God Stick Paradise

Chapter 136 The Man with the Sword

Margueriet's hairy ears suddenly moved, and her face suddenly became solemn: "It seems that a creature is approaching... It seems to... Just at our feet."

Just as Margaret spoke, the yellow sand with the two people as the center suddenly sank down, revealing a circle of fine fangs...

"Damn it!" Perceiting something wrong, Liu Yunfeng suddenly stepped under his feet, and his body suddenly jumped up and went straight to the sky. At the moment he jumped, a huge dark shadow also appeared in the sunken sand pit under his feet! That figure is more than ten feet thick!

Liu Yunfeng, who rose up, found at this moment that what was followed was a big blood basin mouth. There was nothing else on its face except the circle of broken teeth. Maybe in this desert, it doesn't need other organs at all. A huge mouth that can eat the world is enough!

"What the hell is this!" Liu Yunfeng lifted his legs into a word before he narrowly avoided the swallowing of the huge kiss, and the huge and incredible torso finally began to fall into the desert under the action of gravity! With a loud noise, the huge bug re-drilled into the sand like a swimming fish. Because most of it was hidden in the sand, its length could not be calculated! The body that is still exposed is covered with water drop-shaped scales.

"I'm afraid this is the legendary Domik bug. The creatures left by the first invasion of the fantasy world have been used by them to transport troops. It makes a living by devouring the underground veins, and the ore swallowed by it will be converted into scales on its body, which is almost indestructible. They were left behind when the fantasy world hurriedly withdrew in the big explosion. From then on, they lost their command and began to sleep underground. I'm afraid that because of the red pillar, they began to wake up because of the red pillar that made them sleep for ten thousand years. Margaret quickly explained to Liu Yunfeng.

And after reaching the highest point, Liu Yunfeng's figure also began to fall, and what made his scalp numb was that the bug seemed to have wisdom and opened his huge mouth and waited for him to fall into the net in the sand.

"Look for death!" Liu Yunfeng scolded angrily! The space around him seemed to have a circle of visible ripples, and thousands of famous swords gradually condensed around him! Liu Yunfeng's body suddenly turned in the air, and in the wing-like hum of the bees, hundreds of silver lights rushed out of Liu Yunfeng's hand and shot towards the open giant mouth! In an instant, he seemed to turn into a Green Battery! It's like a metal storm!!

In the dense sound of gold and iron, thousands of long swords shot into the same hard mouth of the Minick bug like machine gun bullets, shooting thousands of brilliant Mars. The giant insect didn't expect that the human in the sky was so difficult to deal with. He was caught off guard and roared and twisted his bloated body into the sand in pain.

This scene also made Margaret's eyes bloom with countless small stars on her back.

Margaret! Hasn't it left yet? Liu Yunfeng naturally couldn't see her expression. When he landed safely, he couldn't see any expression on his face and looked around and asked.

Margueriet's face changed slightly, and she sucked her little nose and said, "Well, it's still nearby!" This is troublesome. This thing is very difficult to kill.

"Is that so?" Liu Yunfeng said to himself, but there was an inexplicable trajectory at the corners of his mouth. He turned his head and told Margaret, "Shh... Don't make a sound! Hold on to me!"

Margueriet heard that her slender but powerful legs were tightly clamped around Liu Yunfeng's waist, and Ruyu's lotus arms were also tightly tied to his neck, which made Liu Yunfeng's breathing stagnate, so she had to pat the back of her little hand, indicating that she should not be too nervous.

With the two holding their breath, there was only the sound of hunting in the desert, and Liu Yunfeng and Margaret stood in the wind and sand like lifeless stone carvings.

I don't know how long it took. Liu Yunfeng's shoulder tightened slightly, and he knew that Margaret was reminding him that the disgusting big bug was coming again!

In Liu Yunfeng's hand, two thin daggers slowly condensed out! The cold light flashed in the sun! Just as he projected the pair of daggers, the yellow sand with two people as the centered on a radius of more than ten feet sank down again, revealing a circle of fine fangs...

"Oh... It's this trick again!" A trace of sarcasm flashed in Liu Yunfeng's eyes! When Domiq rushed out, Liu Yunfeng's toes moved backwards. When his figure flipped in the air, he even saw a tooth full of yellow spots brushing past the tip of his nose! Just as he dodged the attack of the Mick bug, the dagger in his hand heavily pierced into the gap between the two scales, and just as the dagger was inserted, the sharp two edges of the dagger popped out two inverted hooks again, dead just between the scales!

The huge pulling force made Liu Yunfeng lean back heavily. He let go of his hands, and the handle of the dagger condensed two long chains again! Liu Yunfeng pulled these two chains and tightly attached them to the back of the big bug!

