God Stick Paradise

Chapter 67 One Palm


An extremely violent dragon roar sounded like a blockbuster bomb in the valley, wading out layers of echoes, shaking the whole world as if trembled! The huge roar, like substance, instantly submerged the mercenaries who flew back, and spewed a blood mist in the air. As for those still flying crossbows and elemental bullets, they were blown away like pieces of paper in an instant.

The sound hit like a wave, like a typhoon, and the warriors who had set up the battle were suddenly blown away.

Even Liu Yunfeng and his party, who were thousands of meters away, were affected. It felt like being hit in the chest by a 100-pound sledgehammer, which made people unable to breathe.

Just after this horrible roar, Meryl suddenly shouted at the mercenaries, "Get off the rock wall!!"

Sure enough, the shock of this sound wave caused some raised stones on the cliff wall to collapse, and countless rubble suddenly rolled down from above.

Hundreds of mercenaries fled to the middle of the valley as soon as they heard Merrill's reminder, but several of them still couldn't dodge and were hit by stones. If they were ordinary people, they might have died on the spot.

Liu Yunfeng casually patted a stone the size of a millstone, looked at the dragon and swallowed fiercely.

It's just like a hundred-foot high-rise buildings... The dragon, which was originally lying on the ground, has now stood up a little shakenly. The pair of wings behind the huge body suddenly unfolded. The original huge body of the red dragon seemed to have more than doubled out of thin air, and a boundless sense of oppression pressed on all people fiercely.

Just as Meril was about to retreat with everyone, her shout also made the people fighting there find them. Then I heard the voice of the leader Kleber from afar: "Meril! Why did you come here now? Now listen to my command and order all of you to do it for me!! This dragon is bluffing. It won't last long. Let's kill it together!!"

Does it cost people's lives?

This shocked Meryl's body. At this time, the situation completely exceeded her expectations, just as she struggled in her heart. Kleber came again in a serious and mean voice: "Meril, it's okay for you to report the information late this time, and you still dare to disobey the orders of the upper class!"

Meril's fist was white, smiled sadly, looked around the mercenaries, and said calmly, "I'm not thinking about this task. The next battle is likely to be nine deaths. Who wants to quit now, no one will blame him."

Lanos followed closely and said, "You saved my life. If you don't leave, don't drive me away."

As soon as he said his words, more than a dozen impatient mercenaries shouted, "I swear to follow the boss to death!"

But after all, not all the mercenaries are careless and can take their lives seriously. Among them, a middle-aged man came forward with a shameful face and said, "I still have a small family..."

After he said this, about 20 mercenaries were also a little hesitant, but other mercenaries did not say anything. After all, this aspect is understandable.

Meril said softly, "You don't have to blame yourself. It's me who should feel guilty. Take the wounded and leave quickly."

The 20 mercenaries looked gratefully at Meryl and disappeared in the corner of the valley with several wounded on their backs.

Meril then turned her head and said apologetically to Liu Yunfeng, "You have also seen it. Now the situation is a little beyond expectations. You should also leave quickly."

Liu Yunfeng and Blanco looked at each other, but made no sound.

Merille didn't get a response. She turned around and bit her lips. She didn't know why she didn't feel it. She said quietly, "I'm leaving"

More than 70 small figures walk towards the center of the valley like purgatory...

In the center of the valley, a dark shadow fell from the sky! A huge shadow was printed on the ground.

"Regress!" Kleber retreated like lightning, and the mercenaries hurriedly fled when they heard the words. They saw a huge mountain-like dragon claws slapped fiercely on the ground where the mercenaries had just left!

With a loud noise, the ground hit by it sank in an instant. More than a dozen mercenaries who had just escaped were blown away by the violent shock wave. Countless cracks around the pit spread out, and the giant claws dragged Mars away, showing a huge palm print on the ground! And in the palm print, there are complex textures.

The texture of the dragon is a natural elemental array!!

I can only see the faint red light flashing in those textures, and this fiery red light seems to constitute a strange pattern! Countless fire elements gathered towards the palm print!

"Fight away!" Just before Kleber was ready to remind, many people had heard Meryl's reminder and avoided the huge red palm prints on the ground early, and all of them quickly dispersed in all directions!

"Bum!" A shocking sound! The ground exploded like a small volcanic eruption! Countless gravel, like light feathers, were bombarded in mid-air, but the next moment, they scattered in all directions with a sharp scream!

