God Ling Nine Days

Chapter 44 Mist Killing Array

Once again through a corridor, Ye Qianqiu and Yunyue came to a place full of fog. Here, you can see the places around you only two or three feet at most, and the rest are a fog.

"Keep going, it may become more and more dangerous!" Yunyue looked around and said in a low voice.

Ye Qianqiu stood beside him, frowned and said, "Well, the road behind must be much more difficult than before! However, there is only one Shura battlefield when I go back now, and I can only go forward!"

Hearing this, Yunyue nodded and said, "Now it can be said to be a dilemma, but we know the problems behind us. As for what is waiting for us in front of us, it's hard to say, but the unknown is challenging. Let's go!"

After saying that, the two walked side by side to the deeper covered by the fog. Here, they must be very close to each other. If they leave each other's sight, they may encounter some danger.

"Do you feel that we seem to have been here all the time. No matter how we go, we will come back!" After walking for a while, Yunyue stopped, looked down at the ground, and said solemnly.

"It seems that there is this feeling..." Ye Qianqiu is also uncertain. Here, his sense of heaven and earth seems to be useless, and it is difficult to find an accurate way.

The two quietly looked around and found that it was still a fog, and there was nothing else.

Finally, Ye Qianqiu took out the Qingyang sword, carved a mark on the ground, and then said, "Let's go and see if it's back again?"

The cloud moon nodded, and then the two walked deeper into the fog again...

"Sure enough, it's back!" Yunyue stared at the mark engraved on the ground by Ye Qianqiu before, and there was no surprise on her face, as if she had expected this situation.

Ye Qianqiu Ye looked at the mark he carved, then raised his head, looked at the cloud moon, and said, "Now, we..." Before he finished his words, the cloud moon said, "This is definitely a maze. Its effect is concentrated here. I'm afraid it's more powerful than our ethereal array! "

"The ethereal and lost array? Is that the big array of your hidden sect? When Ye Qianqiu heard these five words, he put on a smiley expression and asked.

Yunyue looked at him strangely and said, "Well, that's it!" Ye Qianqiu heard this, laughed and then said, "I didn't think of that big array. I found the direction of your Taiyi door in just a few times."

"That's because your sense of heaven and earth is relatively strong, just a fluke, but here, your sense is useless, because I'm afraid it has isolated heaven and earth!" Yunyue didn't say much, but pointed out this point.

"Isolate the world! Is this the means of the most holy strong man? Hearing this, Ye Qianqiu stopped joking and frowned and asked.

Cloud Moon nodded slowly and said, "It is very likely that the power of the most holy strong is unpredictable!"

"So what should I do with this formation?" Ye Qianqiu looked around and then asked.

Cloud Moon did not reply, but squatted down and pressed his hand to the ground, as if sensing something.

Seeing this, Ye Qianqiu also stopped talking. He knew that the cloud moon was an innate Taoist body, and five people were able to sense the Taoist force. Now, he is sensing the Taoist force of this formation and cannot be disturbed.

After a while, Yunyue, who squatted on the ground, suddenly stood up and looked at Ye Qianqiu with a shocked face. She said, "This is a place of great fierceness. The psychedelic power is only the side effect of the array here. As for the real effect, I'm afraid..." Speaking of this, Yunyue paused, turned her head to the depths of the fog, and finally said: "Kill the trespassers!"

Hearing this, Ye Qianqiu frowned and said, "You mean, this is a killing array?"

Cloud Moon nodded and said, "Yes, now, we are in the killing battle!" If we really move to the ban, I'm afraid we can be killed in an instant!"

"The killing array under the most holy laid kills us in an instant..." Ye Qianqiu swallowed his saliva and said slowly.

"That's right, and, I think this killing has been launched once!" Yunyue nodded and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Ye Qianqiu looked at him in surprise and said, "You mean, this killing has been launched once?"

Yunyue nodded again and said, "Well, I'm afraid that some of the dragon cavalry guards of the royal family and those strong clans have been killed!"

Ye Qianqiu did not reply. Except for the dragon cavalry of the royal family and those strong clans, they are the only here. If the killing array is really launched once, then someone will definitely be killed!

This is indeed a fierce place. There is such a killing array laid by the most holy strong man. If you want to pass safely, in addition to luck, you also need strength!

Neither of them can do anything about this array. Except for the refining array, Ye Qianqiu has not learned other arrays in the Secrets of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. He is an obvious half-baked man. As for the cloud moon, although he knows a lot about the array, he will also make several arrays, but he wants him to break this most holy and strong The killing array laid by the man is still impossible.