After sensing this fact, the Domiq bug began to struggle hard, twisting its body in an attempt to throw out the foreign body!

"Help me pull it!" Liu Yunfeng handed over the chain in his hand to Margaret on his back, and he freed his hands! Another huge knight's long gun condensed out! Once again, he inserted heavily into the cracks in the scales of the neck of the giant insect's neck, and then condensed a huge hammer and began to hit the end of the knight's handle. The sparks splashed, and the long gun finally began to sink inch by inch!

Even if Domiq has an extremely hard and terrible defense, he feels the life-and-death crisis that makes it almost forget at this moment, and its struggle is even more intense!

Or submit! Or die!" Just as Domic was about to dive into the sand again, a cold word came directly into its mind, making its movements stiff, and the huge body made its movements look a little funny.

The longer a creature lives, the more afraid it is of death...

Domiq's limited wisdom made it a wise choice to submit to the human beings in front of him. So then, such a scene was staged on the desert wilderness. Two small humanoid creatures pulled a long reins-like chain and drove the worm of Domiq to the depths of the lost land, the temple of Gaya.

Margueriet seemed a little excited all the way, always shouting all the way, making Liu Yunfeng's ears slightly numb. Even when riding the Queen's Chimera, Margaret has never been so happy. She clung to Liu Yunfeng's back, as if she has temporarily forgotten the crisis of the Continent at this moment. Perhaps in her opinion, as long as Liu Yunfeng comes out, there is nothing that can't be solved...

The speed of the Domiq worm is extremely fast. If you ignore its ugly appearance and this endless yellow, it is more like a dragon moving in the sea.

Finally, they came to the ancient temple of Jiaye. At this moment, the sky on the temple has shown blood redness that is difficult to see directly due to the rendering of the red pillar, and the Jiaye Temple has already sunk in the yellow sand as legendary, leaving only countless tall white jade pillars and stone pillars towering in the sky. The mottled and fragmented stone crevices tell the ancient history.

In the fearful roar of Domiq, Liu Yunfeng wrapped the chain around one of the stone pillars, and then jumped down from the back of the insect with Margaret on his back and stared at the holy city where the ancient Jiaye Temple ______ was originally arrived.

"According to Bodna's Memories, during the Holy War, a powerful ghost and god was sealed by that human in the deepest part of the temple. Perhaps the seal of the ghost and god failed..." Margaret whispered.

Sealed ghosts and gods? Sealed by humans? Humans?

Human? Is it him?" Liu Yunfeng suddenly remembered the legend in the night forest and asked Margaret with his head.

"Ye, he blew up the temple..." Margaret's eyes were slightly distracted. In Liu Yunfeng's silence, she trotted a few steps and walked around one of the stone pillars, but she didn't know what she had done.

"Boom!" One sound.

One of the stone pillars suddenly fell into the yellow sand and exposed a passage. Liu Yunfeng stood in front of the passage, looking at the steps paved with something, waiting for Margaret's arrival. He walked to the stone wall of the passage and gently brushed away a layer of dust, revealing a line of words below, but he couldn't understand it.

"Holy and holy, Jia Ye has gained it, and my Lord and God will share honor..." Margaret read the above words with difficulty, her little mouth slightly open, and there was an unconcealed shock in her eyes.

Even if ten thousand years have passed, such a line of text has not been completely eroded by the wind and sand. It can be imagined that the arrogance and ambition of the person who engraved this text has been deeply reflected in these years.

Liu Yunfeng slowly pulled Margaret into the lost temple, with large murals in the corridors on both sides. The content of the mural is difficult to describe, but it can be shocked by the power of the mansion.

The strange silence in the temple, with Margaret's lead, and there were still no obstacles and creatures along the way. It seemed that there was nothing else in the temple except them. Liu Yunfeng's eyebrows gradually frowned. This strange atmosphere made him instinctively uneasy until they came to the bottom of the temple and suddenly nose A faint smell of blood floated from the tip, and Liu Yunfeng's eyes began to become solemn and pulled Margaret along the smell.

After a few minutes, the bloody smell became heavier and heavier. After the last corner, the two bodies suddenly stopped and looked up again, and the two pupils suddenly shrank to the limit.

Not far ahead, it is the red column in the sky. Under the red column, there are countless incomplete orc corpses lying down. The whole ground is slowly flowing dark red blood. The smell of blood is emitted by them. Obviously, they have just died.

And in this sea of blood, there stands a strong figure. His upper body**, the most eye-catching thing is his pair of horns piercing the sky. The left corner seems to have been cut off by a sharp weapon, revealing a rolling ring-like print, and the huge tomahawk engraved with the glory totem of the orc has However, he abandoned it, and what he held in his hand at this moment was a bloody sword...

"I... I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

PS: Please collect................................................................< /P>