God Stick Paradise

Chapter 49 Non-Other

Just as the two crossed more than half of the field like a phantom and were about to approach the edge, the machete in Catherine's hand suddenly moved and cut on the spine of Liu Yunfeng's sword. If you slowed down the time a hundred times, you can see that Catherine's seemingly knife was overlapping dozens of knives. All this finally made the other party's sword deflected by two centimeters, crossed in front of her jade strength, and stabbed the stone pillar outside the sacrificial platform!

"With a sigh, this sword actually pierced the stone pillar made of Huajing jade steel! Although there is only a little, it is indeed the scar left on this stone pillar. That's the gorgeous jade steel that claims to be indestructive below the seventh level!

The pupils under Catherine's mask suddenly shrank, and she could imagine the consequences of this sword hitting her body. Her sixth-order body may not be able to withstand such a blow.

Then in everyone's stunned eyes, the whole sword bent into an incredible U-shaped. If it is an ordinary sword, it will definitely collapse into pieces under such strong pressure and deformation!

Good opportunity!

After Catherine dodged Liu Yunfeng's western sword, she gently put on the broad back of the machete with the middle finger of her left hand, and a silver crescent moon that was beautiful and did not look like what the world should have appeared between her fingers. She pressed on Liu Yunfeng like a wind, as if to launch a fierce counterattack with the opponent's weapon piercing Yugang.

Her arm suddenly shook, with silver gas like the moon, gushing out along the silver moon, and finally turned into a three-foot-long illusory knife shadow, cutting off Liu Yunfeng's waist in front of her. The curved moon with silver light made a sneer when passing through the air! With such a knife, even if there is a small hill in front of you, you can directly flatten it!

The terrible energy created by the swing of the crescent moon. Some powerful nobles in the stands couldn't help jumping. The more powerful you are, the more you know how horrible such power is.

Before the silver knife shadow arrived, a fierce knife wind came to his face, but Liu Yunfeng could not throw any expression on his face. Suddenly, his body shook above the soles of his feet. The blue light suddenly gushed out. A layer of white frost-like ice on the ground spread rapidly, and Liu Yunfeng's body shook and sneered. Blu-ray. His figure actually flashed back nearly 30 meters. That speed. It's a little shockingly fast.

Just as his figure was still bursting, his hands raised the sword in his hand over his head. The blue light suddenly brightened, and a large amount of white water mist condensed in the air in an instant, and rushed to the sword. Endless ice condensed on the sword, and in an instant, the whole sword was more than five times larger. This is like Compared with that sword, his people look extremely small. But such a small person dragged a mountain together with his hands! An icy sword mountain!

"When will this bug be able to use water elements? And can it be chilled?" Aelia's willow eyebrows frowned tighter. What happened to Liu Yunfeng made her confused. She shook her head gently, put her hands around her chest, and took a deep breath. This made her peak, which is much larger than that of ordinary human women, look up again, and almost interpret this noun that makes men in the world infinitely reverie, which is a heavy weight enough to amaze cows!

She didn't know that her action made some of the surrounding nobles look straight. Even the wonderful battles on the sacrificial platform were forgotten.

The sudden falling temperature in the air made the bodyguard around the queen's eyes slightly narrow and feel the strong horizontal energy condensed by the long sword in Liu Yunfeng's hand, which is full of extreme rage energy, just like an iceberg about to fall into the sea! If it is broken...

The bodyguard made a gesture. A translucent elemental shield wraps the whole sacrificial table. The whole square is like entering spring again from the cold winter.

"I used such a powerful skill at the beginning. Do you want to make a quick decision? Humph!" Catherine under the mask squinted at the rapidly rising energy of the long sword in Liu Yunfeng's hand and frowned slightly. She also raised the full moon machete in her hand over her head, and the silver moon began to rotate wildly. Suddenly, the silver machete almost turned into a wind wheel, and the wind blew away all the broken ice around it. With the crazy rotation of the silver moon, the body surface was also suddenly silvery, and a trace of silver light was like a little snake. Shrinking and looking from afar, Catherine was almost like a silver ball of light, and on the surface of the ball of light, there were countless silver tentacles.

At this moment, the long sword in Liu Yunfeng's hand suddenly split, like an iceberg in the northern polar continent falling into the sea! The bombardment hit the hard floor, and in an in anxting moment, the earth-shaking explosion sounded. When they saw Liu Yunfeng, who seemed to have knocked down an iceberg and felt the terrible power contained in the sword, the sound of an uproar continuously on the stands.

Immediately, under countless shocking eyes, countless huge ice thorns pressed towards Catherine as if they were growing from the ground. Where the blue ripples passed, the white ice spread like lightning. The glacier is like a winding python, which is too fast to react.

Out of the field, everyone could only see the blue light flashing on the altar. Even if they saw the crackling ice crackling all the way, and then, everyone heard the deafening explosion and hurriedly looked along the sound, but they saw the place where Catherine was, which was in the direction of Catherine.

