God Stick Paradise

Chapter 45 Only lust and love

A touch of morning light spread along the window, immediately climbed into the room, and finally shone on the body of the young man lying on the bed like a pile of mud.

In the morning light, the young man's closed eyes trembled slightly. After a moment, his body suddenly sat up and his eyes suddenly opened! As his eyes opened, an unusually strong breath, like a waking sleeping lion, suddenly spread out of Liu Yunfeng's body and filled the whole room.

Thousands of sword shadows flashed in his dark eyes. The nightgown on the surface of his body was windless and automatic. After such a moment, the sword shadow in his eyes slowly dissipated, and the nightgown on his body also quietly fell and attached to the skin.

Feeling more than twice the power in his body than before, Liu Yunfeng's eyes flashed a little joy and a faint worry. Is this breaking through the fifth-order power? But for that woman, it may still be a little difficult...

Jumping out of bed, Liu Yunfeng washed at will, and then took a set of clothes and changed it on his body. He couldn't help thinking of Yero's words last night: "Kasand is a very strange family. Each of them is charming, but there is no man!... ”

"There is no man, he..." Liu Yunfeng showed a strange smile and then pushed the door out.

The three women of Yuna and Blanco had already been waiting in the hall. Liu Yunfeng, who walked out of the inner room, were all stunned. In their perception, Liu Yunfeng was originally like being shrouded in fog, which was difficult to figure out, but the breath at this time was like a sharp sword out of the sheath, which was sharp, but the breath was extremely unstable. Generally, there is only one explanation for this. He has advanced.

The happiest of the three women is just Yero. Two days later, his duel with Catherine was related to his own fate. Blanco laughed heartlessly and patted Liu Yunfeng on the shoulder to encourage him. Elia looked at him coldly, curled her lips slightly and muttered, "Good luck. The dead bedbug." Yuna is the most bland, because she can't express her feelings...

When the carriage in which Liu Yunfeng and the five people took came to the commercial center of the imperial capital, they looked at the almost endless black and suppressed people, and suddenly felt speechless. There were really many people in this imperial capital.

After several twists and turns, they finally came to the auction house. When the two well-dressed waiters at the door saw Liu Yunfeng getting out of the car in front of the door, they immediately opened the door for them, with a humble and respectful smile and a kind smile.

After entering the golden hall, a tall waitress soon greeted her. Yero, a landlord, casually pulled out a Hiling gold coupon and stuffed it into the hand of the waitress.

"Five people, please follow me." The waitress bowed slightly, smiled cleverly, and led the five people into a room on the second floor.

After entering the door, Liu Yunfeng first saw a white jade pool in the front corner. The maid twisted the throat of the golden lion above the pool. A warm spring brought out of the heat. She took out another pot of unknown ** and dumped it in the pool. Then she crushed a dried petal and spilled it on the water, and the strong aroma suddenly spread in the room.

Liu Yunfeng looked around like a country bumpkin. The furnishings in this small house are simple and clear. In addition to the pool, there is only a table, a chair and a beautifully decorated wardrobe. A large number of exquisite murals are engraved on the surrounding marble walls, which are very exquisite and lifelike.

The waitress reached out to test the water temperature, closed the water throat, twisted her buttocks and went out.

"Change" Yeluo opened the wardrobe, took out a black robe from it and threw it on Liu Yunfeng's head. Three more sets were thrown to Yuna, Elia and Blanco.

"What are you doing? Are we here to take a shower? Liu Yunfeng asked inexplicably, and Blanco was also looking at Yero.

"Idiot Feng, this is an auction house, not a bathhouse. This is for smoking clothes. As for this black robe, let's wear it. After all, the auction is one of the easiest places to complain about. Yero fiercely despised the two hillbilities, put on a black robe and said, "I just paid the entrance fee of 400 gold coins as soon as I entered. This money bought this array of incense, you know, in the capital of Xiling. Only people with smoked fragrance are the symbols of the rich!"

When Liu Yunfeng saw several people who had been dressed, he felt that this was similar to the clothes of Saudi Arabia in his previous life, with a big headscarf and a sand towel covering his face. He dragged the ground with horns, which was extremely wide. After wearing it, he showed a pair of eyes.

Liu Yunfeng had no choice but to put it on and looked at the mirror on the wardrobe, feeling that he was Benla, a former al-Qaeda leader. Shen Yun, well, it seems that he really has some potential to be a terrorist.

