God Ling Nine Days

Chapter 58 The Strange Treasures at the Bottom of the Valley

Three months later, Yun Suifeng's injury completely recovered. Ye Qianqiu also digested some of the power of the dragon's marrow and improved his cultivation again, reaching the five heavens of dragon leaps. His martial arts and Taoism were also practiced by him like an arm.

For three months, he and Yun Suifeng have been together almost day and night. Both of them have identified each other as good friends and best friends.

On this day, Yun Suifeng told Ye Qianqiu all the secrets of becoming immortals. After discussing in detail, the two decided to rush to that place immediately and prepare in advance, so as not to let the people of Wanhua Valley take the lead.

It took ten days to travel, more than 100,000 miles, and the two finally arrived at the edge of a canyon.

In the canyon, the fragrance is overflowing, and the whole canyon is filled with a faint fragrance. The five-color divine light flashes in the canyon, condensing the aura of heaven and earth to nourish the plants in the valley. Thick ancient vines hang on the cliff like dragons and extend to the depths of the canyon. You can't see how long it is. Looking down, they saw strange clouds, such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and white tigers...

There is no doubt that this is a fairyland, and the secret of immortality should be here.

According to Yun Suifeng, this place is called the Immortal Valley. It seems that a flying fairy has fallen here, and the secret of becoming an immortal seems to be left by the flying fairy and will be obtained by the predestined people in later generations.

"Do you want to go down?" Standing on the cliff, the two looked down and asked with the wind.

Ye Qianqiu looked down. Although he couldn't see the bottom, he knew that the bottom must be unusual, so he nodded: "Go down, but be very careful!"

When Yun heard the wind, he also nodded and agreed. This is a place related to the secret of immortality. It looks extremely quiet on the surface, but there is likely to be endless murder hidden in the dark, and there may be a disaster of killing.

The two carefully walked along the dragon-like ancient vine to the valley, one step at a time and did not dare to relax at all.

Standing on the ancient vine, they can completely walk flat, because these ancient vines are so big that they are like dragons crossing the fairy valley, connecting from this cliff to the cliff over there. I don't know how long it is. Its branches are countless, completely forming a labyrinth hanging in the middle of the valley. If you mistakenly enter here, you will definitely get lost in these ancient vine branches.

But fortunately, Ye Qianqiu and Yun Suifeng know a lot, and Ye Qianqiu's sensitivity to heaven and earth is much stronger than before, and he can completely get out of this natural maze.

"With such a heavy fog, I'm afraid that even if the Asian strong man comes from the sky, he can't easily find a way out!" Yun Suifeng and Ye Qianqiu walked on an ancient vine and looked at the fog around him. He sighed like this.

Ye Qianqiu nodded: "I'm afraid this is the first pass. Maybe many people will get lost here and can't find a way out. I don't know how many people will come to Wanhua Valley. If they come more, they will definitely go back pitifully!"

Yun Suifeng deeply agreed with his words, and prayed that Wanhua Valley could send everyone other than the most holy strong man to come here, otherwise he would definitely kill and hurt countless people.

While discussing, the two walked down the ancient vine. Gradually, they had walked halfway and came thousands of meters above the bottom of the Fairy Valley.

"Huh" Yun took a deep breath with the wind and said, "This fairy valley is really deep. It is seven or eight kilometers. It seems that it will take a lot of time to get to the bottom of the valley!"

Ye Qianqiu nodded to him and said, "Be more careful when you get to the bottom of the valley. The real crisis should appear there. After all, not everyone can peep at the secret of becoming an immortal!"

The further down, the thicker the fog, and slowly the two began to run the road to see things in the distance. At this moment, several dark shadows rushed up from below, and the two were shocked and ready to take action, but when they saw the shadow clearly, they gave up their minds. Those shadows are just a few big black feather eagles. They are so fast that they have disappeared in the other direction in a blink of an eye.

"I'm afraid that the creatures in the Fairy Valley have also gained a lot of benefits, and most of them have deep or shallow cultivation!" Yun Suifeng's face was shocked. He said so, and he felt that this kind of thing was a little strange. Ye Qianqiu had no reaction. He saw more strange things when he came down from the peak, so these naturally would not surprise him.

The two continued to go down and were very careful all the way. Finally, more than half an hour later, they came to the bottom of the valley and saw the scenery at the bottom of the valley.

At the bottom of the valley, the towering ancient trees are straight into the sky. I don't know how high they are. According to what they saw when they came down, these ancient trees are at least half the height of the immortal valley, because they had already seen the branches and leaves of these ancient trees. At first, they didn't feel much, but now from the bottom, it looks really amazing. Such a tall tree I don't know how many years it has grown and how much aura it has absorbed.

