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Chapter 104 Morning Light

This is called cheap but no good goods. Good goods are not cheap. I never thought that the old man reduced 300 taels for himself and created such a tangled attribute. When the popular comes back, he has to kill himself?

When the old man looked at the attribute of [non-life], he also felt very ashamed. This attribute, how to put it, is a sad and happy attribute. Put this down and don't mention it. Since the long sword has been cast, it is not possible to rework. Once it is reworked, the original materials will be lost in vain, which is 3800, one Astronomical figures, even if you turn the camp of Shuiyue upside down, it is estimated that you can't afford so much money.

Soon, the meteor came back without a penny in his hand, but a person.

He stood in front of the door and shouted to the old man, "Uncle, why are you make fun of the two poor people so much?"

Syle actually called him uncle? Shuiyue was stunned and handed over [non-life] to the meteor, but this boy didn't notice its attributes!

"Nephew, it's not my uncle that I canceled them. As you know, it takes money to run such a large store for craftsmen like us. Is it possible that I won't charge for the person introduced by your father?" The old man was obviously a little cold when he saw that the meteor did not bring money, but the weapon was already in the hands of the epidemic, and he could not go back.

Sier is so cruel that he erased all the expenses!

"Uncle, my father said that he would send money another day!"

"How can this work? Your father saved my life. How can I ask for his money? I have to give it to them!"

"But we don't have money, old man!" The meteor put away the long sword, spread out his hands, and acted like a scoundrel!

"Okay, forgive me for being blind today. I don't want it, okay, but you have to remember that the old man made weapons for you for free today. I will repay my kindness in the future. Remember to repay me when you have money!"

"That's it, that's it!" Shuiyue suddenly wanted to laugh. The old man was too funny. Not only did he not take half of the article from himself, but he also seemed to put on a few rare materials for nothing!

However, Shuiyue is not the kind of person who doesn't keep his word. Since he promised the old man, he must come and return it to him when he has money, but where can he go to get the money?

On the way back, the meteor looked very happy and waved it like a treasure. Every time it waved, the sword body would carry a red flame, which was very eye-attentionally.

The [non-life] with red flame suddenly reminded Shuiyue of another artifact, that is, the fire sword of the fire unicorn - [flying flower]. When it hit the white light wall, I don't know where it went. Shuiyue also looked for it later, but it couldn't be found. In addition, the skeleton army had a large-scale attack, so Shuiyue had to leave it. Unfortunately, leaving the place of purgatory, if you want to return to the place of purgatory, you have to wait for yourself to come back from Xuanwu Mountain, and you don't know what else you can find in the place of purgatory!

"Damn it, what attribute is this? It's so entangled!" The meteor finally found shame.

"You, there is nothing unsatisfied. Let's use it. The only artifacts on the mainland can be higher than the first grade, and the artifacts are only thirty-six, that is to say, your weapon is still very powerful!"

" Come on, so far, several artifacts have appeared, and I may have to take it to fight against the magic soldiers in the future. The magic soldiers have so many artifacts. Aren't I looking for my own death?


Three people laughed at the same time!

Three people walked on Shancheng Street at midnight. What's wrong with today? Shancheng Street is so calm, which is different from the situation when Shuiyue came out a few days ago. Maybe it is because the night is too deep, and the lights of thousands of families will finally go out together.

Sil talked about the origin between the old man and the city owner, which is indeed somewhat thought-provoking.

At the beginning, the old man fled to the mountain city when he was still a middle-aged man. At that time, the owner of the West City was just a young gate guard. When he saw a deserter, he wanted to fight out. The mountain city was not a refugee shelter, but it was because of the West City Lord's negligence and let the old man in, the old man was able to be in the mountain city. After gaining the right to survive, the old man thought that the owner of the West City deliberately saved his life, so he took the initiative to find the owner of the West City and built a weapon for him. Because of this weapon, the owner of the West City was appreciated by the owner of the Old City, and he had the high mountain city owner today.

Later, after becoming the lord of the city, the lord of the west city funded the preparation of the current weapon shop for the old man, so he openly became the savior of the old man!

This matter will be, very dramatic and touching. I don't know what touched. In short, he can hear every sentence that Syl said clearly. I don't know that the meteor has also felt the story of this seemingly comic benefactor, or laughed. He can't help falling in love with the weapon in his hand and smelling it. It seems to have a freshly baked atmosphere.

When he returned to the camp, it was already the second half of the night. The meteor returned to his room to take a nap for a few hours, so that he could not be on his way until the next morning!

That's right, but Shuiyue stood in the courtyard of the camp and didn't know where to move. Her room was like a firewood room, even worse than a firewood house!

Do you want to stand under the moon all night?

But some people will feel sorry for it!

"Shuiyue, why did you come back so late? Has the meteor's weapon been built?"

is Xiao Xue's voice. She hasn't slept yet!

"It's ready. Why don't you go to bed so late?"

"Because, I know that someone hasn't slept yet, and I can't sleep. Come on, don't stand outside and make it look like homeless!"

"What do you mean?"

It's not good to enter a girl's room in the middle of the night. Shuiyue thought about it, but she still couldn't help walking.

closing the door, Xiao Xue lay back**, so sleepy that her eyes were fighting, and Shuiyue sat at the table and drank tea alone.

The two have been speechless for a long time!

"Water Moon, do you sleep or not?" Xiao Xue's tone suddenly became abnormal!

"Sleep, why don't you sleep?"

"Then why don't you go to bed?"

"But there is only one bed here!"

"What's wrong with a bed? Can't two people sleep in one bed?"

Of course, two people can sleep in a bed, but Shuiyue and Xiao Xue, one is a man and the other is a woman---

Shuiyue lay down quietly. Xiao Xue was inside and outside. In the middle of the night, she only heard Xiao Xue's fine snoring. Shuiyue couldn't help gently hugged Xiao Xue's shoulder and looked at her sleeping.

Who said that when angels come to the world, there will be love in the world, and who said that when we meet angels, we will be confused?

Shuiyue hugged Xiao Xue all night. The next day, the sky became white. Xiao Xue got up, but found that she was firmly held by Shuiyue's big hand, so she did not move, but asked in a low voice, "Shuiyue, are you awake?"

Why did you wake up if you didn't sleep?

But Shuiyue pretends not to agree!

Not long after, Syl and Yushen II had been killed from the city master's mansion and looked around in the shadow, but they didn't dare to knock on Xiao Xue's door. Shuiyue was not there. Who would have thought where he had gone?