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Chapter 143 Soul Conjugation

The north of the city is the real no man's land!

When several people came here, they found that there were also several people standing here, but they were far away from the mountain.

"Make way, get out of the way!" The soldiers opened the way in front.

"Xiao Xue, be careful, these mountains often fall gravel!" Shuiyue reminded.

Xiao Xue agreed well, "Okay, I know. I will definitely not get close to the mountain!"

"Where is the device?" The meteor followed him, looked around for a week, and then asked the soldier who sent the news!

"It's over there!" As soon as the soldier pointed, vaguely, everyone could see a pile of gravel directly below the mountain.

If you don't look carefully, no one will find that these gravel are piled together. It's no wonder that under the mountain, there are piles of gravel like this everywhere. Shuiyue pays attention to this and goes to the bottom of the mountain, isn't it looking for death?

The last time the water moon was almost hit by gravel. This kind of natural disaster may fall on me at any time, but the stone pile opposite is very strange. Who dares to run to the bottom of the mountain and build this thing?

The water moon stepped forward and looked up to observe the movement of the mountain. The wind blew and the grass moved, the sky was ethereal, and the clouds went away, which was very calm!

"Shuiyue, shall I go with you?" Xiao Xue pulled Shuiyue's arm with some worry, and Shuiyue was also worried. However, at present, everyone is hiding in the distance of the mountain and looking at the stone pile. If they don't go to the front, how can they find this thing strange?

Turning his head, Shuiyue said coldly to Xiao Xue with a serious face, "Don't follow me. It's too dangerous down the mountain!" With that, Shuiyue ordered the meteor again, "Give you a task to control Xiao Xue within your control!"

"Okay, I know." The meteor stepped forward, stood in front of Xiao Xue, touched her chin and smiled, "I've always wanted to find an opportunity...!"

"Get out of here. Don't be boring. My fist has been idle for a long time!"

"I'm afraid of you being a little girl?"

"Hey, keep a little distance from me!"

The more she heard, the more wrong it became. Shuiyue turned around and found that this popular bastard was actually jumping on Xiao Xue's body!

"Hey, I only let you control her, not hold her!" Shuiyue curled her lips and looked at the distance between herself and the stone pile, which was still more than ten meters. At the same time, she felt that the sky on her head had become extremely depressed!

"Water Moon, be careful!" The meteor reminded in the back.

The most annoying thing is that when you act carefully, someone is nagging beside you. Shuiyue did not look back and continued to move forward.

They all said to be careful to sail the ten-thousand-year-old ship, but they were too careful and undoubtedly pushed themselves into the abyss of self-torture. The more they thought that the mountain was dangerous, the more nervous Shuiyue was, so Shuiyue simply swaggered forward. I'm afraid it's useless. Shuiyue is too many things to be afraid of, but she has to face them one by one. ?

There were a lot of boos behind, and the residents nearby whistled. Shuiyue's practice seems to be showing an adventure for everyone!

In fact, the foot of the mountain is not so terrible. As long as there is no concern, Xiao Xue did not keep up, and Shuiyue was still sure. She subconsciously improved her speed and came to the side of the stone pile.

said that it is a device, but it is too simple. It is just a round hollow object made of gravel with some ashes in it.

It is said that it is a pile of stones, but it has been sorted out and looks very regular. The ashes in the middle indicate that someone burned something here, right?

Shuiyue pinched a little ashes and put it on her hand and twisted it, like the light and light color left by the paper after burning!

Anyway, it's time to smell it, and there is a kind of elegant question, like the fragrance of tea?

Who will burn paper here? Shuiyue was puzzled. When she was about to take back some samples, she only felt that someone behind her smelled this faint fragrance. Shuiyue couldn't help scolding in her heart: "Meteor bastard can't even do such a simple thing!" Shuiyue turned her head and was about to say.

"Xiao Xue, you are so naughty. Why do you look more and more like Xiaoya?"

However, Shuiyue looked back and saw that Xiao Xue was still controlled by the meteor. She was not behind her at all, and there was nothing behind her.

"Water moon, what did you find after working there for a long time?"


"Hey, I'm asking you!"


It's not that Shuiyue doesn't want to answer the meteor, but that the smell she smelled before is too similar to Xiao Xue's question. This is not the smell of ashes. Shuiyue smelled a trace of ashes between her fingers.

This faint fragrance floated out again, just around me, and my eyes turned in two directions, but nothing was seen!

Is this an illusion? Shuiyue opened the Qingming attribute and couldn't help but be shocked. When the Qingming attribute was opened, the fragrance disappeared.

"What's wrong with you? What did you find?" The meteor came boldly.

"There is something wrong with it!" Shuiyue thought about the road.

"What's wrong? What the hell is this, like a stove, and there are ashes in it?"

Yes, this thing is really like a stove, but it's not like a simple stove set up during the march!