These stones hit the mercenaries like a storm. When some mercenaries with round shields were hit by stones, they were as if they were bombarded by shells, and some of them were directly bombarded with people and shields on the spot. Fortunately, it is also embedded in the rock mass, and life and death are unknown.

After the stones dispersed, a conical pile of stones quickly bulged on the ground, and all the surrounding cracks seemed to turn into a huge flame array. In the loud noise, the red ground fire and burning stones spewed out violently, roaring and rushing into the air like ancient demons under the ground. .

The next moment, when countless burning lava was thrown to the highest point, it was sucked back to the ground by the terrain gravity, and there was a meteor-like rain in the sky! When these hot lava hit the ground, there will be a huge pit a few feet in size. The hot ground fire suddenly spread in a circle, and the four flames devoured the space within dozens of meters. The people in the center of the explosion were smashed at that moment, and the broken flesh and the flying rain of fire raised the sky together, even at a distance. A few mercenaries who could not dodge a little farther away were wrapped in the flames and screamed too late. In a blink of an eye, they were burned to ashes by the red fire all over their bodies.

Liu Yunfeng's eyelids jumped, even if it was burned by the high temperature in the refinery furnace in the crematorium in his previous life, and there were still many ashes left. It was just that hundreds of mercenaries affected by the flames had disappeared in a blink of an eye! Even the traces of their existence are gone.

He watched Meril avoid the scattered flames again and again, and finally gritted his teeth and made a soft sound of a long sword coming out of its sheath. Liu Yunfeng pulled out the steel dragon sword on his back and rushed to the huge dragon.

Blanco looked at Liu Yunfeng's figure running out and sighed deeply: "Okay, let's play with your life together!" Lanxi, *!" He rushed out with a long knife a little taller than him on the right side of his body! The tip of the knife turned over the cold light and dragged out a dazzling spark on the ground!

Another strong shock wave swept under everyone's feet. The small volcano spewing lava out burst into pieces, and the hot gravel crackled on everyone, and many people's already burned leather armor began to catch fire!

"Take off your leather armor!!" Kleber shouted as soon as he saw this.

Several slower mercenaries turned into firemen. They screamed and felt the burning pain. The flame burst so quickly that they had not reacted.

Looking at the ground that was originally palm-printed over there, all the rocks around had dissolved and burned into a large cave of magma, and everyone's scalp was numb.

Cleiber glanced around, and everyone's eyes were full of panic and fear.

I have never faced the dragon, and I may never imagine the horror of confronting the giant at the peak of this biological chain. According to the state of this dragon at this time, I'm afraid that even one ten thousandth of its strength has not been exerted, but up to now, everyone has not even touched a hair of this dragon, but has been slaughtered by the dragon with a wave of their hands. Hundreds of people! Kleber's eyes are full of blood. Most of the people he brought out this time are elites. If the casualties are too high, I'm afraid they will also be punished.

The angry roar of the red dragon was higher than the waves, and the shaking ground trembled faintly. The stones around the valley collapsed into large areas, as if it were an earthquake. In the melted pit, the splashed magma smelt the surrounding stone surface and emitted blue smoke.

Merille crossed the huge sword in front of her and rushed to the huge body of the red dragon like a few tons of flame lion, but the original move that could shake people's hearts is now like a drop of Mars under the giant redwood tree.

Without any suspense, Meryl was blocked back by a layer of red film when she approached a few feet. But this small spark attracted the attention of the red dragon. There was a fire source that was not controlled by it within a hundred miles. The dragon pupils the size of two houses stared at the red, small figure.

The gaze of the red dragon!

The extremely huge body moved, and this movement crashed across the ground like a mountain. The red dragon turned a blind eye to everyone else's attacks, and the red film on Monday kept rippled with water-like ripples, which offset all the attacks one by one, and even bombarded out several fifth-order elemental holders. The surrounding spell disappeared directly after sticking to this layer of red shield!

Watching the dragon's mouth get closer and closer to me, the two rows of staggered fangs were shining with cold light that seemed to reflect my face full of fear. A hot and smelly smell came to my face. Somehow, at this moment, my body was frozen, and there seemed to be a layer of lava wrapping me outside my body. If I hadn't taken the road of fire attributes, I'm afraid I would have turned into ashes. Looking at the red dragon pupil, I vaguely understood something. Is today my end day?

PS: Please collect....................................