God Stick Paradise

Chapter 116 Cross Trial

At this time, the girl floating in mid-air surrounded by a ghost moon, has the most exquisite face, like a ceramic doll, lifeless eyes, empty expression, revealing an inaccessible mystery, extremely delicate, but without a trace of life, as if walking on the edge of life and death, with incredible charm. It is confusing, exquisite, slender, and weird like a nightmare immersed in the bone marrow.

She seemed to have been given powerful power out of thin air. Every time she waved the huge moon in her hand, it would cause terrible damage. The corner of the Holy Spirit rooftop was even cut directly and fell into the sea like an iceberg falling into the sea, stirring a tsunami nearly 100 meters high. Raphael, who had always had an overwhelming advantage, was chased up and down by the moon at this moment, and their roles were immediately reversed.

Looking at the powerful girl like a goddess at this moment, Elia did not have a trace of joy, only deep worry and despair. Elia has been guarding Yuna day and night since she was a child, and it can even be said that she knows her better than Yuna herself. At this moment, the magnificent and horrible magic is not within the control of Yuna now. Any small mistake will be counterattacked by the most negative dark magic, and Elia will be full of the consequences.

Aria's face was pale, and her crystal teeth bit her lower lip, dripping a wisp of bright red blood.

"Ah...!!" Seeing Yuna's sudden outbreak, Yero felt a little hope in his heart, but when he turned around, he was shocked by Elia's appearance and hurriedly took out a tissue to help Elia hold the wound.

Hold and Chris also frowned tightly at this moment. They can also see that Yuna's state will not last long. If they want to save it, they can only make a quick decision. Hod looked at Liu Yunfeng, who had just destroyed the metal puppet group.

The Holy Spirit's ring has completely changed at this moment. Almost the whole table has been cut several feet, and the surface is full of red fluid iron water and white smoke.

As soon as Liu Yunfeng saw that Yuna was in a wrong state at this moment, he wanted to rush to solve the damn place Raphael, but before he took two steps, Michelangelo's voice came from behind: "Oh? Do you still have time to care about others now?"

Liu Yunfeng heard a sound of breaking the air behind him and suddenly turned around, but saw Michelangelo falling from a high altitude and supporting the ground with one hand again.

"Liu Yunfeng! Let me send you to hell!!


Michelangelo's figure rose again, and there seemed to be a great suction in his hand. A metal wall rose from the ground in front of him. The speed was as fast as a skyscraper standing in front of him in an instant! The wall is not flat, but depicts many reliefs. Countless thin and weak figures wailed under countless tortures, with only death and despair in their eyes, eager for liberation. That's the scene in 18 purgatory.

The mural in front of us opened rapidly with the rise of the metal wall. The huge metal wall went straight to the sky and turned half a circle in the air, finally revealing the whole picture and began to fall under gravity.

Liu Yunfeng looked motionless at the huge thing that covered the sky, and her eyes shrank sharply.

It was a huge cross engraved with the cross of 18 purgatory, named:

Cross Trial!!!

"Go to hell!!" Michelangelo was half squatting at the end of the cross and roared ferociously at Liu Yunfeng! The violent wind messed up his blonde hair and added to the murderousness on his face!

The cross is so big that it almost covers more than half of the Holy Spirit rooftop, while Liu Yunfeng is in the middle of the cross and has no time to avoid it.

A loud noise, which is like a landslide! The metal ground was weighed a few feet by a huge weight, and the whole Holy Spirit rooftop seemed to be unable to withstand the impact and trembled, and even the space boundary began to fluctuate at this moment.

The wind swept the earth, leaving a dead silence...

Outside the space barrier, everyone was silent and stared at the huge cross that half-destroyed the rooftop...

Alia's eyes were not red, but she was stunned and numb, and she could not see the expression buried under it.

The tears in Yero's eyes fell down, pulling the corners of Elia's clothes and asked anxiously, "Stupid Feng... Is he...?" The last two words are unwilling to say.

Biriya beside her kept wiping her tears, but Yero's eyes were like broken valves, wiping more and more...

Hold looked at the huge cross and was also slightly dull. I'm afraid that even he could not escape such a terrible weight and momentum. Even the body of the seventh-order Warcraft would become scum under this bombardment...

On the viewing table, looking at the disappeared figure, Yuna's dead eyes fluctuated slightly. The only figure seemed to be slowly dissipating. The dark breath on Yuna's body was stronger, and the speed of dancing the sickle in her hand suddenly increased!

"Ah.....!!!" A sharp and harsh cry sounded on the rooftop.

