God Stick Paradise

Chapter 59 Queen's Asylum

Looking at the doomsday scene like the collapse of the sky, Catherine was determined, withdrew her right foot, and threw Longinus in her hand at the goddess. The gun body drew a red mark in the air and was picked up by the bodyguard who had been waiting there for a long time. He turned around and knelt on one knee and put Longine with both hands. Nuss presented.

And Queen Katyusha, who stood in front of the statue of the Empress, took the long gun calmly and began to recite a complicated ancient divine text, as if she were singing and praying. The blood-red gun in her hand began to change. The two blades slowly twisted together, and a golden shell quickly condensed on it, like a seal. It actually returned to its original appearance. Turned back to the luxurious golden scepter.

But it's not over yet. Katyusha held it with both hands and inserted it into the only groove. Then he stepped back two steps, put his hands around his chest, and began to sing.

Huo Ranjian, the chief bodyguard beside him also put his hands together with a solemn expression, and his mouth also began to sing softly. Although the voice was slight, it was full of the most pious and even tragic power.

It seems to be a signal and a fuse. All the nobles behind the bodyguard made the same action. They did not kneel down like those gods, but just put their hands around their chests, but this does not affect everyone's piety at all, and even the prayer effect at this moment is good. It seems to be far beyond those believers of God.

In the palace on the mountainside, the guards put down their weapons one after another, and the blood thorn knights who had rushed to the top of the mountain stopped and began to pray with their hands.......

In the city at the foot of the mountain, the panicked and desperate people heard the singing on Hilling Holy Mountain, as if they had forgotten their fear and despair. They walked out of the house and began to pray...

At this moment, it seems that the spark has been a prairie. With the singing from the top of the mountain, on the mountainside, at the foot of the mountain... Finally, almost all the people of the Hilling continent began to sing and pray...

Everyone's energy is highly concentrated, as if to explode their lifelong energy at this moment.

Liu Yunfeng took a deep breath and found that he could clearly sense the huge power in the air. Is this the power of faith? It should be. At this time, the dense concentration was extremely high, almost reaching a surging level. These strange forces gathered towards the statue of the queen. At this moment, he suddenly found that a scattered strange force had entered his heart. He, who was originally depressed, felt that he had improved, and the injury in his body recovered several times faster.

What's going on? Although this amount is not very large, only equivalent to one hundred millionth of this space, he does feel that some energy to escape has entered his body. And this is also beyond his control.

The sea water in the sky is under rapid pressure, but the time seems to be particularly long at this moment.

When the strange force on the stone statue seemed to reach a certain critical point, the stone statue suddenly began to emit a milky white light. The light was not bright at the beginning, but almost everyone could see it, and every ordinary person could see it.

When I saw the light appear, everyone in the Xiling Continent boiled up, and the already powerful power of faith seemed to expand unbelievably again in an instant.

And the stone statue, which was originally only slightly glowing, suddenly lit up. Just as the sea was about to press on the stone statue, a milky aperture came from the scepter held by the stone statue, covering the whole Xiling continent in an instant. A huge amount of seawater slapped on it, but it was motionless and as solid as a rock. And the light mask began to rise slowly...

Some people who had closed their eyes suddenly heard some screams, which was not a scream of fear, but a witness to miracles and the joy of the rest of their lives. At this moment, the whole Xiling continent seemed to boil. Some people mutter to themselves "mights" or "Queen's manifestation"...

Liu Yunfeng, who looked at this scene, was also a little shocked. He opened his mouth and asked Yuna beside him, "Is there really a god in this world?"

Yuna didn't expect that he would also ask such a question. She turned her head and was silent, raised her hand and wrote, "Yes." He seemed to answer uncertainly. She doesn't know how to be called a god in Liu Chuanfeng's cognition, so she can't give a positive answer.

"Is this an exchange? Or, a conversion?" Liu Yunfeng frowned and suddenly said amazingly.

Youna's big pure eyes suddenly widened and hurriedly covered Liu Yunfeng's mouth. I looked around a few times. Fortunately, Liu Yunfeng's voice was not very loud when he first asked, while most of the others were immersed in the shock and joy brought by the miracle. Is this guy too bold to dare to blashem other people's beliefs like this, and he is not afraid that the whole people of Xiling will crush him.