"Let's go" Yero led Yuna and Elia out, and Liu Yunfeng and Blanco followed hurriedly.

Several of them followed the waitress to the top floor of the building. About a few minutes later, the view in front of them suddenly became spacious, and then a giant auction house appeared in the sight of several people.

Looking at the dense auction venue full of how many seats there are, Liu Yunfeng couldn't help marveling twice. It was the first time he had seen such a large auction in his life. Compared with this, the auction he saw on TV in his previous life was undoubtedly a small witch and completely incomparable.

At this moment, the huge auction house is full of many people, so all kinds of voices gathered together and sounded a little noisy.

As soon as they stepped into the door of the hall, there was a good-looking and extremely hotly dressed maid quickly and said respectfully, "I don't know if the five adults have booked a VIP seat?"

Liu Yunfeng and Blanco's eyes involuntarily swept over the clothes and transparent maids, and found that some of them were almost difficult to hide and leaked out. The merchants in this imperial capital are different. They are all big profiteers, making such a group of beautiful ladies dressed like this to stand there. Uncles who don't come to the auction will also come to glance at it.

In Liu Yunfeng's astonishment, a low hum suddenly sounded from his side. Then he smiled awkwardly. Yeluo came forward from his side and took out a sign of unknown material from her ring and handed it over.

took over the sign, and the maid looked more respectful and humble on her cheeks. She bowed respectfully to the five people and bowed and said, "Five lords, please follow me." After saying that, she turned around, shook her slender waist like a snake's waist, and led the way forward. After that, Liu Yunfeng hurriedly followed without squinting.

The five people followed the maid around several lanes in the auction house. After a long time, they finally stopped near the front row of the auction house, and then bowed back.

In the hall in front of us, every inch of the ground is paved with grass-thick carpets, surrounded by different styles and ancient sculptures. Directly opposite is a marble platform covered with flowers, about two meters high, with a beautiful curtain behind it. In the front row of the auction house, there are small rooms with unique shapes, which look particularly luxurious.

There are many small fountains in the center of the hall, and comfortable chairs with exquisite decorations are placed around the fountain. Generally speaking, it is rare to see such a luxurious scene. Blanco, a country bumpkin, didn't know where to go for a moment before.

When they entered this room, Yuna suddenly stopped and looked back. Liu Yunfeng saw that her face was different and forgot to go there. They were two people in black robes. They should be a man and a woman, but he didn't find anything strange.

Yuna shook her head, as if she was suspicious, so she pulled Liu Yunfeng into the room. As soon as she entered it, the noise behind her seemed to be isolated. Looking down, she happened to have a good view of every corner of the center of the auction house.

Just as soon as they entered the room, the black-robed man and woman behind them raised their eyes.

"I didn't expect to run into it, but it seems that she found it." Among them, the slightly smaller man in black opened his mouth slightly and said softly to another man in black next to him. The black square scarf only showed a blood-red eye, and there was a golden inscription around her pupil!

"It doesn't matter. The part on her body can be slowed down. That's what the owner said..." The man in black patted his side, revealing a white and slender hand. The originally perfect hand had a thick old comet between his thumb and forefinger.

In the box set by Yeluo, Liu Yunfeng sat restlessly on his master's chair and looked at a sculpture beside him. This is a broken-armed woman carved with sheep fat jade. Although there was already a crack on the old surface, the amazing carving skills still made it flawless. This goddess The statue ** is straight and crispy. The chest and silk robe slipped under the navel, and the key parts were almost exposed.

Yero noticed Liu Yunfeng's eyes and slowly explained: "This statue was carved based on the Queen of Loulan before the unification of the Moke Dynasty. It has been more than 20,000 years ago. Did you see her broken arm? After completion, the sculptor felt that the arms were too perfect and cut them off angrily. At that time, the king of Loulan cut off his head for devagating the majesty of the queen of the country. Although this statue is a imitation, it is well imitated, with the charm of the queen's smile.

"If that old bastard was still alive, I would have cut off his head. His grandma's! How can you play sculpture like this! Why didn't he slide this silk robe down an inch? Liu Yunfeng suddenly patted the leaning and said sadly and indignantly.

Blanco nodded his head with deep approval and showed a simple smile.

The three daughters of Yero sighed at the same time. They really can't imagine why there is only color left in the eyes of these two people with such a perfect work of art. Love?