God Stick Paradise

Chapter 34 Broken Long-cherished Wish

"Is there any mistake!! Just throw us away!! Be sure to spank your ass when you go back!! Kneel in front of my brother and sing conquest!!" Liu Yunfeng complained crazily in his heart... but he immediately changed his mind.

Because Professor Hod's big move was too shocking, too arrogant and too sharp! The students who led to the sight cast their eyes one after another. Of course, I also saw Yuna and Elia soaring all the way. Naturally, I also saw Liu Yunfeng Yero and Tiya flying in.

Yero and Tia, as beautiful women, have naturally aroused the coveted by countless male students. How can such a great opportunity to save beauty be let go!! When they flew in, these male students either rose up or occupied a favorable area.

"All get out of my way!!" There was only a fierce announcement, followed by a crackling sound, punching to the flesh. Then I saw her break through the siege and blockade and happily jump into the arms of a female student...

Tia should be much quieter, covering her eyes with her hands, as if she were at fate. However, when a male student who occupied the best position showed a gentle and silver smile, he was turned over by a stuffy stick behind him, but the two female students separated from Tiya caught her with tears and kept asking her the reason for leaving and the separation.

"Ah!! S senior!!" When Liu Yunfeng was dreaming that he was being caught by a large group of beautiful women, the female students on the ground gave up their seats with a disgusting look.

There was a muffled sound, but Liu Yunfeng hit the ground fiercely with huge resentment and broken long-cherished wish... At this time, he was lying in a large font pit and twitching slightly... He was deeply hurt... His heart is greater than his body...

From time to time, the female students in the surrounding circle looked at him with some kind of colored eyes... It was mainly Liu Yunfeng's 'confession' that made these female students feel lingering and directly classified them into the category of friends. Poor Liu Yunfeng's ambition began to cover the blue continent...

And when Liu Yunfeng and others were being dumped, Yuna and Elia suddenly increased their speed by 40% due to unloading the load! Just as they ran to the last 600 meters, the crack was only about ten feet wide! You can see countless monsters jumping over with glowing claws and fangs!

Yuna's hand pressed violently at the end of the sickle, and a layer of faint light appeared on the sickle blade. The giant sickle began to spin suddenly under her control!

Dark holding method

-Blade of the Underworld!!

The original two-foot-long sickle blade rose more than five times, and the dark curved moon was turned into a rising sun by her. This round of black sun suddenly swept like a meat grinder. Where it passed, countless broken limbs splashed everywhere, and blood sprinkled on her white face, which actually had a thrilling and strange beauty! Just like the flowers blooming on the other side of the Styx River!

Alia, not far behind him, also released her last power! She raised the dark blade and pressed her left finger on the back of the knife.

The secret of the sword returns!

______Chiba Xuanzhan!!

Her dark ink-like sword blade seemed to have soared more than three times. Her wrist was twisted very quickly, and the blade rotated rapidly with the twisting of her wrists, forming a sword storm, which sheltered her behind her. All the monsters will be stirred into pieces by this black storm!!

As they approached the last 200 meters, the two women suddenly stepped, and this step was like a horse lifting their forefoot. Then she trampled down and fell fiercely on the ground. Under their step, the ground under their feet cracked in an instant. The cracks as fine as cobwebs spread over half a meter of where she stepped on within a tenth of a second. Countless gray soil mixed with plasma spewed out of those cracks because of the reaction and raised a ball. Blood fog. And with the power of the earth's anti-shock, they rose to the sky!

As they jumped up, the cracks on the ground closed like the door to the underworld! It was the sound of a piece of flesh and bone impact. Countless monsters were dominated by hatred and rushed to the two women crazily, resulting in a collision after losing their goals...

Yuna and Elia are like mermaids jumping out of the sea, white-winged angels escaping from the underworld. With a magnificent posture, a wonderful arc was drawn in the air, which landed firmly on the ground, and countless eyes of admiration or admiration were projected one after another. As before:

The goddess is coming!

The sad Liu got up from the pit tremblingly, and in the process, his bones crackled like popping beans. He broke his neck with his hands with his expressionless face and put the slightly off-off cervical vertebrae in place. The right hand is punched, and the part under the right shoulder blade is a hammer! It's just a click!

"Ah hiss" No matter how thick his nerves are, he can't help but stand out his eyes and take a breath! Under his series of nonsense. The sunken area of the right chest has finally recovered...

He patted off the dirt on his body, sorted out the clothes that had become very tattered again, and rushed to Yuna. However, his series of behaviors once again made the female students around him look at him more color...

