God Stick Paradise

Chapter 112 No one to fight

Yero stared at the sea, and saw the figure behind the flame at a glance. Her crystal teeth bit her lower lip, and her expression became more and more quiet. As if all this was supposed to be like this. The arrival of the other party should have been like in front of her, looking at the flames all over the sky as nothing, stepping on the waves.

"Is that Longxi?" Lyon looked complicated and contained a trace of indescribable mood. He silently looked at Liu Yunfeng, who spewed out the fireball. At this moment, he already knew that Liu Yunfeng was not the murderer of Dalqian. Because of this dragon breath technique, he could also do it, which could only be inherited. His eyes looking at Liu Yunfeng were no longer cold, but a little soft. But there are too many questions in his mind. What he wants to know most is, Dalgian, is he really dead?

Ogi and Angelina beside him looked at the young man who had a two-sided relationship. Their faces were also like ice and water. Gu Bo was not surprised, but some complex colors in his eyes could not be concealed. There was an indescribable bitterness. I'm afraid that such strength is really invincible.

Flanders looked at the gully blown out of the sea with a trance. His eyes were like a dead pool of water, and he could not see his expression, but his hands were tightly clenched in the black robe and his fingers were white.

In the shadow of a corner of the ordinary college, Da Vinci and Raphael in black robes pulled up their hats. Although they were surprised, they were no longer as shocked as last time. The corners of Leonardo da Vinci's mouth drew a strange arc, as if they were expecting something...

At this moment, not only these students who know a little about Liu Yunfeng, but also many professors and tutors were shocked.

The professor who originally commented on the fireball, the capital of elements in the sky, now contracted his pupils and stared at the figure stepping on the waves on the sea. With his cultivation, he clearly realized that the morphological nature of the fireball spit out by Liu Yunfeng was completely different from the fireball he swallowed. That was a qualitative sublimation, and only a preliminary understanding of the structure of the flame. And rules, only when your strength reaches the peak of the seventh level can you barely use it! Although Liu Yunfeng's fireball still has not reached the seventh level in terms of energy level and destructive power, the nature of this fireball is beyond the reach of some of their professors.

As a professor in the capital of elements, he himself is the direction of the fire system. At this moment, he feels clearer and faintly. He actually feels suppressed at this moment, as if what he sees in front of him is a tyrannosaurus rex swallowing his anger.

Not only him, but also Huo De, who thought that he had a rough evaluation of Liu Yunfeng's strength, also took a breath and was shocked. He was a necromancer and a dark law enforcer, and he also had some achievements in holding the fire system. He somehow suddenly thought of an ancient book that he saw in doubt, this way to swallow inflammation and use himself, only Only with the fire dragon, fire element elves and some purgatory creatures in the abyss can do it. Has he been inherited by some powerful creatures? However, he was obviously a spirit. How could he have such a talent? There was a strong doubt in Hod's mind.

Chris, the capital of elements, looked like electricity at this moment, staring straight at Liu Yunfeng, who was shooting at the rooftop. His heart was shocked and there was a faint decision. He looked at Huo De, and the two nodded slightly in their eyes.

There is an anti-gravity array under the base of the Holy Spirit rooftop. As long as the students' warships are close, they will be automatically connected to the rooftop! In the group of warships flying all over the sky, the two women, Yuna and Elia, were directly thrown into the range of the phalanx by Liu Yunfeng. At this moment, they also rose to the rooftop, swayed down like a fairy, and fell from the sky step by step and landed on the platform of Dabi.

Immediately after, a figure in the dull eyes of the students on the sea stepped on the sea and shot on the Xiling rooftop. When he reached the sky, the sound of discussion was everywhere, but under a violent roar, he was suddenly oppressed by life and completely quieted down. He saw Liu Yunfeng in the sky. He raised his hand and violently cut forward, as if tore a gap in the invisible force of the array. It made his body take a step out of this gap and directly hit the entrance of the stage without any cushioning.

The entrance of the stage was inlaid with a complete tourmaline, but at this moment, under the huge force, a circle of cobweb-like cracks collapsed with his feet as the center. Under the sweep, the valuable tourmaline suddenly became a piece of waste. Liu Yunfeng stood in the center of the crack and looked down at the abandoned entrance to the stage. Spread out his hands, showing a slight innocent look that made everyone collapse.

This seems to be the shame and innocence of not intending to destroy the rooftop of the Holy Spirit, but it seems to hurt the hearts of many students present like a needle.


Finally, when Liu Yunfeng straightened up, the Holy Spirit bell rang for the third time.

