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Chapter 95 Soldier's Creed

Every vine of the tree of the dead represents a sin in the world. How many sins are there in the world?

Shuiyue continued to look for the tree of the dead, but felt that if the problem on the ground was not solved first, no matter where it went, as long as it did not leave here, the unicorn beast-evil could detect its own movement in advance.

But how to end this problem? The moon can't fly in the sky and can't keep its body away from the surface.

In the smoke, there were several soldiers' bodies. Their skin was eaten by the dead soul. Shuiyue could neither mourn them nor avenge them. They were depressed. At this time, the senior Qingshan did not know where he had gone. I guess he was protecting Syl.

"Kirin Beast, are you there?" At this time, Shuiyue remembered the almost ubiquitous unicorn beast - Shan, and she didn't know how he could help herself!

"I'm on your head!" The voice of the unicorn beast-good sounded above his head. Why could he trace himself closely?

"Have you been following me?" Shuiyue seems to think of something, and it is especially critical!

"Don't forget that I and the Kirin Beast-Evil are one. In his blurred smoke, I can also feel what you think. Of course, I can also distinguish your position, but I can't see you!"

"So that's it!" Shuiyue asked again, "Then can you feel its existence?" The water moon refers to the unicorn beast-evil. If you find him, you will be forced to extinguish the mysterious smoke, and the tree of the undead in the smoke will naturally disappear, but the soldiers will not continue to die strangely!

"No!" Kirin Beast-Shan answered affirmatively, "Although we are a whole, our body has been firmly occupied by evil. I can't find his position and break through his power, and it can find me and our conversation!"

Shuiyue nodded, and the game Kirin Beast-Shan felt wronged. Originally, the two brothers were of the same body, but their strength was so different!

"Then do you have any way to hide me?"

"What is hidden?" Kirin Beast - Good question.

"Let me hide in the smoke so that he can't feel my existence?"

"You mean you want to fly?"

"Exact!" Shuiyue thought of flying, but he couldn't fly.

"I can't do this. I'm a virtual image, so I can fly, but I can't fly with you. I don't even dare to land. Once I fall to the ground, that guy will find me. He hates me very much!"

Kirin Beast-Good, who said what he said so pitifully, attracted Shuiyue's wry smile. He thought that Kirin Beast-Evil may have heard the dialogue between the two.

Since you can't fly, there should be a way to hang yourself in the air. As long as your footsteps are no longer on the ground, the unicorn beast-evil will lose its movement! But this method is hard to think of!

While walking, Shuiyue suddenly stepped on something at his feet. It was the body of a soldier. As soon as he died, Shuiyue quickly apologized respectfully, because Shuiyue firmly believed that when the soldiers died, the creed was still there, and their souls would linger after death!

"Kid, did you fly just now?"

"No, it didn't fly!" Shuiyue thought it was very strange. How could the unicorn beast-good ask this question?

"Then why didn't I suddenly feel your position just now?"

"Impossible. Didn't you say you could feel my movement? I didn't leave the ground just now!"

"No, you left, just for a short moment!"

"Is it...?"

I just stepped on the body of my comrade-in-arms. Is it the Kirin Beast-Shan talking about this time?

"Wait a minute, you can feel it again!" Shuiyue asked on the body.

"I can't feel it"

Walking down from the body, Shuiyue asked again, "What about this time?"

"What are you doing?"

That's right. Shuiyue found a way to hide herself, and he stood on the body and thought of it again.

The corpse is the skin left by people after death. Without breath, it no longer belongs to the world. It lies on the ground and becomes an obstacle to stand on the corpse, so it blocks its connection with the ground. Therefore, the unicorn beast-kind can't feel its existence. In this way, it can only stand in the corpse to hide itself. Up.

But the bodies on the ground are limited, and it is difficult to find them in the smoke if they hadn't accidentally bumped into them.

Since we can't catch the culprit, we can only get rid of the tree of the dead first.

Along the way, Shuiyue only saw the tree of the undead. Shuiyue felt that this seemed to be the intentional work of the unicorn beast, which could make the tree of the undead avoid herself, so Shuiyue would make a plan to disappear and wait for the tree of the undead to come!

Only his comrades-in-arms on the ground were still abused by Shuiyue in the end, but Shuiyue believed that he, as a soldier before, would not resent himself.

The first creed of the warrior is about dedication and unyielding. Even after death, the body can still exert the residual heat, which is exactly the creed that every soldier remembers!


In the smoke, a huge figure moved over. It was the tree of the dead. It waved the vines and walked towards the moon, but it seemed that it saw itself, which was also in line with the judgment of the moon.

The tree of the dead is only used with smoke. The summoned demon has no thoughts and no senses. It can only move forward by the unicorn beast-evil operates in the smoke. Once the unicorn beast-evil can't feel where it is, the tree of the undead will lose its goal. The water moon hides here and is not afraid of the tree of the dead. No, because of the unicorn beast-evil, the real enemy is himself. How can he have the heart to lose himself?

The tree of the dead moved near the water moon, stopped, stretched out its vines and kept looking around. The moon dodged the vines and called out [Yuanxuan], blue light feather arrows, put on the bow string, and pulled it to be perfect.

"Send you where you should go!" Shuiyue shouted loudly, and a blue light passed through the torso of the tree of the dead. Suddenly, the giant let out a scream, and the vines quickly gathered to the wound of the body, as if to heal themselves!

Shuiyue was surprised, but she didn't expect that the tree of the dead had the ability to repair itself. Looking at the vines to repair the wound little by little, Shuiyue's arm was full of strength, and she called out two feather arrows and shot at the tree of the dead again!


Under the blue light, the vine of the tree of the dead burst into flames, and then the whole tree of the dead burned, and suddenly burned a clean light.

Shuiyue also reached the limit, but he didn't expect that calling out [Muan Xuan] would consume so much physical strength. Maybe after calling out [Muan Xuan], he lost its ability, which led to his lack of stamina.

After the wood of the dead burned, the smoke also dissipated one after another, and the fire unicorn appeared in the field of vision of the water and moon----