God Stick Paradise

Chapter 39 The Lifeblood Lily

In fact, Liu Yunfeng probably understood that this was a misunderstanding. When the big man called the girl a young lady, he instantly realized that he had become a young man. But at this time, a fighting spirit rose in his heart, and there were not many opportunities to compete with his higher-level opponents without worrying about life. Later, it was as he expected.

The Zarong man only used the same power as himself, but the efficiency of his use of power was much higher than that of himself. It's just like the elders guiding the younger generation. Otherwise, the fist will not be a meat sound, but a dull bone crack. If he shoots with all his strength, Liu Yunfeng even suspects that he can directly break his elbow and then blow a hole in his chest!

He squeezed out a smile awkwardly. Under the extremely strange eyes of the onlookers, he held his fists and sincerely thanked Kowo, "Thank you for your mercy!"

"Ha ha, you are a good boy. This strength is outstanding at the same age! Don't slack off!" Kovo put his hands on his chest and smiled kindly

"Yes, I will follow the instructions of my predecessors, and I will leave first." Liu Yunfeng hugged his fist again with a sincere face and planned to run away.

"Well, you're leaving now. Don't you want the hero to save the beauty? Didn't this beautiful woman run away?" Seeing his appearance, he couldn't help showing a joking smile, took another strange step and came to Liu Yunfeng's side, and put his right hand on his shoulder.

Liu Yunfeng suddenly felt that his body was pressed by a hill. His legs were several times, and his blue veins jumped out again. The marble floor under his feet slowly cracked, but he could not move half of it. He turned his head back mechanically, and the expression on his face was even more entangled. He said to Kovo with a bitter face, "Senior, let me go. I won't be so reckless again next time."

Kovo looked straight again and said seriously, "Well, that's right. Sooner or later, something will happen if you are so reckless to you today. Genius is the easiest to die. Saying this, his eyes became extremely vicissitudes, like emotion and self-deprecating.

Liu Yunfeng heard that this was his heartfelt words and couldn't help but have a good impression on this Uncle Zarong. I nodded hard.

Only then was Kovo satisfied, and his voice was also a little more cordial. He patted Liu Yunfeng on the shoulder and said, "Well, this temperament is very good. Listen to the advice of the predecessors. That's right..." Just as he was about to let Liu Yunfeng go.

But Yeluo's voice came from behind Liu Yunfeng: "Uncle Kovo! Why are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time! Uh-huh, let me introduce it. This is Yuna, Elia, en, this guy's name is Liu Yunfeng. Hey, stupid Feng, why did you get into trouble with my uncle?" Yero ran over happily, pulled up Uncle Kovo's arm thicker than her thighs and shook it. Introduced several people one by one, and then turned his head to question Liu Yunfeng with a strange face.

"Yo, why is Yero here? Ha ha, the world is so small that you can meet it. Isn't this stinky girl Audrey sneaking out again? It's really not reassuring, you guys? Uncle Kovo actually knew Yero and smiled into a** when he saw her originally resolute face. But then when Yeluo introduced Liu Yunfeng, he was stunned for a moment and nod to several young people who saluted him.

"Ah...!! Yero! I miss you so much!" This time, Audrey rushed directly to Yero, hung on Yero's neck like a koala, constantly rubbing Yero's face, and said excitedly in a tone like a resentful woman who had been hungry and thirsty for decades and finally saw a man.

Liu Yunfeng was stunned. Why was this scene so familiar? A girl named Kris suddenly came to his mind. Is this girl Yero the legendary murderer Lily!? His eyes suddenly appeared with a faint green light and looked at the girl holding together in front of him.

Yero has a sad face and can't avoid it. As the two pairs of undeveloped small breasts rubbed against each other, a touch of flush appeared on Yero's face. But then she suddenly looked behind Audrey and didn't see the demon-like man appear in her heart, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Audrey obviously knew what the other party was afraid of. Her chin was on her shoulder and her mouth was close to her ear. Containing Yeluo's crystal earlobe, he said leisurely, "My brother didn't come. If only you had followed him! Then we can live a happy world of three people together..."

Liu Yunfeng, who pricked up his ears next to him and listened to the corner of the wall, suddenly thought like thunder! It became blank, but then he roared crazily in his heart, "Is there any mistake!! What is the situation? Lily? Brother and sister? Double flight? Three P?? If only I were her brother! Bah, I'm not a sister-controlled!!" What is the taste of the five flavors in your heart? Empty, lonely and cold? Envy and hatred?

When Yero heard this, his face suddenly turned pale, and his hair stood upside down. He pressed his hands on Audrey's shoulders and pushed her away and shouted, "I don't want it!!"

Audrey turned her head and said distressed, "This doesn't work. My brother seems to have asked the queen for marriage. Besides, your father didn't object. Ge Ge, this time, you can't run away"

This time, it was Yero's turn to thunder in his mind, and she was stunned for a moment. She inserted her ten fingers into her hair and scratched it, muttering to herself nervously in her mouth: "How can there be such a ridiculous thing? How come? I don't want to marry her! No, I'm going back to find my father! I want to meet the queen! I don't want it, I don't want it...!!" Yero actually cried with his head in his arms and ran away in the direction of the college...

Yuna and Elia opened their mouths slightly from beginning to end, as if the farce in front of them made them indigestion. Liu Yunfeng was still wandering in a previous shock. But when he saw Yero's appearance, he woke up and said goodbye to the helpless Kovo and Audrey with an innocent face, and chased after him.

The sunset fell from the sky, and the golden afterglow pulled the shadows of them into slender lines...

"Is this really going to happen?" Kovo also asked in disbelief

"Ye�, there's nothing we can do. The hidden dangers of her blood can only be suppressed through the secret methods of our family. This is also for her good." At this moment, Audrey seemed to have changed into a person in an instant, as if she had matured much, and her expression on her face was not like an unconsidered girl at all.

"Well, should you go back with me now?" Covo looked at Audrey and mentioned the old story again, with a strong meaning if you didn't go back with me.

Ah? All right, at least when I go back this time, I will never be bored, gurg..." Audrey's mature charm suddenly collapsed, as if she had changed back to a girl.

PS: The second chapter is sent. Ask for a collection.......................