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Chapter 70 City Lord's Visit

The news of Shuiyue's decadence soon spread. Of course, it also spread to the city owner's mansion. Shuiyue lay under the bed for an hour. The ground was cold, and the wound of the leg injury was a little faintly painful, but this is better. Shuiyue can be more sober. I'm afraid that Xiao Xue is far away from the mountain city now, and the meteor team does not know how to catch up. She didn't. Even if she catches up, can the meteor stop Xiao Xue? The answer is very certain. That's impossible. With Xiao Xue's temper, she said she will do it. Even if she can't do it, she will try to do it. The purpose of sending meteors by Shuiyue is nothing more than to protect this girl.


A few cheerful laughter came from outside the door. In the current situation, this laughter sounded to make Shuiyue angry.

The laughter passed, and a figure walked into Shuiyue's room. After the warrior around her retreated, Shuiyue found that this person was the city owner!

"Little brother, why don't you get up?" The city owner stepped forward and put his hand under Shuiyue's armpit. With a little force, Shuiyue's whole body was picked up.

"What a lot of strength!" Shuiyue felt a slight pain under his armpit.

"City lord, please, I don't want to get up yet!" Shuiyue was thrown in ** and had to climb down, but her head was held down by a big hand, making her body unable to move. Shuiyue was stunned and didn't think of the strength of the city owner's hand. She held herself down, and her body was like a nailed to the bed board.

"You, if my niece knew about this, wouldn't it have been a waste of her painstaking efforts?" Before leaving the city, Xiao Xue went to the city owner's mansion. Of course, the city owner understood the reason. The two young people who wanted to fall in love did not say anything about their import. When they encountered such a thing, what Shuiyue did was nothing more than the irrational behavior that young people often did.

"City owner, is it dangerous for Xiao Xue to go?" The water moon is like a nailed loach. If the city owner doesn't let go, the water moon can't move!

"Of course, it's dangerous. How many lives have been swallowed up in purgatory!"

"Then why didn't you stop her?"

"If you know you can't do it and know you can't stop it, why did she still go and why should I stop it?" The city owner loosened his big hand, which was a palm the size of Shuiyue's two palms. No wonder he pressed Shuiyue on ** and couldn't move. Boy, Xiao Xue told me about you. I think you are a good child, so I took the risk to take you in. As soon as I see you and Xiao Xue, I think of my two disappointing sons!"

Oh, the city owner sighed and walked to the chair and sat down. From the city owner's tone, Shuiyue could tell that a father's sadness must be that his child must not be obedient, learning or not thinking about making progress?

"City lord, don't worry too much. When children grow up, they naturally have their own tendencies. Moderately, it is forgiveness for children and themselves!"

Shuiyue was also much more honest. He was afraid that he would fall to the ground and be thrown by the city owner**. At the age of the city owner, Shuiyue speculated that his child should not be much older than himself!

The city owner is a middle-aged man who looks very kind. He is not tall but powerful. His nose is very high, his eyes are small, and he has no beard. He looks very quiet, which makes outsiders look like a powerful lord of a city at all, but like a teacher of a literary scholar.

"My niece is adhering to his father's temper and treating a person she regards as important. She will be desperate. It was the same when my brother pursued Xiao Xue's mother. The situation is roughly the same as yours!" The city owner said, but the movement of his hand was to take it out into his arms again and didn't know what to take out.

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered, do you think you are carrying your artifact with you?"

Why did the city owner suddenly ask about this, "Yes, but the artifact is in Xiao Xue's place. We had a battle with the magic soldiers on the Broken Love Cliff. At that time, I put the artifact in her hand. In my situation, I can't protect the artifact at all." Shuiyue patted her legs with shame.

"Ha ha, your leg injury will get better soon!"

Then we have to wait for Xiao Xue to come back safely.

The city owner finally took out a book scroll in his arms. The yellow cowhide wrapped the paper rolled up inside, and a string wrapped several times.

"What is this thing?"

"The Book of Warriors!" The city owner replied with a smile, opened the scroll, and the paper with words inside appeared, most of which were the early words of the mainland. Shuiyue could not read it, just like the words on the broken bridge stone tablet. You boy, you are a warrior, but in my opinion, your kung fu is not enough. How can you lead the rise of the clan in the future? I have been in the mountain city for many years. Although I hate war, I am never afraid of war. Since I dare to take you in, I have thought that the magic soldiers will come to trouble in the mountain city!"

Shuiyue wondered, why did the city owner say these things, and what is the purpose of the Warrior's Book?

Then the city lord came to talk about the original story, "This book, written by a human warrior in the early days of the mainland, has been circulating for a hundred years and inadvertently fell into my hands. Although I am also a warrior, my qualifications are not good. I only learned one fur in this book, and my two sons are both mages and can't understand this. I have been paying attention to the above warrior method for so many years, hoping that I can find a warrior wizard to give this book and lead the human race to rise from the demons. It is also my wish for the human race to restore peace.

Until, I heard Xiao Xue say that you are the holder of the artifact, the teenager entrusted by Helan Qiushan to lead the rise of the human race, and the artifact has aura. If it is not for the person it thinks is trustworthy, it will not give in. I just pressed your head with my hand to confirm one thing. Your thinking space is very large, big I was stunned, so I stayed for a while. I'm sorry, didn't I hurt you?"

The city owner is very kind. Even if it hurts, Shuiyue won't say anything.

Thinking space, Shuiyue knows that every warrior or mage knows it.

This thinking space was originally for the mage and is the key to judging whether the mage can be promoted. In the thinking space, it is equipped with all the spells of the mage, that is, the size of the thinking space, which determines the ability of the mage. Later, the thinking space is also used for warriors. Although the two professions are different, the thinking space is Fixed, for example, in the mage's thinking space, there is the mage's ability, and in the warrior's thinking space, there is the warrior's ability.

The size of the thinking space determines what realm a mage or warrior can reach in the future. It does not mean that the larger the thinking space, the stronger the human ability is. It is just a box with human ability. If you don't work hard, the thinking space is infinite and the ability to use is limited.

People who don't work hard are always waste. People who work hard fill their ability with their thinking space, and it is impossible to break through their ability. It's just like a bowl of water, full. If you pour it in, it will only overflow.

A child with a large space of thinking has been regarded as a genius since he was a child. It was not until today that Shuiyue learned that he was also a genius, which is still said by the city owner!