"Raphael!!" Leonardo da Vinci, who was still engraving the magic array in the strong wind, suddenly stopped his work and ran towards Raphael, but saw a faint light flashing. Raphael's original jade-like lotus arms flew out. The next moment, blood splashed out, leaving Raphael, who covered the wound screaming...

"You have to die!!" Raphael's eyes scratched Yuna like a knife and gritted his teeth. His original exquisite facial features were distorted by extreme anger and hatred at this moment, which made him look particularly ugly.

But her words didn't get any response...

Rafael's remaining right hand waved, and the red light belt in his hand collapsed, trembling to tear off the red ribbon covering his right eye.

Da Vinci, who was coming, suddenly shrank when he saw her movements and shouted to stop it: "Raphael! Calm down! The master has an order not to kill her! Don't you..."

"Get out of here!!!" Raphael screamed and blew away Da Vinci. At this moment, all her reason was burned by hatred, and even her body was incomplete. What beauty and art could be said!

You must kill her!!

The ribbon full of red inscriptions was finally stripped off by plain hands...

The dark clouds rolled in the sky and the thunder flashed, as if it had opened the forbidden Pandora's box.

The right eye opened, which was a pure black eyeball, deep and dark, surrounded by a circle of red wheel-shaped patterns, with an inverted scarlet moon pupil in the center.

"Destroy... The Eye of Destruction..." Hod's voice trembled a little, "It really exists... Is there another catastrophe going on?

The wheel pattern rotates, and the scarlet moon pupils are slowly blooming, as if something terrible is breaking out!

A dark black ball the size of a marble burst out! This black ball is dark and rises in the storm, like a black hole, full of destruction. Wherever it passes, countless ruins have been rolled down and sucked into it, as if it were going to devour everything in the world.

Pupil of Destruction

______ Doomsday Pupil Cannon!

Everyone stared at the huge black hole that was about to devour Yuna.

But when the black hole reached Yuna, Yuna slowly raised her left hand, opened and closed her bloodless thin lips slightly, and spit out a word:


Yuna's body seemed to grow a little higher with her opening, but it was not obvious.

And the whole space in front of him seems to fluctuate slightly with the spitting out of this word! The black hole burst back in Raphael's frightened and unbelievable eyes!

"Raphael!" Leonardo's eyes are cracking! He rushed again and stood in front of Raphael. Resolutely looking at the rapidly approaching dark black hole.

Raphael stared at the not tall back in front of him, and his face was ferocious.

The black hole ruthlessly devours the figures of the two...

Raphael's dying face showed a pure smile, as if he had returned to the carefree childhood of the three of them...

Just as it continues to roar towards a straight line...


Yuna opened her mouth again and said something dark! Time seemed to roll upside down, and the black hole slowly shrank. When it retracted the black bead when it just appeared, it clicked and shattered and disappeared...

And Yuna's body seems to grow tall again, and the originally green buds on her chest seem to stand up proudly. If she was 13 or 14-year-old Lori, then she is a 16 or 17-year-old young girl, with a little femininity.

"Da Vinci... Raphael..." Michelangelo shouted. Looking at the two fading figures, he looked a little trance, and suddenly there was a slight vibration under his feet. At first, he thought it was an illusion, but as the vibration became bigger and bigger, even Michelangelo standing on it trembled!

"No..... Impossible! Impossible!!" Michelangelo waved his fist and kept hitting the cross, like crazy. Every bombardment made the rooftop tremble, but only Michelangelo knew that it was not caused by him. Go to hell!! Why aren't you dead! Go to hell!!!"

The trembling under his feet finally fell silent. Michelangelo stood up in disbelief and said to himself, "Are you finally dead?"

A sudden change!

"Bum!!" With a loud noise, Michelangelo and the huge cross under his feet collapsed together! The center of the huge cross has been dissolved into a huge pit! There is also a lot of red iron water pouring down from the air in the pit!

Suddenly, another ring of fire burst into the big pit on the ground, a golden fireball took off, and the huge cross collapsed in the roar. Instead, it was replaced by a gorgeous and bright cloud of fire! The fire cloud quickly expanded and extended, and in a blink of an eye filled the sky, and countless large and small pieces of red-hot iron were smashed like meteors.

In the pit on the ground, Liu Yunfeng was straight and looked up at the sky, but the pupils in his eyes turned into a narrow crescent shape, revealing a girl-like sadness. He raised his left hand and pinned a wisp of bangs in front of him to his ear, like a stunning beauty, and sighed softly: "Na ... Liu Yunfeng, you have made me miserable this time..."

PS: Please collect......................................................................................