Because Liu Yunfeng's head was higher than Yuna's, Yuna's whole upper body pressed on Liu Yunfeng's body when she made this move, which was soft. Originally, this was a very enjoyable thing, but why is it hard? This armor should be killed by heaven...


Just when Liu Yunfeng was extremely painful and entangled, a waiter came forward and saluted their party respectfully, saying that the queen had invited him.

When they arrived, the whole sacrificial platform in front of the queen statue had restored the original order. The nobles could not see any difference except that their faces were a little pale. Liu Yunfeng also saw Katyusha, the queen who smiled at them at the end of the road, and he almost dropped his eyes. Liu Yunfeng never thought that Her Majesty Queen Xiling, who dominated hundreds of millions of creatures, was a girl's Loli, and seemed to be a very delicious Loli. Some shameless person thinks so in his head.

Just as they and Catherine were about to salute to the Queen, they were stopped by Katyusha. And Katyusha actually saluted them with a stunned look and said with a warm smile, "It was your bravery that saved Xiling. On behalf of Xiling, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you." With this, she took a deep look at Liu Yunfeng, who was a little uncomfortable.

Then a series of awards were given to everyone, but when it came to Liu Yunfeng and Catherine, Katyusha asked them to make a request for themselves. Because the two of them are the main heroes this time.

Liu Yunfeng's eyes suddenly became hot, but he was instantly extinguished by Yero beside him with some meaningful eyes. He knew what the girl wanted him to do, so he had to bravely say, "Then, can I ask Yelo to cancel the marriage contract with Kaiser?" As soon as this statement came out, the whole mountaintop fell into a strange silence.

Katyusha's expression was also strange when she heard the words, and replied with some embarrassment, "I'm really sorry. I can't decide this request." With that, Catherine looked at the person concerned strangely.

Catherine smiled evilly at Liu Yunfeng and took a deep breath and said, "I don't agree!"



The award ceremony ended in Liu Yunfeng's speechlessness in Yeluo's grief and indignation, but the farce was still endless. Finally, Catherine proposed to compare again, and the queen chose the battlefield on a wild continent called Chiyan. Whoever can bring back a fire lotus in the Flame Mountains first will win.

"Hey, Yero, what on earth have you offended her? That woman won't let you go like this," Liu Yunfeng asked speechlessly in the carriage on the way back.

"No, I'm inexplicable. The whole thing is ridiculous. It's not only her, but even my father and queen will agree. Oh, I'm bored to death." Yero gritted his teeth and finally hugged his head and stopped talking.

Liu Yunfeng was even more entangled. Fortunately, if he went to the wilderness to do a task, he could add credits for him. In this way, he opened the curtain and looked out of the window, but he was stunned...

Their carriage drove all the way down the top of the mountain and across Garden Avenue. Then go through the main gate to the square in front of the palace. At this time, there were fallen bodies and court knights who were cleaning up the battlefield. They carried the bodies out of the palace and placed them on the square one by one, while those who were still alive were escorted aside. They were disarmed and treated by legalists. As secret agents sent by other countries, they could not They hoped that their country would redeem him, but at this time they were only numb.

Perhaps from a certain point of view, those who die are luckier than those who are alive, because their bad lives are over, and the survivors of these people do not know what their future will be.

Even if they will not die anonymously during the later torture, they may die on the gallows after recovering from their injuries, which is a greater torment for people's hearts...

The rainstorm and the sea water originally poured into the sky have far exceeded the amount of Xiling's drainage channel. A large amount of sewage overflowed from both sides of the street, and a shallow pond was formed on the square in front of the palace at this time. These turbid waters were mixed with a trace of blood, and blood flowed from the wounds on the bodies and then taken everywhere by the water.

At this time, Liu Yunfeng looked at the red marks changing along the water and was a little dazed. The blood spread to the end of the road and was then taken down the mountain. This blood will stain every street of the Hilling Palace.

Is it worth it for a broken gun...

PS: Ask for a collection.................................................