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Chapter 151 Holy Yuan Festival

Like the previous spy, these spy found themselves appear and fell to the ground after drinking poison. There was a disturbance in the crowd, but it soon calmed down.

"Are all the spies dead?" The meteor walked over and groped for the corpse of the spy. It was indeed fruitful. Almost everyone carried a bottle of poison. This poison must be very toxic. The spy drank it and died on the spot...!

A total of six spies appeared in the city master's mansion. Sil asked the soldiers to dispose of the bodies and asked the foreman of the city lord's mansion to manage these servants.

"When did these people come in?"

When such a thing happened, the foreman naturally couldn't get rid of it. He replied timidly, "These people came in through special channels these days!"

Hearing this, Syl had to get angry. Originally, he was not going to punish the foreman, but how could this special channel appear in the city lord's mansion?

The so-called special channel refers to abnormal normal screening!

Sier punished the foreman, transferred him from the position of foreman, and held everyone accountable, dismissed him, fined him, and punished this bad habit.

Sier said: "As the core of the mountain city, the salary paid by the servants is relatively high, and you can enjoy additional privileges when working in the city owner's mansion, that is, holidays. In addition to these, the servants working in the city owner's mansion rotate every four years, so every four years, the city owner's government has to recruit a batch of Domestics, at that time, these people who want to apply will queue up in the city master's mansion, but the city's mansion is not a refugee camp and cannot accept all migrant workers. For these people who are in urgent need, they can only choose the best choice, that is, screening. Every four years, only a small number of the massive number of people can be selected to work!"

Shuiyue understands, and this special channel means that some people will fish in the screening through improper means such as relationships or money, right?

Just in time for the new moment in the city master's mansion a few days ago, the demon clan really know how to choose a day. Sir will not care about such things. There has always been a foreman of the city lord's mansion to do it. This foreman has also been in the city lord's mansion for many years. Syl did not punish him too much and did not drive him out of the city lord's mansion, which was also because of his hard work for so many years. On the face of hard work!

sighed, and Sear returned to the center of the hall. After the city owner left, the main seat of the hall had been empty. The water and moon did not sit, and Syl did not do it!

After a long time, Syl talked about what he asked Shuiyue and others to come here late at night to discuss.

There is a traditional festival in Shancheng, called Shengyuan Festival. The origin of this festival dates back to the day when Shancheng was established and became the capital of medicine.

This festival is specially set up for these hard-working doctors. They have been providing treatment for people on the mainland, which can be said that there is no time to rest for a moment. Therefore, out of respect for the doctors, the mountain city has set up this festival and stipulates that it is more than once every two years, lasting four days, every year. Once and for a day, on the day of celebrating the Holy Yuan Festival, all doctors in the mountain city, including all doctors in the mainland, can participate. They will go to a specific venue and receive rewards from the mountain city. Of course, those doctors with evil thoughts will also be punished in the mountain city. Fair treatment will inevitably lead to the death of impostorous doctors.

Sil said that this is still three days of the Holy Yuan Festival, and it is still going to be a big deal. Although the demon clan is waiting for the opportunity to move, the city owner sent a message yesterday, and his cities handled it well. With that, Sil took out the letter sent by the city owner to bring back.

Shuiyue took over and read it. The letter mentioned that his itinerary had arrived in Shucheng, and several other cities had planned to station the combatants in the mountain city. As for how much it was and when, the city owner did not indicate, and then Shuiyue saw that the city owner had made special arrangements for Shengyuan.

This festival is not only to be held, but also to be held. Even if the demons are soldiers outside the city, they can't stop this festival. That's what it means!

holding the Holy Yuan Festival is the meaning of the city owner. Shuiyue can only agree. As the city owner, he has undoubtedly added another job. Shuiyue is not good at holding celebrations and celebrations!

"Then let's hold this festival according to the meaning of the city owner?" Shuiyue turned around and asked everyone, "But I'm not good at this. Can you do it for me?" Shuiyue's eyes fell on the meteor's head.

Forget about the meteor. It's okay for him to kill. If he does this, I'm afraid he won't be as good as himself!

Look at Syl, Shuiyue has other things to arrange for him. The demons have declared war on the mountain city, and there may be many demons who have not appeared in the city. Syl has to follow himself to clean it up, otherwise this festival will be unstable!

And Uncle Qingshan, an old man, has become very quiet since he entered the mountain city. This time he was not present to discuss such a thing, and Shuiyue thought about it.

"Xiao Xue, I'll leave this matter to you. Now I can't transfer people. Are you sure that I will also give you the artifact guard of Licheng?"

Xiao Xue will not refuse, but Shuiyue is very distressed. In the past few days, Xiao Xue has just lived a peaceful life. It is quite good to weave scarves in the room every day. She looks like a considerate woman, but Shuiyue has not forgotten her ability. If it hadn't been for her, she would have died in the wilderness. Special ideas are definitely not under you.

"You mean let me be in charge of the celebration?"

"Only you have the ability to take on this important task now!" The Holy Yuan Festival undoubtedly represents the whole mountain city, which has always been fully responsible by previous city owners. It can be seen how important this festival is, which is as important and better than cleaning up the magic soldiers in the mountain city!

"Let me try!" Xiao Xue agreed and said modestly, "I'm used to being lazy these days. I don't know if I can still do it?"

"If you can't do it, no one can do it here!" Shuiyue said with a smile!

Is the matter of the Holy Yuan Festival so confirmed?

Sier came up and praised, "It's worthy of being accompanied by Shuiyue. I also believe you can do it!" Xiao Xue's face turned red!

At night, Shuiyue lay beside Xiao Xue, just lying alone, holding Xiao Xue's hand and thinking a little. After thinking about it again, Shuiyue sat up.

"I'll arrange the fifth brother for you. I always feel a little worried!"

Xiao Xue also sat up, put it on Shuiyue's shoulder and whispered, "What's the worry? Don't the fifth brother and those people want to maintain the order of the mountain city? You sent him to me. What if you encounter a more difficult magic soldier?"

"Don't worry, the magic soldiers must become more obedient after being hit by these two blows. What I'm worried about is that the magic soldiers will do something on the day of the Holy Yuan Festival, so they will send you. First, they can help you maintain the order of the venue, and secondly, they can also help you make suggestions. People's ability to do things should be very strong!"

The night is like water, the stars are dotted, the moonlight pours into the room, and the water moon sleeps happily with Xiao Xue...!