God Stick Paradise

Chapter 53 Three Steps to capture the king

The rain became heavier, and the dense raindrops instantly moistened a water curtain on the ground.

At this time, on the water curtain, it is like a blue dragon galloping!

The speed of 'Liu Yunfeng' was so fast that almost everyone did not react. They were all dulled for a moment by the shock wave caused by the collapse of the thunderstorm cloud drill in the sky.

If no one hinders 'Liu Yunfeng', then for him, it only takes three steps between these 100 meters and this moment! He can

capture the king!!!

But just as his legs were straight and ready to take the first step, a dark crescent moon hit his head!

Da Damn!!' Liu Yunfeng's unsurprised face showed his expression for the first time, but it looked extremely strange, as if it was unreal. He lifted the long sword in his hand and blocked the curved moon.

A sound of gold and iron clashed on the top of Hilling Mountain, which was originally silent!

The light on the curved moon suddenly collapsed, revealing its original face _______ a giant black sickle.

But the huge weight and momentum made the long sword in Liu Yunfeng's hand buzz, and also made his figure a pause!

But this is the meal! The sound of the golden stone attack woke everyone up! The chief bodyguard was the first to react. Escort...!!" The original thick voice seemed so sharp at this moment, and the two words representing the highest crisis resounded across the whole top of Hilling Mountain!

Then there was a sound of a neat long sword coming out of the sheath. The imperial guards who served as honor guards on both sides of the road pulled out their weapons one after another and stepped out to close in the middle, like a gate that was about to close!

The 27 imperial guards around the queen pulled out the big shield from behind and came forward to form a three-layer tower shield.

Catherine, who was originally beside Liu Yunfeng, also reacted and chased the figure in front of her, but she couldn't keep up at all!

At this time, the first step of 'Liu Yunfeng' has been taken, and a water lotus has stepped on the water curtain! Just as he was about to take the second step!

Abrupt black light with majestic vigor. From the pressure of the sky. There was a series of sound explosions in mid-air.

Fee the majestic momentum above his head, and the face of 'Liu Yunfeng' was strangely distorted again.

"san...!!" There was another roar in his heart! The arm trembled, and the cold blade cut up diagonally, and the speed was outrageous! The blade directly split the figure in the sky in half, but the figure turned into a black smoke to dissipate, which was Elia's secret illusion.

This blow once again made the figure of 'Liu Yunfeng' a pause! This meal. So the two guards blocked most of the intersection, and the three-layer tower shield in front of the queen had taken shape! Twenty-seven long guns of three feet clustered from the cracks in the tower shield!

'Liu Yunfeng's right foot on the ground for the second time exerted strength again and shot like a siege crossbow! At the moment his body started, he suddenly made a crisp sound, like a whip swinging in the air.

He seemed to be wrapped in a sense of unsuccessful vitality. His high-speed moving body, coupled with the terrible attack speed, made his sword moves extremely terrible.

The palace armor, which was almost injured by a sword, has become more fragile than paper and strong muscles in front of his blue sword. It is just pieces of tofu. 'Liu Yunfeng' is like a cold wind blowing in the far north. Every sword is waved out, and the guards behind him are the same. A frozen statue!

It also takes time for the ice to blood. 'Liu Yunfeng' waved his sword and stabbed the enemy's body in front of him. When the blue light invaded the body through blood, the high-speed moving figure not only had already gone, but also the flashing sword light had pierced the body of the next bodyguard. The wound of the previous bodyguard bloomed when the sword was pulled out, and then the white frost quickly spread from the wound, but in an instant it became an ice sculpture, but not long after, the ice sculpture cracked, and finally turned into a white smoke and dissipated with the wind...

All the nobles looked at the strange scene with stunned, as if the whole person of 'Liu Yunfeng' had integrated into the blue sword light and passed through the crowd at an incredible speed. Behind him, a ton of blood rain bloomed one after another, and rows of ice sculptures turned into smoke and dust one after another.

Those imperial guards with fifth-order strength, some of whom didn't even have time to react, have become ice sculptures that have lost their lives and burst into explosion! This almost artistic killing gave people the illusion that the warriors turned into sad ice sculptures in groups, and finally turned into a white smoke and died.

Only for a moment, the warriors have disappeared collectively. Only the weapons and armor they wear fell on the ground with the same ice and rolled slowly. This is the only proof they can leave and represent their existence.

"Papa...!!"' Liu Yunfeng's third step landed, and the rainwater was drained in an instant. On the way, the rain turned into clusters of ice drills and flew out. The next moment! He seemed to turn into a bowling ball like a cannonball! Ignoring the 27 big guns with metallic luster, they absolutely smashed into the tower shield!

