liu Yunfeng with another chestnut. Then he said:

"Hello, I'm Yello from Billyie in the Domain of War. These three are my companions, Yuna, Elia and Liu Yunfeng from Matilley's Necromancer College. We originally came to help, but obviously your strength is not bad, and it is not convenient for us to take action, thus causing unnecessary misunderstandings. If there is any offense. I would like to express my most sincere apologies." When Liu Yunfeng was introduced, Yeluo stared at him fiercely, but this expression was so naive and cute that Liu Yunfeng couldn't help itching from the bottom of his heart.

"Haha, it's okay. Ogi's poker face is easy to cause misunderstanding. My name is Leon. Hey, Augi, should you change your expression on that stinky face? Obviously, Yero, with a pure and cute appearance and a soft voice, is easy to win the favor of others. Leon responded with a smile two steps forward.

"Angela." The girl in blue leaned closer to Auggie. Her face was still a little bad, and she looked at the three daughters of Yeluo hostilely. Obviously, the sudden appearance of three girls who were not below her gave her a sense of crisis.

"I'm Augi." Augi directly ignored Lyon, still with a poker face, as cold as a glacier, but the hostility just now disappeared. Augi looked at the four people who suddenly appeared and felt a little surprised. Originally, he only found Liu Yunfeng alone. I didn't expect that the three girls could block his spiritual perception in the middle of the fifth level. There are only two possibilities, either the strength of the three of them is not under him, or they have a magic device that can shield perception.

His hope is the latter, which is human, and everyone will have this mentality more or less. After all, people always want to be the best. But his intuition told him that it was very likely the former. He also began to take a good time to greet them. Poor Liu Yunfeng was directly ignored by him. And Yero, who was talking, surprised him a little. Obviously, he is a student from the God of War. Why is there such a strong element fluctuation? It must be the magic armed, right?

Then his eyes smiled slightly when he saw Elia. To cover the shining light. The air around Elia is gloomy and obscure. Obviously, it does exist, but it can't be felt in any way. It's like a weed next to the flowers, and the sense of existence is infinitely close to zero. This woman is very dangerous.

But when she saw Yuna at the end, her pupils shrank violently. Because he was permanently solidified an arcane vision by a seventh-order elemental enforcer when he was a child. Then another adventure caused this solidification magic to mutate, causing him to see many things that ordinary people could not find, and at this time in his eyes. Yuna seems to be in the deepest black hole. Even my mind seems to be sucked in. Occasionally, a wisp of magic seems to make his soul tremble.

"This beautiful lady, it's my honor to know you. Please allow me to express my highest sincerity to you." Oji was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. There is a huge wave in my heart. But the face is not exposed at all. Despite Liu Yunfeng's angry eyes, he walked to Yuna and knelt down on one knee. For his curiosity and relieve his doubts, he suppressed his always indifferent and stinky temper. I want to confirm further through physical contact.

According to the etiquette, Yuna should stretch out her hand and let Ogi kiss. But at this time, Liu Yunfeng, who had been paying attention to the other party, suddenly came to him and said lightly, "Since the misunderstanding has been resolved, forget such a tedious etiquette!" There is some indignation in my heart.

At this time, Liu Yunfeng had already included the little handsome Augi in front of him in the competition list.

And Angela on the other side saw that Oji, who had always been indifferent, was doing such ambiguous and suggestive etiquette to the other party. He couldn't help burning with jealousy, "He has never done this to me, never, why!!"

The people present only felt that the water vapor in the air was much stronger in an instant, and even the dark clouds in the sky began to slowly gather here. The weather seemed to become extremely depressing with her mood. Alia turned her head and looked at the girl in blue named Angela, and her evaluation of her in her heart also rose to a higher level. She was worthy of being a student from the capital of elements, with a high level of elemental fit.

Yero's eyes shrank slightly when he noticed this scene. Is she the Angelina with the name of the favorite of water in the capital of elements? Angie. Bailey Rosse. The legendary princess of the Duchy of Farion? That's right... The legendary one caused the whole principality to rain heavily for a month as soon as he was born. This is still because the Principality has gathered the effect of all the royal element law enforcers to jointly impose the seal. Otherwise, I'm afraid the rainstorm will accompany her for life.

If this is the case, the identity of her other two male companions will be out. Auggie. Renoir. The son of the Earl of Thorn, the first man under the Kingdom of Farion. The eighth-order ice law enforcer and a personal disciple of Julian, the mage of the town. But because Julian participated in a mysterious mission of the Mage Guild seven years ago, she never came back. Oji, as her disciple, was arranged by his father to continue his study.

The origin of the last red-haired teenager is even more mysterious. Lyon. Nado. It is said that he was raised by a red dragon. And he also got the inheritance of the red dragon. It is listed as a rare profession - Longcheng Magician. But also seven years ago, the red dragon left him for some unknown reason and was met by Augie, who ran away from home to find a mentor.

"Well, I'm abrupt." Half a sound, I saw that the other party didn't mean to reach out. Augi had to give up, stood up, and regained his ice-like face. I took a step back.

"Then next time..." Just as Augi was about to say goodbye to the four of them...

"Roar...............!!!" There was a shocking dragon chant in the depths of the forest. This is a real dragon chant! It makes everyone present feel as if they are bearing thousands of pounds of strength. It's so depressing that people can't breathe. This is the sound, why the emotions revealed are so crazy.

"Dargian! It must be it! It must be it!!" Everyone saw Lyon, who was about to quarrel with Augie, suddenly clenched his fists tightly, and his tender face turned red with excitement. He kept muttering to himself. He pressed the palms of his hands back... and a red flame spewed out. The whole person left the string like a rocket launcher and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Only a five-foot-wide charred ground is left

"Lion!!" With two exclamation, Ogi and Angelina did not say goodbye and chased Lyon...

Ogi and the others have just left. Yuna and Yero's bracelet began to tremble crazily. Yero raised his jade arm and saw a silver screen pop up. The curtain flashed a few times, and Professor Hod's image came out, and his voice came out anxiously when the link was not stable.

"All the students listen, all the students listen, there are major changes in the depths of the forest!! The trial is cancelled!! All students immediately withdrew from the sunset forest!! Attention!! This is not a suggestion!! This is an order!! The tide of beasts is coming!! A defense line is being formed outside the forest!! Students above the fifth level, please come to help!! Repeat again..." Professor Hod's face was full of solemnness, and his voice was completely roared.

As if to verify Professor Hod's news, the ground began to tremble. This was not an earthquake, but caused by the justice generated by countless monsters running.

Woe is not alone, and it has always been synonymous with disaster...

"Boom...............!!" A dull loud noise detonated deep in the forest. A shock wave that far exceeded the speed of sound followed. It's like a typhoon... Four people protected their heads with their hands and blocked the branches hanging from the storm. Then came a heat wave, baking everyone's face with incomparable heat. The sky in the west has become red, turbulent like an unstable water. That's the visual misleading caused by the intense heat.

"Your Highness, let's withdraw quickly. It's already dangerous here!" Alia's first priority is to protect Yuna's safety. The current situation is very serious, if she doesn't evacuate immediately. She felt that she couldn't protect so many people, so she immediately proposed

Yuna was silent, and her eyes kept flashing...

"We're leaving like this. What about those three guys?" Liu Yunfeng's nature is kind after all. Although he is usually a little heartless, he still chooses to care about others when it comes to life and death.

"Gig...sor... you are really a good person. Since you don't want to leave, how about staying with me here?" Just when four people make a choice. A sweet voice strangely came to their ears...

PS: Ask for a collection................................................................ ...