God Stick Paradise

Chapter 69 Beast Blood Boiling

Blanco looked at the blurred figure on the red dragon's head with a worried face, and Meryl took a step forward and was about to rush up.

"Don't worry, he's fine." But Blanco gently pressed her shoulder behind her. In fact, in Blanco's cognition, I'm afraid no one can survive such a fire! Although Liu Yunfeng had told him that he had a special physique before, the red flame was burning the ground under the dragon's feet red, and even the rocks had begun to crack and dissolve by the huge heat! How could he survive such a high temperature?

"He needs help now!" Meryl turned around and shouted anxiously to the crowd!

Everyone is silent, this woman who has always been shrewd has lost her mind! Such a big fire! No one can get close, and can he survive?

"Everyone retreats to the outside of the valley first! We can't attack it now, but it should be weaker after using this trick, and we still have a great chance!" When no one knew what to do, Kleber looked at Meryl with an anxious face and said.

"What about Liu Yunfeng!" In the rapid retreat of the crowd, Meril dodged in front of everyone, and her whole face was extremely cold. She said to Kleiber word by word, "Uncle Kleiber, I'll say uncle again! You want me to take my brothers to accompany you desperately. Well, I promised you, but if you let us all leave now, won't Liu Yunfeng die?

Kleber was speechless and had to say toughly, "I'm responsible for my life!"

Merille seemed to hear the biggest joke in the world, showing a disgusted and disdainful smile. He was completely disappointed with his uncle. Well, she has always been disappointed with her family. This calm woman has become a little hesterious at this moment and looks at Blanco with one last glimmer of expectation: "Blanco! What about you? Aren't you good brothers? Liu Yunfeng is still fighting with the dragon on it. Do you even plan to leave?

"No, I will stay, but he said let me take you away first." Blanco is also extremely worried at this moment, but he knows what virtue Liu Yunfeng is. Let's take this woman to a safe place first. At the same time, he cursed that guy. Even if he doesn't die today, I'm afraid he will die at the hands of a woman sooner or later.

"Then I will stay too! He needs help now!" Meryl shouted hoarsely at Blanco, "How could he defeat the dragon alone..."

Blanco did not have a meaningless debate with the woman who lost his mind. He moved and appeared behind Meryl like lightning. Before she could react, he hit the back of his neck with a knife, reached out and grabbed the delicate body that was about to fall down. He picked him up roughly and looked back at Liu Yunfeng's direction, printing The pupil of the firelight shrank suddenly!

In the fire faucet!

Liu Yunfeng stopped the beast-like howling, "Ji Jie Jie, I didn't expect me to be so resistant to burning!" In the blazing flame, Liu Yunfeng's clothes all over his body turned into ashes at this time, and his skin was abnormally red. He stood firmly on top of the head of the fire dragon flames.

If you are more careful, you can see countless red flames penetrated from the pores of Liu Yunfeng's whole body. The violent flames seem to have been decomposed by him. Through the veins in the body, they are finally sucked into the dark whirlpool of the lower abdomen, which is exactly what almost killed Yero Poor little Lori almost sucked the culprit.

The body of demon-eating! __ can decompose the spells constructed by pure elements into the most primitive elemental state and swallow them up!

If the last time you devoured Yero's magic, you were passive, then this time, you took the initiative to master it in the life-and-death crisis. However, this is also conditional. Although decomposition is easy, it is also the same as when the elemental holder casts the spell, which is done through spiritual power as the medium.

The element holder is guided by the elements accumulated in his own body, builds the structure of the spell he wants to cast in the space through spiritual power, and finally pulls the elements in the space to automatically fill to complete the spell.

And Liu Yunfeng's decomposition is much simpler, and the destruction is always much simpler than construction, but it is inseparable from the support of spiritual power.

At this time, the wave of horrible flames is constantly pressing Liu Yunfeng's not very rich spiritual power! If it hadn't been for the weakest state of this dragon, I'm afraid it would have made Liu Yunfeng's spiritual knowledge collapse directly!

Liu Yunfeng's eyes on the giant dragon head showed a ferocious color. He opened his five fingers and grabbed the hilt of the sword under his feet fiercely. His burning red arm pulled the Canggang Dragon Sword with an extremely angry and sad roar!

