God Stick Paradise

Chapter 126 Fragrant Punishment

Nicholas's face suddenly turned pale when he heard this sentence, and big drops of sweat couldn't help rolling down his forehead and cheeks. His eyes were full of blood. With a roar, his blood vessels burst up and down his body, and more than a dozen thin blood lines soared out, wetting Liu Yunfeng's clean face.

He finally used this explosive power to break free Liu Yunfeng's iron-like hands.

But this also made Liu Yunfeng's hands empty, and his empty right hand clenched into a fist and waved to Nicholas' chest and abdomen! At the moment of punching, Nicholas even heard the crackling noise from the air when his fist broke through the sound barrier!

Nicholas's bull's eyes suddenly stared bigger than copper bells, and he couldn't avoid such a fist speed...

He only had time to retract his hands and put his elbows in front of his chest to block the horrible fist! Then Nicholas heard the dull sound of bone cracking. He could no longer stand firm, and his huge body was blown upside down by a punch!

After being punched by Liu Yunfeng, Nicholas experienced what heavy pressure was.

At this moment, Nicholas only felt that his eyes suddenly darkened, and his chest was like a boulder. The fishy and sweet smell kept surging up his throat. As long as he opened his mouth and spewed something, the whole world was also shaking. There was no way to identify the direction and position at all. After three and a half weeks of him, he finally became heavy. He fell to the ground and dragged out a deep gully.

All the night elves who watched this scene opened their mouths and looked at Liu Yunfeng in disbelief. They couldn't imagine that there was such an inhuman terror power in the thin body of the man in front of them, their new sacrificial adults!

Nicholas, the orc warrior who has been flaunting himself with strength, is so vulnerable in front of him...

Many young elves look at Liu Yunfeng at this moment, their eyes are full of small stars...

Even Margaret, who had just rushed back from a distance with an angry face, was dumbfounded at this moment. She even forgot to take off a piece of dog tail grass on her ears. Her delicate ears instinctively stirred and jumped up the dog's tail grass.

Nicholas looked up to the sky and fell to the ground. His ears, nose, and even his veins, large and small, oozed fine blood lines, and he struggled to get up for a moment.

He heard the footsteps of that horrible human, and he wanted to stand up, although that man was terrible! Although his strength was so weak in front of the man, it was in front of the young lady! He wants to fight! Even if you die! You can't fall down!

"Wo!!!" Nicholas's body suddenly became hot, like a roasting lobster, and his already huge size tended to be wide again!

"It's not good! He's going crazy!" An elf suddenly covered his mouth and screamed.

Nicholas! Stop it!" At this critical moment, a delicate shout interrupted Nicholas' madness. Nicholas, who was interrupted by madness, suddenly fell into a coma.

Madness is also a force of abnormal channels, which has to pay a certain price. She is not allowed to pay such a meaningless price. She has her own bottom line.

Looking at Liu Yunfeng who came slowly, Michelle looked a little complicated. Originally, she only heard that her grandmother was humiliated by this human in the hall, and she just wanted to humiliate her back, break a few bones all over his body, and then throw them into the spring of life, which was regarded as a lesson.

But what she never expected was that this ordinary human being, who did not feel a trace of master, actually had such a terrible power, which made Nicholas, the best of the Bill clan famous for his power, look back!

The slow footsteps were like stepping on her heart one by one.

The inexplicable smile hanging at the corners of her mouth made her feel inexplicable panic.

Does he want to revenge and humiliate himself?

It is never allowed!

At this moment, Michelle has lost her enchanting amorous feelings, but it gives people a pitiful feeling. Her crystal teeth bit her red lips and looked at Liu Yunfeng coldly. The long bow on her back had been turned over and the flower in her hand. She held the bow in her left hand and took out five Mitsubishi arrows from the arrows behind her back. She didn't see any action. One arrow had been held in her mouth, and the remaining four were only clamped with fingers and put on the bow. Above the string.

The small mouth was slightly open, and a stream of air hit the sharp arrow on the mouth and rushed straight forward. At the moment the sharp arrow reached the bow string, Michelle quickly bent the bow. The bowstring was ejected on the flying arrow, with four sharp arrows between her fingers, and shot at the slowly walking Liu Yunfeng.

Just when Liu Yunfeng was less than 100 meters away from Michelle, five harsh roars sounded almost at the same time, and five arrows shot back and forth!

Liu Yunfeng's eyes widened, as if he were a little innocent, and some seemed to marvel at such an amazing archery skill. He raised his right hand slightly and his face was slightly tilted.

There was a muffled sound, and the four Mitsubishi arrows were firmly grasped between his five fingers, and the last one, like Michelle, bit in her mouth, not even the same as the position. Liu Yunfeng even felt the slight moisture on the ridge of the arrow, and his mouth was fragrant...

Michelle's delicate body trembled slightly, not because of fear, but because of shame and anger! He has never seen such a shameless man!

She held the long bow in her hand and cut it at Liu Yunfeng, and the sharp blade cut through the morning wind!

The bows and arrows of the night elves are generally equipped with sharp curved blades, and they have a beautiful and sharp martial art _____ bow fighting skills!

Unfortunately, beautiful and sharp martial arts seem vulnerable in the face of the absolute power gap.

Liu Yunfeng slightly put his body on one side and dodged a tricky chopping. He just raised his other hand and firmly clamped Michelle's white wrist!

Another small fist waved, Liu Yunfeng loosened his thumb and quickly closed it. The two slender wrists were actually grasped by him.

Fighting your legs!

Unfortunately, just before achieving its mission, it was tightly clamped by Liu Yunfeng's legs. At this moment, Michelle is like a beautiful butterfly falling on the spider web and can't move. Only the soft and boneless waist can't help twisting, as if it can arouse the most primitive desire of males.

How ambiguous are the posture of two people...

Countless elves stared at the two entangled people with their eyes wide and red faces...

" Let go of me!!" Michelle struggled for half a while in vain, but had no choice but to stare at Liu Yunfeng.

"Hey, can you reason? You came to me first, didn't you?" Liu Yunfeng was a little helpless when she met such an unreasonable little girl...

"Give me away!!"


A pair of beautiful eyes staring...

"Then I'll let you go, but don't bother me again! Well, I'll give you back the arrow!" Liu Yunfeng stuffed five sharp arrows into half of Michelle's exposed white breasts. In the room, the deep gully just clamped the five arrows tightly.

Liu Yunfeng actually regarded her most private place as an arrow basket...

Michelle's chest fluctuated violently, and the two little rabbits that were originally too full were about to crack their clothes. She was really angered by Liu Yunfeng. The jade-like skin appeared crimson with strong shame and anger, and her eyes that looked at Liu Yunfeng were only angry.

The scene quickly became awkward.

Liu Yunfeng just finished a little joke, and as soon as he saw that the other party's eyes had sent out murderous intent, he was suddenly a little embarrassed. The scene was half silent, so he had to let go of her and drag Margaret, who was still in a dull state before the other party lost his temper, and several leaps disappeared in the depths of the forest...< /P>

"Liu Yunfeng!! I'm going to kill you!!! Wow, wow...!" Just as Liu Yunfeng's figure disappeared, a scream full of resentment and shame resounded throughout the dark night, followed by a burst of sad crying...

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Er... If you have something to go out in the afternoon, this chapter will be sent first, and the second update will be in the evening...