God Stick Paradise

Chapter 102 Unstoppable

With the signal summoned by the magic guide on the third day, the originally calm sea seemed to ignite a beacon, and it was when the wind and clouds surged...

At this moment, with the guidance of the magic guide marked on the map, they will no longer lose their way. All warships have launched the limit speed of their ships and sailed towards the island closest to them.

Although these warships have launched all their speed, due to the beginning of a once-in-century chaos on the first day, almost all ships have more or less trauma. Coupled with several encounters in the next two days, the speed is far from comparable to the beginning of the game. In particular, some heavily damaged warships were trembling along the way, as if they would sink as long as they touched them gently.

The three-masu pirate ship where Liu Yunfeng is located was initially transformed by the third prince of St. Thiago, and the materials used are enough to buy a small duchy. After the inscription on the ship, Yuna and Corona have been slightly modified by the unique methods of two other professions, and they have been using sea breeze since the start of the competition. Drifting, so basically support the peak state at this moment. As soon as the three-mam pirate ship started at a high speed, a tremendous roar suddenly formed on the sea. From a distance, its speed was almost the same as that of the seventh-level professionals. After the countless students along the way forward, their appearance immediately changed, and no one dared to go forward to stop them. Stop it half a step.

"What a fast speed! Who are the people on this ship? A warship of theological Seminary on the sea was galloping, but only felt that the elements in the rear air rolled violently. A phantom roared past them, which was immeable. It was not until a long time after the shadow of the ship passed that the rumble of breaking came. Obviously, the speed had exceeded the sound. More than 20 students on the ship suddenly changed their faces. They looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. This speed, even if our ship can't reach 30% at its peak, and the breath from the ship... Is it them?"

Liu Yunfeng and his party unfolded the speed of the pirate ship to the limit. With a move, the sea seemed to have been penetrated by a sharp sword in front of it, forming a wave wall sweeping to both sides, shuttling like clouds and smoke.

Liu Yunfeng learned from Yerona that according to the unspoken rules formed in the history of the competition, if a ship arrives at the island first, not everyone will land on Shanghai Island, but some of them will go to the island to seize the magic guide. Others will still stay in the warship and patrol the surrounding waters of the island to stop the approaching warships and seize the island. Students who take the magic guide to buy time.

If a fleet of an academy arrives first, it will arrange a phalanx in the surrounding sea and form a blockade line to prevent other ships from stepping in. So they must be ready to fight!

Under the gallop, the pirate ship galloped across the blue sea, passing through a desert island on the way.

Their speed was very fast, and where they passed was a deep gully. The waves were broken through, as if it had caused a tsunami. The momentum was huge and spectacular, which attracted the attention of most of the students on the Holy Spirit rooftop, and the professors who served as referees in the sky looked sideways. As soon as they saw the speed of the pirate ship, Even these old men who have witnessed more than a hundred times were shocked and then shook their heads, as if they were quite emotional.

In the world of Moko, strength represents everything, and the strong will definitely be respected. At this moment, the speed of the pirate ship is enough to prove the strength of the people on the ship. Especially at this speed, everyone's spiritual power can't lock it at all, and it is even more difficult to see the ship. The specific strength of the people made them vaguely guess who were on the ship. As a result, many of the students who were swept by the roar had lingering lingering, and then followed them far away with a little gloating. Although they were not as fast as the pirate ship, they continued to drive towards the island.

Because at this moment, if you turn to other islands, maybe the magic guide has been taken away, it is better to go to see the fun. If the progress here is fast, you can also follow it from afar according to the signal sent by the magic guide, so that you can finally reach the rooftop of the Holy Spirit.

Along the way, no student dared to block their route and take advantage of their edge. They walked arrogantly at such a speed for nearly four days, and finally gradually approached the island with signals.

But at this moment, the island was first arrived and blocked by the fleet of the War Seminary. Hundreds of ships faintly formed a blockade line and arranged a large defensive array in the surrounding waters! To prevent the entry of all non-war seminary ships, if other warships try to break through this magic array, they will be jointly attacked by hundreds of warships at the moment of breakthrough.