"Today, I will completely enlighten you!" With Liu Yunfeng's full pull, blood suddenly surged above the giant's head, his arms trembled, and the gap was pulled away a little...

In the nervous expression of everyone, the original and suppressed roar suddenly broke out, and the loud voice shocked everyone's whole body.

"What is that!?" The bearded middle-aged mercenary with a burning face was unbelievably, tremblingly pointing to the direction of the dragon!

Everyone looked up and followed the mercenary's hand and hoped to go. In the extremely painful roar of the fire dragon, the dragon, which had just sprayed flames all over its body, was now looking up to the sky and roar, and a deep and long roar began to slowly echo in the valley!

The flame rising from the dragon was sucked into the huge head of the dragon like a long whale absorbing water. The flame rolled over and rolled, revealing the huge body and dark red scales of the dragon! In a blink of an eye, all the flames on the fire dragon gathered on his head, revealing a dark red body like a copper pillar roasted by the fire!

And everything in front of Liu Yunfeng has been completely distorted by the heat of the hot flame. After a big opening in the fire dragon's head, he already felt that he was about to be roasted into dried meat by the heat.

Just as he was considering whether to jump down, suddenly all the flames in his vision gathered and rotated towards a place not far in front of him. Finally, in Liu Yunfeng's solemn eyes, a humanoid creature was gradually outlined. The body of this creature was all composed of flames, but it could be seen clearly hazy. Meat curve.......

The people on the ground only saw the flame converging, revealing Liu Yunfeng's embarrassed figure. His whole body was covered with dry blood and white steam, but he miraculously persisted on the head of the dragon that had been burned into a fireball for so long. As if nothing happened, the way they looked at him couldn't help changing.

Blanco has been staring at the figure that gradually appeared in the flames! After seeing the figure clearly, he became ferocious.

"Let's withdraw first! Help the wounded bandage the wound, and wait for it to weaken immediately..." Kleber wanted to signal everyone to retreat immediately, but was interrupted by a creepy laugh.

"There are some means. Your blood is all good things. Leave them for me, Jie Jie..." A sound of metal friction sounded from the human-shaped fire.

As soon as its voice fell, the blood flowing in the whole valley seemed to boil, and the originally destroyed track was connected again, the huge one that coiled the whole valley. The magic array immediately flashed with dazzling red light. As soon as it appeared, the clouds in the sky were stained blood red, and a strange fluctuation suddenly dispersed, and an exclamation came from the mouths of the frightened mercenaries.

One of the mercenaries was splashed on his body by the boiling blood and immediately let out a sad scream. His body was corroded and dissolved in the surrounding apparing eyes, and finally turned into a part of the blood.

This strange scene immediately surprised the mercenaries, and some of them were panicked and wanted to escape. As long as they stepped on the blood, they would immediately die one by one...

The original team suddenly had a riot. Just as they were stunned, several people were splashed with blood and turned into blood in the blink of an eye!

"Pay attention to your feet! Run!" Kleber shouted first! Leading everyone desperately ran to the mouth of the valley!



At the same time, there are six similar valleys in the whole Chiyan Mountains, which also emit violent vibrations. On the ground, there are also various warcraft corpses, and the flowing blood forms six identical magic arrays.

At this time, if you look at it from the sky, these six arrays are all around the array where Liu Yunfeng is located, with it as the core, forming a huge six-pointed array!

Some mercenaries who followed the rush into the mountains noticed these changes, and some of them were driven into these valleys driven by curiosity, while the other mercenaries were watching, they heard a sad scream in the valley...

These blood grooves that make up the array seemed to be deeply engraved on the ground, emitting strong red light. These red light gradually stained half of the sky of the whole Chiyan continent. Many people in the town looked up at the sky and were stunned by this horrible scene. In their confusion, there was a fear from the soul. It hits my heart.

on the head of the red dragon.

Liu Yunfeng stared at the creature that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the two sword eyebrows were tightly together...

Ghosts and gods?

That's right. He remembered the semi-illusory ghost in the sunset forest, the soul body that drilled out of Tia's body.

"It's another group of damn parasites!" Liu Yunfeng said slowly.

PS: Please collect............................................