"Bum...!!" The bodies of the three tower shield guards in the center involuntarily rose into the air, and then smashed mottled blood flowers on the ground with a bang. Under this terrible physical impact, a chilling human-shaped pit appeared on the solid tower shield, and one of the tower shields was even directly cut in half!

Liu Yunfeng, who broke through the tower shield, greeted him with a golden broad sword raised above his head. He accumulated all his strength and cut. Before this cut fell, the shocking sword spirit split the rain curtain sprinkled in the sky in half!

But Liu Yunfeng's action is faster! A cold light pulled out like lightning, with a soft sound, and the golden broad sword was broken into two sections by the blue light in the bodyguard's unbelievable's eyes! The shocking sword accumulated by the bodyguard suddenly collapsed with the broken sword.

"What kind of sword is this?" The bodyguard who broke the sword didn't know whether it was doubt or frightened.

Just as the blue light was about to be cut on the bodyguard's neck, a crossbow with only the length of index finger flew out from the hair above the bodyguard's ear with a spiral, scratching like a meteor...

A silver light was printed in the black pupil of 'Liu Yunfeng', and his head suddenly tilted. The crossbow almost brushed the tip of his nose, mixed with a unique metal and a smell of corruption, and the turbulent wind even cut off several hairs on his forehead. That's the smell of poison!

This person really exists! A dark shadow flew out of the queen's shadow!

A silver dagger shining with gray light seemed to appear out of thin air and stabbed his throat!

'Liu Yunfeng's right foot stepped on the steps. With the reaction force of this step, the whole person's speed flew back. At the same moment, a sword waved away the bodyguard in front of the queen!

And the figure holding the dagger followed casually, and the distance between the dagger and his throat slowly approached from one centimeter to a little!

In an instant, 'Liu Yunfeng' seemed to feel the coldness on the tip of the dagger blade. Before he actually touched it, the pores on his throat knot suddenly tightened and his hair stood upright!

Seeing that the force of the step could not keep up with the speed of the dagger approaching, his hands were like birds spreading their wings, pressing forward like blue light, and the air where he pressed suddenly made a slight explosion, and the air in the space was suddenly squeezed to burst!

This huge explosive power not only pushed Liu Yunfeng's figure, but also affected the famous shadow guard. The cold wind that blew up pushed the shadow guard away, making him unable to catch up with himself for a while. He also pushed him away from the queen.

This moment! An empty door appeared in front of the queen!

"Raphael.....!!" Liu Yunfeng, who flew away, made a shout that resounded to the top of Xiling Mountain. That voice is not Liu Yunfeng's!!

The sound has just been made. At the end of the road, a dressed noble girl came out of the crowd, and a long red whip shot out of her hand. If you can slow down the speed dozens of times, you can see that the long whip is made of countless red inscriptions! The red light is close to the speed of sound! And the shadow guards and bodyguards who can catch up with the speed were forced back by 'Liu Yunfeng'!

Catherine, who originally chased 'Liu Yunfeng', felt an extreme danger behind her. On the side of her upper body, the red light passed by her side by a margin! It's staggered with the retreating figure again! Shoot straight to the face and keep the calm queen!

At this moment, everyone's eyes showed despair, but the red light that was about to shoot through the queen's heart was wrapped around the scepter in the queen's hand!

They are so hard, but they are for that scepter!

When the scepter came out, only a few people's faces changed greatly! In their opinion, that scepter is more important than the queen's life!

As the scepter flew out, Queen Katyusha collapsed on the ground. She looked at her empty hands. The calmness on her face finally collapsed and she sobbed gently. "Sister, I'm really useless. I can't even protect the only thing you gave me..."

Catherine looked at the scepter that flew to her. When she was about to grab it, the retreating figure suddenly turned around. Her left hand held the scepter first. As soon as she twisted her right wrist, the long sword then lifted it up. Catherine also stepped under her feet and her body burst back, but the mask on her face was cut in half by the strong wind brought up by the blade. ! She showed a delicate face, but she was not Catherine under the mask! But her sister Audrey!

Neither side of this duel is himself!!

Just as the sword was about to stab Audrey's eyebrows, the sword was taken back. When the figure was staggered, I heard a sentence in my ear: "I never kill women..."

"Who the hell are you?" Audrey paused and couldn't help asking.

The voice of "a loyal man" becomes smaller with the rapid departure of the man...

PS: Please collect..................................