Seeing the faint light from the inscriptions circulating on the sea, Liu Yunfeng and others looked as usual. Naturally, they disdained to take down the flags of the other two colleges, and the speed did not decrease, but more than ten nautical miles away. Several of Edward's knights adjusted the front and back sails respectively, and dozens of maids used windcraft to summon a strong wind. The white sails were bulging, and the speed of the pirate ship, which had reached its limit, increased again! Go straight to the blockade of the War Seminary!

Behind them, they followed dozens of other college ships far away. Although they did not have Liu Yunfeng's speed, they could vaguely see the situation there through the little spell of the mage's eye. As early as when they saw the blockade of the seminary on the edge of the island, they were very disappointed. Obviously, they I don't think the pirate ship will go to death.

But at the moment when they were about to leave, they suddenly looked up and looked straight at the image projected by the mage's eye. The pirate ship did not stop at all outside the blockade of the war seminary, not only that, but also faster!

These students saw at a glance that the other party was planning to break through! Break through the joint blockade of hundreds of warships in the war seminary, one of the three colleges! This discovery immediately excited these students. This kind of lively and exciting thing is rare in a thousand years. Naturally, it should be seen clearly and must not be let go. This trip was really not in vain, and you can actually see this grand event! The majesty of the God of War, but not many people dare to provoke, let alone break into the blockade array composed of thousands of students of these hundreds of warships!

Several people on the pirate ship looked as usual and faster, but they are getting closer and closer to the blockade of the seminary of war! From afar, it seemed to be a shooting star, rushing straight to the array at an unimaginable speed!

The moment the students of the War Seminary saw the pirate accelerating more than ten nautical miles away, they showed disdainful smiles and turned their rudder one after another. As long as they didn't reach the seventh level, even if they were as strong as Lancel, they were confident that they could kill it with a sea of people!

The students on the dozens of warships behind them were a little gloating at this moment. No matter what the result is, it is only good for them!

The students on the rooftop of the Holy Spirit stood up like waves and made a loud sound of uproar!

At the moment when the pirate ship just accelerated, hundreds of sixth-order breaths immediately burst out, and these hundreds of breaths came from the invisible but substantial swords! He bombarded the pirate ship and wanted to leave it behind!" Those who violate the power of my god of war! "Kry it!" Hundreds of fierce shouts seemed to be integrated and suddenly echoed on the sea.

Liu Yunfeng on the pirate ship looked as usual, jumped to the bow in a few steps, and raised his right hand and waved forward as he moved forward...

At this moment, the bow of the pirate ship burst into a shocking silver light! A hundred-foot giant sword actually appeared in the bow of the ship. The moment this sword appeared, hundreds of swords were swept and shattered, and this sword was the front! With a bang, the pirate ship crashed into the blockade array!

"Liu Yunfeng!!!" As soon as they saw the huge sword appear, all the gods of war students suddenly showed shock.

The roar suddenly rose at this moment, echoing on the sea, and the waves were even more shocking. The huge blockade array, the faint light flashed violently, and the sound of clicks came out crazily.

In an instant, but listening to a loud bang, it was the floating inscription on the array. Countless cracks suddenly appeared and spread at a very fast speed. In a blink of an eye, it became a cobweb. Finally, it collapsed and turned into countless fragments. Under that shocking impact, it swept around.

From beginning to end, the figure of the pirate ship, without even a little pause, broke through the defense array and galloped towards the distance, and even passed through the seemingly stunned ships, driving a shocking momentum, making them subconsciously turn the rudder quickly retreat, one of the warships The speed slowed down and was hit by the huge sword.

The indescribable impact immediately lifted the whole ship into the sky. The hull of the ship overturned several fights in the air. With a bang, it hit another warship that was retreating back. The inscriptions of the two warships flashed rapidly and finally broke in the click. The two warships exploded at the same time and splashed. Large pieces of wood chips and waves. After a while, dozens of heads emerged from the sea, and their faces were as pale as snow. All the students actually watched the pirate ship leave, but no one dared to say another word.

PS: Please collect................................................................< /P>