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Chapter 48 The Handmaid

"You... How dare you...?"

"Shut up, we night villagers will never tell outsiders about the situation in the village. You are still the first one. If it hadn't been for the injury on your leg, I would have dragged you away!" What's the concept when Shuiyue is cold and dragging away?

The man in black did not look at Shuiyue, but led the way in front of him. Shuiyue was lying on the back of another man in black at this moment. After passing through the dense jungle, suddenly, a row of bamboo buildings appeared in front of Shuiyue. Yes, it was a bamboo building. Although there was no bamboo growing in this mountain forest, Shuiyue could distinguish it. Come on, bamboo knots and bamboo leaves, but why don't they take local materials and build bamboo buildings here? There are no signs of life in the bamboo buildings. For this reason, Shuiyue concluded that these bamboo buildings are not night villages.

"Is it almost to the night village?" Shuiyue felt a headache, which may be caused by the black smoke of these nightmers, but the dizziness can't catch up with his eagerness. Xiao Xue must be anxious, right?

I was so careless that I was fooled by them. Although they didn't attack themselves, Shuiyue didn't know what the purpose of the other party was. As for the man in black just said that they never revealed the situation in the village, but why did they take themselves to the village? Isn't it against the rules?

Moreover, the man in black is very considerate. When the man in black, he is particularly careful when crossing the bushes. On his back, he can't feel bumps and shaking.

The speed is so fast. In a blink of an eye, these people in black have passed through several bamboo buildings and stopped in a forest clearing.

is a very regular open space covered with only a layer of grass, and the trees around the open space are like half manually trimmed, and the messy branches are cut off! After coming here, the man in black put Shuiyue down. Shuiyue felt that the grass here was very soft and cool, and their mastermind, the small-eyed guy, quickly came to her.

"Welcome to the night village, and you will see our village head in a while!"

Oh, the other party was surprisingly polite. Shuiyue nodded in shock. As for Shuiyue's so calmness, there was nothing he could do. In his situation, even if he resisted, there was nothing he could do. Why not settle down? Shuiyue was trying to know about this ancient mystery village and see who the holy god their village head was. Of course If the conversation goes well, it can also bring supplies to the army!

Not long after the words fell, Shuiyue only felt that there was someone behind him. When he turned around, he did not find anything. This was the same as the scene of his first encounter with the latent night. Shuiyue had already thought that the latent night family was famous for their speed. If there was no shadow in the back, it must be in front of him.

Turning her head, Shuiyue really found that there were several more people behind the small eyes, but they were not dressed in black. As for wearing them, Shuiyue had never seen it in the world outside the forest. The first one of them stood beside the small eyes, but judging from the momentum in his body, it was very likely to be latent. The village head of the night village?

This guy is still wearing a mask. What's the point of seeing people?

"This guy is the leader who broke into the restricted area without authorization. We brought him back, but there is a powerful old man in their team. If I'm not wrong, the old man is holding an artifact in his hand!"

"Are you still caught by the old man?" The woman whispered and didn't seem to pay attention to herself. She was right. It can be seen from their faces that she was not poisoned. How could she be so embarrassed!

Shuiyue is very strange that their village head is actually a woman. Because she can't see her true face, Shuiyue can only judge from the texture of her voice that she is a young woman, not more than 25 years old. With her height, she is not much shorter than herself, so she is still a graceful woman!

"Let me take a look at this guy!"

When the woman's eyes collided with Shuiyue through the two airs on the mask, Shuiyue couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, "What big eyes, pure black eyes flashing aura!"

It's so touching. Shuiyue really wants to take off her mask and look at her face.

"This guy doesn't seem to understand the rules?" The woman panicked when she was stared at by Shuiyue. For a moment, she withdrew her eyes, but pointed out that Shuiyue was not!

"Well, are you the village head here?" Shuiyue asked weakly, but did not forget that she was still sitting on the ground at this moment. When she spoke like this, she would look up and lose some identity.

"No, I'm not the village head, I'm just the maid beside the village head!"

"The maid?" Shuiyue was a little disappointed and looked at her again. That's right. It's right that Shuiyue thinks too much. At least the night village is also one of the mysterious places on the mainland. How can their village head be so young? Most of them should be as old as uncles to be competent?

Thinking of this, Shuiyue did not continue to ask, "I want to see your village head!"

It's still important, and Shuiyue has no time to pay attention to whether the face under her mask looks like a fairy or a flash in the pan, which has nothing to do with him.

Unexpectedly, the woman giggled and said, "What, isn't a maid qualified to talk to you? Don't forget that you are now abducted to the night village, and you dare to make trouble?"

This sentence is a reminder to Shuiyue. The woman is right. She is weak and must not provoke these people in the night village. The most unqualified person is himself, and no wonder he has to sit on the grass.

"Girl, I really have something important to discuss with your village head. I don't know if I can inform you?" Shuiyue lowered her tone, afraid that the other party would catch her handle and cut it first and then play!

"That's right. Don't worry. Our village head is observing your people outside. I think she is on her way back now!"

"Why observe our people?"

"Because you broke into the night village without permission, we need to judge whether you are intentional or unintentional, with evil thoughts or justice. The village head will meet you immediately. If you are intruders with hostility, the village head will definitely kill you." The woman's tone is very gentle, as if the village head of the night village is very strong, and it is not easy to deal with her own team? In fact, the woman went on to say, "But I heard that there are old people with artifacts in your team, so you are not evil people, because those artifacts have aura, they will not do evil, and their holders are the same. If it is not for the righteous person, they can't control the power of the artifact at all!"

The woman seems to know the artifact very well. This sentence is much more relieved for Shuiyue. According to her, can she avoid a meaningless fight?

Then, the woman took a few steps back and said to the little eyes next to her, "Wait a minute, find a seat for him. The atmosphere of the mountains and forests is too strong recently. Don't aggravate the guest's leg injury!"

Just as Shuiyue was about to say thank you, "Artifact, I haven't seen it for many years!" She said to herself again!

W, the two temples of Shuiyue are sweating. How many years have you not seen an artifact? How many years and how many years, is it dozens or hundreds of years, so how big should this woman be?

Listening to her voice, she must be a young woman, and there is nothing wrong with her.

In order to verify her thoughts, Shuiyue's question quietly came to her ear, "Girl, why are you wearing a mask?"

And others, without masks, why are her clothes monotone, light blue, and complement the sky!

Men don't wear masks, women have to wear masks, and there are still a few people with white masks standing behind her. Are they also women?

"This mask is just a toy. Because we are the maids around the village head, we have to wear a mask. If we don't serve the village head, we will naturally take it off!"

Oh, Shuiyue understood that this mask is equivalent to work clothes, just like the armor on the soldiers. They are only worn when they patrol, guard and fight. These maids have to wear masks around the village head.

Among the tricks, Shuiyue still didn't expect that this mask is not only for women to bring any defense. They can only cover their faces. Wearing this mask, they can only identify everyone through their voices. Will this bring obstacles to the communication between the village head and the maid? For example, the village head is thirsty I want to designate a maid to make a good cup of tea. These women are about the same size. How can he clearly say the name of the maid?

In front of Shuiyue, there were three or four maids, so how many maids were there in Qianye Village? Shuiyue boldly thought that the village head of Qianye Village was male or female? If it's a woman, what's the use of hiding so many maids? If it's a man, it's a little perverted...!