With that, the meteor kicked the device with his foot.

"Meteor stop!"


When the meteor's foot just kicked down one of the gravel at the top of the stove. A dark shadow flashed from the ashes of a device, and then the stone pile exploded. Shuiyue held her head and was ejected more than ten meters by the impact of the explosion. The meteor was also bounced out. At that time, Shuiyue blocked it with her arm and only felt that her body seemed to have hit something. Her body involuntarily flew back and waited until it fell. I feel pain in my arm!

What everyone saw, a dark shadow flew out of the stone pile, and then two black shadows flew out, and these two dark shadows were the water moon and meteors!

"How could this happen?" Shuiyue covered the wound on her right arm with her left hand and asked.

At this time, Xiao Xue rushed over from the crowd and checked Shuiyue's wound. Although the wound was not big, blood flowed out!

The meteor injury was much lighter than Shuiyue, because he was protected by the unicorn arm, and the two stood up at the same time and asked.

"Did you see that shadow?"

The water moon did not have hallucinations, which is not a hallucination. No hallucinations no longer exist under the Qingming Festival. What is this dark shadow?

"It's the soul-chasing skill of the demon clan!"

I don't know when Syl also came, and he also saw this scene.

"Why are you here?" Shuiyue asked.

"I heard that you found some devices in the north city and felt strange, so I came to have a look. Unexpectedly, I saw that thing as soon as I came. At that time, I thought that this thing was probably the soul-seeking skill of the demon clan. It looked too similar from the appearance. Just as I wanted to remind you, the meteor touched the soul-seeking platform and let it go. Suppress the resentment of the dead under the soul summoning platform!"

"Do you think this is the soul art of the demon clan?"

Sier walked to the location of the gravel pile, and now the gravel pile is gone. It was blown up into a small pit. He picked up a piece of gravel and said, "The soul magic is the magic of the wizards of the demon clan, but this magic is different from the dark magic. Although the soul magic sounds terrible, it doesn't have much effect. I want to play it. Power depends on God! And these gravel are the implementation used to perform soul-smanship!"

"Have you seen the ashes in the middle of the soul platform? This is the essence of soul charm! When casting, the wizards need to light the soul-seeing paper in the soul-seeing platform. What is recorded on the paper is the magic spell. After clicking around, these papers will release the fragrance around. After being absorbed, this aroma will cause the brain to fall into a coma for a while. In this state, the magician will be attracted to the soul-seeing platform by the aroma. After the death of the magician, Resentment will be pressed under the soul summoning platform, that is to say, the role of these stones is to suppress the resentment of the magician. Of course, it is not just a stone, as long as anything with weight is placed, it can suppress the resentment of the practitioner!"

Sir explained the role of this device, and Shuiyue was stunned. If the soul summoning skill is the magic of the demon wizard, that is to say, the wizard has sneaked into the mountain city?

"Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet. I just said that the actual effect of this technique is not great, because after the soul-enlighting paper is ignited, the fragrance emitted is mixed with the air and will be blown away in windy weather. Therefore, this technique needs to be launched in a specific environment. In addition, after the death of the sorcerer, the body It can't be destroyed or placed closer to the soul summoning platform, so that the soul summoning skill is not successful and can't work!"

After talking for a long time, Syl talked about the principle of soul conjugation, and what is its function? The wizard prepared this thing, isn't it as simple as exploding?

"To the point, I don't want to hear these truths. I just want to know what this soul recruitment is for!" The meteor patted the unicorn's arm, which was extremely impatient!

"The purpose is to install eyes in the mountain city!" The answer given by Syl is probably unconvinced. How can a name that sounds so majestic have this effect?

"If you say it, you will know that you won't believe it. Don't forget that this soul summoning platform can suppress the resentment of the dead. The dead will eventually become earth. It will transmit our information to the caster through the earth, so that our every move will be exposed to the enemy's vision!"

"How do you know?" The meteor's eyes are wide open.

"Don't forget that I'm a magician's apprentice. How can I not understand this?"

So, that dark shadow is the resentment of the magician. This technique is somewhat similar to the fog of the fire unicorn!

"Who discovered this thing?" Shuiyue asked everyone.

A soldier stood up and said, "It's me. In fact, when I was patrolling yesterday, I found this thing. I thought who was bored there, but I visited here again today and found that something was something wrong. Who would run down the mountain to play so boldly? Everyone knows that people are often killed here. Tao!"

"Yesterday?" Shuiyue thought of something, but it only flashed in her mind.

"It seems that the magic soldier has come!" Shuiyue asserted.

"I'm going to check the records of entering the city?" The meteor asked.

After Xiao Xue bandaged her wound, Shuiyue suddenly thought of the idea that flashed in her mind. The soldier said that this thing existed yesterday, so this thing must have existed longer than yesterday, and the pregnant woman died two days ago.