In addition to the towering ancient trees, there are many rare grasses that can't be named by two people, but judging from their brilliance and overflowing fragrance, these are undoubtedly precious medicines and must be of great use. Yun Suifeng wanted to pick some for refining medicine, but Ye Qianqiu stopped him and said, "Don't act rashly. You'd better get familiar with the surrounding environment first!"

After saying that, he quickly knotted his hands, and a golden light burst out of his body. A golden man slowly walked out. This is his divine transformation, with more powerful combat power than him, but his defense is too shabby, but even so, it is enough to detect danger.

His divine transformation stepped forward step by step, looked around, and Ye Qianqiu could also see the things that the divine transformation could see, because they were originally one, just a manipulation consciousness and a obedience.

After walking a long way, he did not encounter any danger. Ye Qianqiu was slightly relieved, and then manipulated him to pick a strange plant with three colors and fragrance, which should be a precious medicine.

The golden consciousness did not disappoint them, picked the plant smoothly, and then slowly walked back.

After taking over the plant, Ye Qianqiu returned the divine consciousness, and then a pair of eyes suddenly surged up with Wanhua Shenqi, and Wanhua divine eyes appeared, looking directly at the origin of this strange plant.

"Oh?" After seeing its origin, Ye Qianqiu was a little surprised, "This is actually a strange medicine that can prolong life for a hundred years. Dead practitioners need to break through. This life-sustaining medicine is a necessary thing!"

Hearing this, Yun Suifeng was also very surprised. A pair of eyes stared at the plant in Ye Qianqiu's hand, with dazzling brilliance, as if he wanted to swallow it in one bite.

"Come on, if you want, pick it yourself." Ye Qianqiu laughed, put the plants in his hand into the empty mirror, and then slowly walked forward, intending to continue picking.

Yun Suifeng was also unwilling to lag behind when he saw the situation. He immediately ran forward and picked it when he saw the eye-catching one. In a blink of an eye, he had taken a lot.

Ye Qianqiu smiled faintly and said to herself, "Oh, this guy..."

Each of them kept picking the rare grass in the valley. Half an hour later, both of them returned with a full load. Looking at the road ahead, Ye Qianqiu frowned slightly and said, "Although my consciousness has been tested, it may still be dangerous. Be careful!"

The cloud nodded with the wind: "I can feel that there must be something special in front of me, and even the source of thunder in my body is faintly moving!"

Hearing his words, Ye Qianqiu became more suspicious, so he summoned the empty mirror in front of the two to defend himself.

The empty mirror is a sacred weapon, a real sacred weapon. Although some of its effects cannot be manifested in Ye Qianqiu's hands, its amazing defense is enough for two people to resist the unknown crisis.

Step by step forward, both of them looked solemnly and kept looking around. This place is related to the secret of becoming immortals. They can't help but be careless. Ye Qianqiu knows what kind of existence it is, so he dares not act recklessly. As for the clouds that have always had illusions about flying immortals, let alone follow the wind. .

"What kind of trauma do you think? Even the flying immortals have fallen?" After going far away, Yun Suifeng suddenly asked.

Ye Qianqiu stopped and looked into the distance: "Only people of the same level can do it to slaughter flying immortals, but I don't know what happened between them, and there was a life-and-death war?"

When the cultivation reaches that level, no one wants to die. If it hadn't touched the deepest thing, there would have been no life and death war.

"There may only be more horrible things that can make the life and death of the realm of flying immortals, such as heavenly war treasures!" Yun Suifeng thought about it and then said so.

Ye Qianqiu nodded at this, saying that it was very possible.

Weapons and magic weapons are divided into four levels: human, holy, immortal and heavenly. The Qingyang sword in Ye Qianqiu's hand is the highest level. It is only one line away from the sacred weapon and can cross the boundary of the sacred weapon at any time. Holy weapon, the empty mirror in his hand is the holy weapon. Although it is not the strongest holy weapon, it is also an upper-class holy weapon. After all, this is the most holy place where two corpses were cut off. As for the fairy artifact, he has never seen it, but according to his guess, the unique hall of war between heaven and earth must be a fairy artifact, perhaps more advanced! Not to mention a heavenly weapon or magic weapon, even if you become a flying fairy, the chance to see it is very small.

The destructive power of human-level weapons is not strong, but can only be used as the help of practitioners, while holy-level weapons are different. A powerful holy weapon is enough to smash thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. Even the whole land of the human world may not be able to withstand the few blows under the power of the holy weapon. It is precisely because of this, the most holy battle is rare. Few, even if there is, it is carried out outside the sky. As for fairy weapons and heavenly weapons, it goes without saying that the destructive power must be earth-shaking, otherwise they would not be called legendary weapons or magic weapons.

"Huh? In front of him..." Yun Sufeng suddenly whispered, with a look of surprise.