"Yuna!! How's it going? Where's the injury? Let's find a quiet place to check it carefully. If there is any root of the disease... Huh, huh, Miss Elia, would you like to join us? Liu Yunfeng rushed over and directly grabbed Yuna's little hand and stroked it back and forth, asking Yuna's physical condition with concern. Suddenly, there was a surprise in my heart. Why did it seem that Yuna had grown taller? No, this must be an illusion...

In the middle of his words, he sensed a faint murderous atmosphere around him, so he turned his head and looked at Alia with a sunny face. Finally, when a faint red light appeared in Arya's eyes, he put down his small hand as delicate as tofu.

"Stupid Maple! You are so bold again. Be careful that I will use my big saw to help you cut off the source of evil one night!" But Yero's bad voice came over, but he saw her limping over and glanced at someone's navel three inches with an alternative look from time to time.

Liu Yunfeng only felt that her place was swept away by her... She thought that this little Lori was so ferocious that she might dare to do it one day.

Liu Yunfeng didn't notice that when they were making a fuss, Tiya went for treatment under the tears and tenderness of her two female partners. From time to time, she looked back at Liu Yunfeng, but the other party did not notice the tragic girl's eyes at all. After the fifth return to fruitless, Tiya finally drooped. With his eyes, he disappeared into the crowd with his two female companions.

"Ha ha, you little guys are still so energetic, can't you make me, an old guy worry-free?" Professor Hod came to see such a scene, which was really a little ridiculous. That expression was tangled and painful. I had to smile and sigh

"Hold Professor Hod!" Liu Yunfeng and the four turned around when they heard the words and politely greeted Huo De

"Okay, it would be better if it weren't for you." Then the words changed. A big hand full of wrinkles rubbed Liu Yunfeng's head and asked him with a strange smile, "It won't be that you did something again."

"Why did I poke the basket!" Liu Yunfeng couldn't help shouting that he was wronged when he heard the words. He scratched his head depressedly and said

"Hey!" Howard shook his head with a smile, pointed to them and said, "Look at you, except you are all such quiet girls..." The meaning of this is self-evident

Liu Yunfeng's expression was also a little entangled. Although he knew that Professor Hod was flirting with him, the last magic array incident really hurt Professor Hode a lot. Let's take it as a little compensation.

If Professor Hode knew what Liu Yunfeng was thinking, he would definitely bombard him directly into the beast tide not far ahead. What is the harm? That's almost a hiccup, okay!!

Hod saw the expression on his face and immediately became satisfied and nodded slightly. His expression suddenly became serious and he asked seriously, "What happened to you in the forest that can make you so difficult together?"

When Liu Yunfeng heard the words, he looked up at the sky, as if he wanted to see the thick dark clouds in the sky and go straight to the sky. Yero's eyes turned around and looked down at the ground, as if he was very interested in how many ants were on the ground.

Yuna and Alia looked at each other, and after all, Alia said, "Ghost..."

She paused and added, "Complete humanoid sixth-order ghost and god..."

Professor Hod's eyebrows were trivial when he heard the word ghost and god. When he heard the 'complete human form' and the sixth level behind him, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his face suddenly became a little gloomy and scary.

The scene was silent for a moment, as if Howard was digesting some difficult food.

After Huo De's face calmed down slightly, he seemed to ask with difficulty, "Is that the child?"

"Yeah, but it's okay." Elia knew who he was referring to and nodded and replied

"Yeah, take a break. The battle here is about to end." Hod seemed to be a little relieved. He didn't continue to ask in detail, but ordered him to leave in a hurry. Just before he left, he took a deep look at Yuna, as if he was grateful. There is also a trace of imperceptible pity...

Although the remaining two hours were relatively difficult, except for a few rare sixth-order monsters, they were all killed by the professors as quickly as possible, and there was no big basket.

Finally, the news came from there, and Chris, who had been floating in the sky, took out a scroll and stroked it with his right hand, as if touching the smooth skin of his favorite woman. Then he reluctantly pulled it away, and a large section of complicated spells sounded from his mouth, forming complex inscriptions in the air and finally branded them all on the spread scroll, as if to complete the incomplete magic array above. Then, the scroll seemed to come alive, automatically floating up, with a faint green light...

The dark clouds in the sky, which were originally like stagnant water, swirled in the air. Liu Yunfeng looked up at the sky and didn't know when the wind blew his beggar's costume.

"The wind is blowing...!"

PS: Ask for a collection................................................................................