Artifact vertical and horizontal

Chapter 42 See the deceased again

"Uncle!!!" The shouting can no longer call back the uncle's firm footsteps, followed by many soldiers with a solemn expressions.

"For the rise of the human race and the awakening of the artifact, please come with me all the way!" This is what the uncle said to the soldiers before going to battle, and these soldiers who have just escaped from the death demon are tacit. Although they don't speak, their footsteps are more determined one by one!

Draw a knife to each other, Huo Huo's blood!

Shuiyue was shocked again. He could understand the original intention of these soldiers. Their wish, like uncles, poured blood on the power of the human race and awaken its sleep!

"Go up!" Xiao Xue said faintly, and at the same time, her eyes showed her memory of the uncle's figure!

"The middle-aged uncle is no different from dying, and I...!"

"And there's nothing we can do!" Xiao Xue was also quite sorry. There were no other expressions on her face, but Xiao Xue was obviously much calmer than Shuiyue. Xiao Xue's little hand rested on Shuiyue's shoulder, and her wrist was strong for a moment. She grabbed Shuiyue with a slight pain. This pain was nothing compared with heartache. Then Shuiyue closed her eyes slightly in front of her, and her heart was full of pain.

When the uncle led several soldiers to rush to the front of the magic soldier's square array, the magic soldier shouted to kill and buried the uncle's body in an instant, and the soldiers broke out desperately and firmly blocked every magic soldier behind them!


Shuiyue gave up the stretcher and grasped the rope with both hands, while the artifact was held by Xiao Xue. In order to ensure the safety of Shuiyue, Xiao Xue finally decided to tie the artifact to her back and always pay attention to the movement under the broken marks to prevent the magic soldiers from breaking through the life-and-death barrier composed of soldiers.

The battle behind them became extremely fierce. The magic soldiers saw Shuiyue and the artifact climbing to the center of the broken scar, and their roar became more sad. With the soldiers around the uncle falling down, the uncle's pressure was even greater. When Shuiyue was about to reach the top of the broken love cliff, they looked back, but they couldn't find the uncle's shadow, and they couldn't help but feel cold. Yi!

The scenery on the broken love cliff has changed. Here, the figure of a magic soldier has not been found. On the contrary, the other end of the broken love cliff is the grassland of a flat river. The round of dim sunset is parallel to the ground, and the rapid valley water flows, indicating that the water moon has completely escaped from danger. Click here to start.

The soldiers who came here first were taking a short break. When they saw the water moon climbing up, their faces showed joy. However, the cliff of Broken Love is also the place where the water moon and the meteors agreed. Why haven't there any news about the meteor now? Shuiyue glanced at the open space at the top of the broken cliff for a week and had no time to look for traces of meteors. In short, Shuiyue believes that meteors will not have any problems!

"Uncle, he's dead!" Xiao Xue finally climbed up and said calmly. His voice was so low that only Shuiyue could hear it, but the caravan had not noticed that their * captain had not followed.

"Wait a minute, I'll talk to the people in the caravan!" Shuiyue returned to the stretcher. After climbing up, Shuiyue still had something to do.

How to destroy this broken mark? If the magic soldier climbs along his own footprints, Shuiyue still can't get rid of it!

"Let me do such a thing!" Xiao Xue sorted out her clothes and walked in the direction where the caravan stopped. It seemed that she neglected that the broken mark was likely to be used by the magic soldiers.

leaned his head down. As expected, as expected by Shuiyue. After removing the obstacles, the magic soldiers found that they were already at the top of the broken cliff. In an instant, dozens of magic soldiers had come to the edge of the broken mark, and two of them were holding the rock bulge on the broken mark and climbing up.

Only by destroying this broken mark will Shuiyue feel at ease, but this broken mark, from top to bottom, is as high as the broken cliff. The stone on the broken wall is some weathered, which can bring some trouble to the magic soldiers to move forward. Shuiyue can't find any other way to destroy this naturally formed channel!

After a while, the body of the magic soldier has clearly appeared at his present!

"Ky, what are you thinking about? After a while, the magic soldier came up!"


A white light was cut out and hit the stone wall above the broken mark. Suddenly, the earth and stone collapsed, and the weathered rocks fell to the bottom of the valley like sand. In the smoke and dust, the water and moon could no longer see the shadow of the magic soldiers in the broken mark. They have been buried at the bottom of the valley with the falling gravel!

The power of this white light, this tone?

Shuiyue suddenly glanced behind her, but there was nothing else nearby, and a familiar figure appeared from the grass on the other end of the cliff. The long sword Shuiyue would not be wrong, but who made this action nearby!

"What happened?" Xiao Xue hurriedly ran over from the other end of the caravan, but saw a burst of smoke floating up from the bottom of the cliff. Xiao Xue thought that the magic soldier was attacking again. After this point, Xiao Xue patted her forehead fiercely, leaving a red mark and said, "Oh, I almost forgot that we should destroy this broken mark!"

"Well, little girl, when you think about it, I'm afraid the magic soldier has attacked!"

"Who is it?" Walking to the side of Shuiyue, Xiao Xueliang stepped out of the feather fan. After looking around for a week, she only saw Shuiyue's frightened and calm face! Did you hear who was talking?

This person, but didn't see anyone when he heard the sound. Either he was hiding in an unknown place or his movement speed was too fast, and Shuiyue had only seen one such person, that was the fairy-like middle-aged uncle who appeared in the woods!

"Uncle, is that you?"

"Who are you asking?" Xiao Xue's eyes were about to fall to the ground.

Suddenly, a dark shadow fell between Shuiyue and Xiao Xue, which scared Xiao Xue to take a few steps back and instinctively took a feather fan and fan out a wind!

This is the mage's wind spell, but don't forget that there is also the chaotic attribute of [Qingge Ruyue Frost] in the middle!

"Xiao Xue, stop it quickly!" The meteor rushed over from Yuan with a long-lost smile on his face.

Xiao Xue looked at the sudden meteor and couldn't help but be surprised, but the spell had been launched and could not stop. This wind rushed to the shadow in a whirlpool. It had already unfolded on the shadow without waiting for the meteor to say a word.


"What?" Xiao Xue Muran, "He actually bounced off my attack?"

"Wade, such an attack is not a joke. Don't wave your [clear song like moon frost] before you know whether it is an enemy or a friend." The shadow turned into an entity, and Shuiyue saw that it was a wrinkle-free, clean and peaceful face. He was the uncle in the woods before!

"Huiyue, I have made a clear understanding of what you told me. Do you want to talk about it now?" The meteor stared at Xiao Xue, came to Shuiyue in dismay and muttered, "I haven't seen you for a day. Xiao Xue, you have become beautiful again, but your boots are a little dirty!"

"What did you tell him? Who is this person?" After being killed by the middle-aged people, Xiao Xue also felt a little sorry. If it hadn't been for the uncle's bounce off his attack, I'm afraid there would be another dead body here!

It's better to ask Shuiyue to explain in person, because Shuiyue only has one side with him, so Shuiyue asked instead of Xiao Xue, "Uncle, who are you? Why do you help us again and again?"


"Meteor, do you know?" Xiao Xue can also speculate that this uncle seems to have come with the meteor!