"It's difficult to go back now. Let's continue to walk around!" Standing still for a long time, Ye Qianqiu suggested.

"Well, let's take a look!" Yunyue nodded, and they all knew that it was not a way to stand here like this. It's better to walk around.

This time, the man changed his way of walking, no longer moving forward, but changed several directions to the depths of the fog.

Suddenly, Ye Qianqiu felt that there was something wrong with his feet, but before he looked down, an incomparable murder enveloped him and Yunyue.

"Kid, did you step on the wrong place?" Under the cover of this awe-inspiring murder, Yunyue looked at Ye Qianqiu with a bitter face and asked.

Ye Qianqiu smiled dryly and said, "I don't know, but I just feel that there is something wrong with my feet..."

Before he finished speaking, the sword spirit of Taoism shot out from all directions and pointed straight at them, and the breath of terror shrouded the whole fog.

"Damn it, I don't believe it. Did you die here like this?" Ye Qianqiu roared, instantly took out the Qingyang sword, inserted it into the ground, and then quickly printed with both hands, and shouted, "Take soldiers as a medium, holy cage!"

"Kid, you are crazy. Qingyang Sword is not a holy level. It will be destroyed in such a way!" Yunyue saw the disadvantages of Ye Qianqiu's method and quickly shouted.

Ye Qianqiu did not look back, but said, "It's all touched by the killing array. It doesn't matter what the sword does. It's important to save your life!" Then, his whole body surged up, and his deep inner breath instantly poured into the Qingyang sword, and then he shouted, "Jing!"

The "boom" Dao sword was shot, and the two were about to be cut off. At this time, a terrible breath came from the Qingyang sword, and the magnificent gas enveloped the two people in an instant.

The "expanded" sword gas was twisted, and it collided with the gas that enveloped the two of them. Suddenly, there was a loud sound, which made both of their ears a little numb.

"This is a cage!" Yunyue looked up at the gas that enveloped the two of them and looked shocked. Then he looked back at Ye Qianqiu and said, "You can really make wisdom in a hurry. You can think of it, but if you can't stop it, this sword will be destroyed!"

"I'll save your life first!" Ye Qianqiu frowned. He was not sure whether the cage could block the sword spirit. After all, he set up a holy cage through the cross-level soldiers. Not to mention that it was not as good as the real holy cage, and his cultivation would not last long.

The sword spirit flashed and kept knocking down the holy cage, making loud noises one after another, and some cracks gradually appeared around the cage, which seemed to be unable to hold on.

At this time, a shocking breath came out, and an extremely bright sword spirit came. Seeing this, Yunyue immediately shouted: "Kid, hold on, the last blow!"

Hearing this, Ye Qianqiu gritted his teeth and then roared when the sword spirit knocked down the cage, which shocked Yunyue.

The sword spirit of "Boom" has not dissipated for a long time. Ye Qianqiu gritted his teeth and supported it, and Yunyue had no choice. He was not a performer and could not intervene.

Finally, under the loud sound, the sword spirit dissipated and the cage was broken. Looking at the Qingyang sword inserted on the ground, there seemed to be a crack. However, in any case, Ye Qianqiu and the two escaped.

As soon as "pu" calmed down, Ye Qianqiu spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then knelt on the ground with a plop. Yunyue hurriedly held him and said, "Kid, are you all right?"

Ye Qianqiu's face became very pale, but he still waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll just sit down for a while!"

Then, Ye Qianqiu gritted his teeth and began to heal his wounds. Yunyue frowned and said, "Kid, you have an internal injury. It can't be done like this!"

"Just recover a little!" Ye Qianqiu took a few breaths and said quietly.

At this time, the surrounding scene also changed, the fog disappeared, and a golden earth appeared at their feet. A not far ahead was a bronze gate leading to deeper into the temple.

Cloud and frowned and looked around. Then, his face became very strange, as if he had seen something. He turned his head to look at Ye Qianqiu and said, "Kid, look over here!"

Ye Qianqiu, who was healing, turned his head, and then his expression became as strange as the clouds and moon, because, not far away, they saw several bodies, three of which were dragon riders of the royal family, and four were members of the sect, and one of the four was from the Taiqing Sect, and the other three were also They are all people from different sects. It seems that they were all killed by the killing array, which made Yunyue shake her head and said, "The people of Taiqing Sect are too unlucky. Four or five other sects have come. Three people came like us, and one died like this. It seems that it's not easy to leave later!"

Ye Qianqiu was speechless and just shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know that the people of Taiqing Sect would be so unlucky. Only three people came, and one of them died. It seems that he may suffer losses later.