God Stick Paradise

Chapter 134 Temptation

In the center of the continent, there is a desolate place, with fine sand raging in the wind. This sky always presents an earthy yellow that is difficult to look at, like unhealing scars on the sky.

Under the dim yellow sky, countless tall stone pillars are buried deep in the yellow sand. These white jade pillars that need dozens of people to surround, up to thousands of feet, are so eye-catching between heaven and earth, and the mottled and broken stone cracks tell history...

This is the relic of the temple of Gae, the temple left by the gods, and the temple that has been forgotten by the world.

Today's Jiaye Temple has lost its former glory and is buried deep under the yellow sand. In the dark depths of the temple, a red sword is inserted on a dilapidated stone tablet, emitting a strange red light, slightly ringing and trembling, as if it were a certain existence. After losing its seal, it began to slowly wake up. .....

One day... Two days... One month... Four months...

This demonic sword finally moved. In the slow squirming, an eye appeared, and the eyes opened. They were also red eyes. The orangutan pupils stood upside down and couldn't help shaking around, ferocious and tyrannical, and even a little crazy...

With the opening of this pupil, the sword body suddenly emitted a strong red light. These red light, like essence, formed a red pillar when the red light reached its peak, broke through the barrier of yellow sand, and shot towards the sky without clouds, as if it had entered another world!

Gradually, the clouds in the sky were gradually dyed red, as if they could bleed. At this moment, all the creatures in the continent looked up at the sky and were stunned by the horrible scene. In a daze, a fear from the soul hit their hearts.

The surrounding area of the temple is endless yellow sand. The yellow sand is round, like a boundary. Outside the yellow sand, it is a green grassland. The orcs have lived with it for generations and lived a carefree life for thousands of years.

But every year, some orc aspiring people will choose to walk into the two forests and become a follower of elves. A person who performs well in all aspects will even be promoted to non-commissioned officers and hold important positions by elves. From then on, they will live a unique and exquisite life, which is what all orcs yearn for.

The wine of elves is the favorite of the orcs. The music of the elves is the fairy sound of the orcs. The beauty of the elves is the goddess of the orcs. Every few hundred years, there will always be rumors in the orcs that someone has got an elf's heart. From then on, it is the ultimate dream of all orcs. Therefore, in the orcs, their choices The orc youth who went to follow the elves, also known as the dreamer...

Nicholas is one of them. As a member of the Bill clan, he has been extremely strong since he was born. He has had an advantage in the clan and finally became the best among his peers. In the end, he, who had not made much progress in the clan, entered the dark night forest alone. He was lucky. In the level set by the heavy elves for her followers, he was valued by Michelle, the flower of the night, and became her mount. At one time, Nicholas' name resounded throughout the orcs, and all his partners were jealous.

Michelle's smile touched Nicholas's mind. He once vowed to protect the goddess with her own life. But not long after, a human appeared. That human was so terrible. Nicholas had always been the most confident force. In front of that human, he was not as good as ants. Even in the end, in front of his goddess, he fainted shamefully...

He did not fulfill his promise. When he woke up, he was exhausted. Although the spring of life could repair his body, it could not heal his mental trauma. Nicholas felt that he had no face to meet the goddess again, so he retreated, escaped, and returned to his ethnic group with regret and hatred for that human being. Before he could practice his strength beyond that human, he resolutely did not return to the dark night forest.

However, such a move has not been understood by his peers, thinking that he is a kind of retreat and cowardice. Gradually, the aura of his body gradually faded, and he, who had been white-eyed, became more and more lonely. At sunrise and sunset, he was basically practicing except for the most basic work and rest time, but the more he practiced, the more he felt that the gap between him and the human being could not be made up by diligence.

Nicholas looked at the declining setting sun, and his eyes were full of confusion and despair. At this moment, a red light rose at the other end of the sky.

"Do you want to gain strength? Come on..... Come on! The source of power is in the depths of the temple of Gaya..."

The red light in the sky is imprinted red in Nicholas' eyes, like a fanatical flame, boiling...

Countless similar scenes were staged one by one in the Izumo Grassland. From the power **, several people can stop the depravity...


Liu Yunfeng looked at the red light in the sky, his eyebrows were tightly clustered, and several fragments in his mind flashed rapidly, and then disappeared again. Dragon blood... Thunder fire... A woman's crying face...

This scene is very similar, but it is an unknown precursor...

Suddenly, far away, a strong man with bear ears suddenly roared and waved his tomahawk at the elf kneeling beside him. His hand was trembling, as if he was struggling fiercely, but the axe could not stop the heavy load of corruption!

" Stop!!" Liu Yunfeng's eyes suddenly widened, but the distance was so far that he couldn't stop it...

The Queen Day beside him raised her bare hand, and two silver-white arrows condensed in the void, and two slender fingers bloomed like orchids and bounced on the tail wing of the arrow one after another.

Two crisp sounds, the arrow glowed golden light, shooting out like a meteor, blood splashed, the bear man was brought out by huge power, and his shoulders were nailed to the ground, making a painful roar...

"Is it still coming after all?" Sophia looked at the red light in the sky and lowered her eyes slightly, "Liu Yunfeng, my sacrificial lord, can I ask you something?"

PS: The next chapter is still desperately... Try to send it out before 9:30...

Please collect............................................................................................ .....