The sound of the wind over Catherine suddenly stopped, but the silver moon in her hand turned like a wind wheel and stayed still in her palm. However, the current full moon machete has almost completely been transformed into a thunder! On the body of the knife, the electric light flashed, and during this period, there was even the sound of thunder. The machete moved slightly, which was the horrible energy that had caused the space to fluctuate.

Just under the pressure of the blue glacier, a touch of decisiveness flashed in her eyes, holding the long knife and on one side of her feet. In an instant, the long knife, mixed with the sound of thunder, banged on the hard floor. In an instant, the second earth-shaking explosion sound appeared in heaven and earth. A thick silver arc burst out from the place where the long knife was close to the ground!

Then I remembered the third explosion, which far overwhelmed the first two times. It was like a landslide and a crackling explosion!

The shield began to tremble violently, and then I only saw that the 3,000-meter-wide sacrificial table was instantly filled with this blue and silver color! Just like Taiji!

But under the sound and gorgeous scenery, it is full of ice guns and arcs that can kill professionals below the sixth level at any time! The sacrificial platform is like a glass box thrown into a firecracker at this moment.

And the box has reached its limit, and countless cobweb-like cracks began to appear on the shield!

The bodyguard frowned slightly, raised his hand, and another thicker translucent shield spread down the periphery of the viewing table.

As soon as he finished this, there was a loud bang, and the glass box collapsed into fragments all over the sky! Countless ice guns and electric arcs gushed out and spread hundreds of meters, hitting the second shield on the stand. The shield began to fluctuate violently again, but Fortunately, the potential energy had been used up and began to slowly subside.

In this situation, countless people in the stands swallowed a mouthful of saliva. I'm afraid that even the aftermath of such terrorist attacks can make them seriously injured or even die on the spot, right?

The energy turbulence slowly reced, and countless ice crumbs floated in the air without a sound. The people among them seemed to turn into dust under the terrible collision.

In the field, the ice crumbs gradually fell, and it was quiet outside the square. Countless eyes stared at it closely, but the steel dragon sword was inserted into the hard floor and appeared in full view of the public first.

After a while, the still strong wind completely blew away the ice crumbs, but two figures stood together, and Catherine's machete stopped on Liu Yunfeng's neck.......

There was another uproar in the stands.

"Lost? How is that possible? Isn't there still a lot of useless cards!! Oh, my God! That idiot won't forget!! Ah.....!!" Yero felt that he was going crazy! She inserted her ten fingers into her hair and kept scratching, destroying the hair accessories that had been hard to take care of in the morning. Bei's teeth bit his pink lips, and his eyes seemed to be filled with endless water mist. That look can make any man feel sorry for it.

"The madman won't wither, will he? It seems that he has to get him a perfect tonic soup when he goes back." Blanco touched his chin and muttered to himself.

Yuna and Alia looked at each other, as if they saw the same thing in each other's eyes, and their bodies were tense at the same time.

I don't know when countless clouds gathered from elsewhere in the western sky. These clouds swirled and rolled in the air and merged into a huge and terrible storm cloud.

The queen stood up, holding a scepter with a head taller than her in her right hand. She looked up at the sky, and the wind blew her dress rustlingly. She suddenly felt a little uneasy, because the direction of the storm was exactly where the tutor went. She took a deep breath, raised her little hand, and announced the result of the game loudly: "Keiser. Gna. Cassander wins!"

And those nobles all stood up and waved the white gloves in their hands, paying tribute to the winners.

"Two warriors, please come forward"

Catherine and Liu Yunfeng slowly walked to the high platform, stopped when they were still 100 steps away from the Queen and knelt on one knee.

The maid brought a silver plate, in which was a circle of woven olive branches. At the moment when the queen turned around, the western sky was extremely distorted, and the originally huge and terrible storm cloud suddenly collapsed!

A ripple of twisted space came from the sky and crossed the sacrificial platform almost in an instant! This is a horrible subsound!

At this moment, it seems that there is no other sound between heaven and earth! Many nobles can only see the mouths of the people around them, but they can't hear what they are talking about anyway.

The fierce sound wave instantly swept the space where they could see, and everyone had a brief deafness. Yuna and the four of them subconsciously opened their mouths, because Liu Yunfeng had told them that only in this situation can they protect their eardrums from harm.

And those nobles obviously did not understand their way of protecting themselves. Among them, several blood lines flowed from the ears of the weak. In more serious cases, they simply lay on the ground and vomited.

It's now!!

Liu Yunfeng, who was kneeling on one knee, suddenly straightened his back, like a tense siege crossbow! With the low sound of the long sword out of its sheath! His bent right leg suddenly straightened, and his three fingers dragged the steel dragon sword and shot at the queen! That speed! It's twice as fast as in his duel just now! In the vision of those fallen aristocrats, only a strange spark of the line left by the blade on the ground and the blue light sliding rapidly in the air!

"Sure enough, it's not him!!" Yuna and Alia's bodies also shot towards the queen...

PS: Ask for a collection......................................