Three bells rang, announcing the end of the preliminary competition and the beginning of the ring competition. Some students who were still floating in the air showed regret. If it can be a few seconds faster... But they don't have the ability to cut the magic array directly with their bare hands like Liu Yunfeng. Even if they have this ability, they will hit the rooftop from the top without any buffer, and they will be seriously injured if they don't die...

"I..." Liu Yunfeng looked at Yero, who came to wait for him early, and whispered with apologies in his eyes.

Yero thought he was preparing to apologize for losing the magic guide. It was the first time she saw Liu Yunfeng show such a serious look. Some of the original anger suddenly disappeared. She curled her pretty face and pretended to be angry and said generously, "Well, I have a lot, so I don't care about you. However, you have to put down all the opponents in front of you, and when you finally meet me, you have to... You have to release the water quietly..." Yero's voice is getting smaller and smaller, like mosquitoes...

Liu Yunfeng put his big hand on Yeluo's little head and gently rubbed her slippery. Shun's hair, and the apology in their eyes is stronger. The purpose of coming to the Holy Spirit rooftop is to borrow the transmission array on it to go to the underworld. He looked back at Yuna and saw that she nodded slightly to himself. Just as he was about to say something to Yero, Professor Hod's voice sounded.

"The three bells have rang, and I announce that the Blue Competition and the Holy Spirit Competition will officially begin!"

At this moment, all the students temporarily suppressed their fear of Liu Yunfeng and burst into the warmest cheers. After a while, Hod raised his hand and pressed it, and the rooftop gradually calmed down.

"According to the usual practice, the last person to arrive in the preliminary competition, Yuna. Ishafil, the first game. Please take the stage!"

Liu Yunfeng patted Yero's head, turned to greeted Elia, and walked with Yuna to the ring in the center of the rooftop. Liu Yunfeng always remained half behind Yuna when walking, showing the master-slave status between him and Yuna on this formal occasion.

This made all the students who had just been stabbed and forgotten suddenly in an uproar again.

"Is there any mistake! The two of them played together..."

"There is no suspense from the beginning of this game..."

"Oh... This year's competition itself is the biggest mistake..."

All the students looked at Liu Yunfeng with a little helplessness and entanglement. And some female students' eyes flashed at him. The real heat was enough to melt the iron essence. Obviously, they had some thoughts about this powerful spirit. Of course, this is not the germination of the opposite sex...

Liu Yunfeng's identity is Yuna's Qiling. Then, according to the usual practice, Liu Yunfeng will participate together as part of Yuna's combat strength.

Since the beginning of the preliminary competition, Liu Yunfeng directly eliminated Lancel, the first man of the God of War, and his tyrannical way in the melee. He hit the full force of Lyon, the magician of Longcheng, the capital of elements, and was unharmed. He even just now, he suppressed the heroes and climbed to the sky with an almost invincible tough posture of the Holy Spirit. Taiwan.

This strength alone is enough to sweep all the students of each college. What's more, Yuna, who has not shown all her strength.

The Holy Spirit Arena is different from other martial arts arenas or duel platforms. The Holy Spirit Arena is a square pit, nearly 100 meters below the ground, and its overall growth is 3,000 meters wide. The ground is completely smooth, and under the sunlight, it has a silver metallic luster. As rumored, the whole Xiling rooftop is made of a whole iron ore, and the ring in the center is made of iron essence that can create high-quality military materials.

The iron smelting ring is naturally not as good as the sacrificial table made of the whole Huajing jade steel on Xiling Holy Mountain. It is impossible to be invable. Therefore, many wounds will be left on the ring after the competition every year, but after the competition, there will be professors who use high-level fire magic to remelt the surface, so it is presented to everyone at this moment. The front ring is still as smooth as a mirror.

And above the center of the ring, there is a floating tower, which is connected by a stone circle to form a circle. The spire has a Gothic spikes, pointing to the sky. Above the spikes, an illusory cup shadow is gradually outlined.

That's the cup of life being transmitted!

Under the Holy Grail Tower, Liu Yunfeng and Yuna stood side by side. Liu Yunfeng turned around and looked at the students on the viewing platform around. His voice was flat, but clearly heard in everyone's ears. I said on behalf of Yuna that I want to challenge all the colleges, all the students and who will be the first to appear!" Liu Yunfeng's words swept by like a storm, making the originally noisy Holy Spirit rooftop silent again.

The silent scene lasted for a moment, and none of the thousands of students present dared to take their edge...

PS: Another roll is about to end...

Please collect......................................................................................