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Chapter 156 My Buddha's Mercy

Collect the weapons of the nine demons. These weapons can no longer fall into the hands of the demons. Do you still want them to take them back and organize another nine demons? I have to say that the strength of these people is really strong, and they have opened their eyes twice.

Shuiyue left the venue with the fifth brother and decided to deal with the fifth brother's injury. The affairs in the venue were removed from the remnants of the demon clan, and the calculation was basically completed. The rest was left to others. Shuiyue was also more relieved.

The fifth brother is born with a stubborn temper. He said that the wound was fine, but when Shuiyue saw it, he was not blind.

The fifth brother's arm was blown up with less skin and flesh. It looks terrible, and the fifth brother must be very painful, right?

"Why are you following me? I'll just go to the doctor according to your wishes. There must be nine demons in the mountain city. You'd better go to them. What time are you wasting on me?" The fifth brother thought of going with himself, but compared with the nine people of the demon clan, the fifth brother's injury is also particularly important. The war is approaching, and Shuiyue does not want his brother to fight with injuries.

"Fifth brother, just be honest. With your current situation, I'm very worried!" Standing at the door of the clinic, Shuiyue opened the door and handed over the fifth brother to the doctor before leaving. Before leaving, Shuiyue did not forget to ask.

"Fifth brother, do you have money with you?" Shuiyue hasn't yet. You can't see a doctor without paying. The doctor may give you a discount for your face, but don't think about it for free.

After all, the fifth brother has been wandering outside for many years, and he also bought a hotel when he first entered the mountain city. Shuiyue's worry is superfluous!

Standing at the corner of the street, Shuiyue originally planned to go to the city master's mansion to talk about this matter, but the first thing he thought of was Xin'er and shook his head. He had to go back to the camp and arrange the investigation of the nine demons. With the strength of these people, they must be responsible for it.

Elder Qingshan has been idle for a few days. It should not be a problem to deal with these miscellaneous things with his strength, right?

Back to the camp, the sky was also hazy, and you could see the meteor sitting on the chair of the camp, as if waiting for himself!

"You're back. How's the situation at the venue?" Meteor wants to ask more than this. It seems that the news is not fast enough!

The two said, and the meteor stopped Shuiyue's footsteps, "Go to my room!"

"Go to your room?" Shuiyue looked at the light in Xiao Xue's room!

"After I came back, I looked through it. There are a few sentences on the Book of Warriors you gave me that I can't understand!"

Oh, as soon as she heard this, Shuiyue was still very happy. At least the meteor tried to work hard? Shuiyue didn't refuse and casually talked about the fifth brother in the room.

I heard that another nine demons were killed. The meteor was very excited, but he did not forget his intention.

said, "Are the nine demons really so powerful?"

"I think so, otherwise their names don't have to be so loud!" Shuiyue picked up the teapot, poured a glass of water, and said, "Tay what you don't understand. I'll have to ask Elder Qingshan to discuss something later!"

"It's all on the book. How can I have time to recite this? If you are looking for Elder Qingshan, you don't want him to play with him and find out the nine demon clan, do you? Meteor said, and took out two manuscripts of the Book of Warriors from under the pillow.

It's all thanks to Xiaoya, and others can't understand the words in this face!

"You boy, don't talk much. In the past few days, we have to be vigilant to prevent nine people from coming out to make trouble!"

"They came for you. Of course, I don't mean you, but your artifact. The power of [Ruanxuan] is really too powerful!"

"Let you talk less!" As the meteor said, Shuiyue certainly understands that no matter where she appears, the demon clan will chase there. Shuiyue is a piece of fat meat, and the demon clan is a mouse.

"Come and have a look, these are a few sentences that I don't understand!" The meteor opened the Buddha of the Book of Warriors to a place he didn't understand. Shuiyue took it over and read it. This should be in the second chapter of the Book of Warriors, which is about some tactics, right?

Like the fantasy of the Book of Warriors, a sentence was written on the Buddha's book:

Againing the heavens, my heart is eternal, heaven is in danger, and my Buddha is merciful!

And the fantasy book says:

The spirit of war is horizontal, the heart is unbounded, the ambition is high, and the heart is humbly seeking advice!

What is the connection between the two?

In the fantasy, Shuiyue did not understand it, not to mention the emergence of new essence words.

Meteor asked, "What do these words mean? I don't seem to understand you!"

Againd the sky?


Is my heart eternal?


Is God in danger?


My Buddha is compassionate?

This water moon understands that Buddha is a virtual thing, good at walking, pitying the world, and giving a wide range of grace. This is a kind thought and people's faith. Why does this sentence appear in the Book of Warriors?

A warrior's vocation is to fight to protect what he wants to protect. What is Buddhahood under the butcher's knife?

Buddha, advocate not to kill, not to kill, Amitabha!

The two are fundamentally opposite. Is it possible that all soldiers should put down their butcher knives and become Buddhas, or save people's lives to build a seven-level Futu slaughter?

These are all nonsense!

Once Shuiyue put down the weapon in her hand, the demon clan immediately took it away and then carried out a crazy slaughter of the human race. Is this the consequence that my Buddha is compassionate and wants to see?

"It's all nonsense. Put it down. I don't understand. Maybe I won't understand it until I collect other basic Warrior's Book?

"Then am I wasting my feelings?"

"Then what do you think!"

Since the Buddha got the Book of Warriors in his hands, Shuiyue just took a rough look. This book is almost exactly the same as the previous chapter. It is about the belief and creed of the warrior. Only the latter does not understand these words, that is, Shuiyue was helpless and did not understand the meaning of this sentence at the beginning. Now look carefully, according to I don't understand the old!

close the Book of Warriors, and the meteors throw them in ** like garbage.

"Hey, you don't have to hate the book if you can't understand it. It must be very useful, but we don't understand it!"

Shuiyue comforted herself and also comforted the meteor!

"What bullshit? Does this book make our soldiers become Buddhas and benefit the world? I won't learn anymore!"

For the benefit of the world?

It is this sentence. Shuiyue may have read the essence of this sentence!

I saw this sentence from **.

My Buddha is compassionate?

Can warriors also become Buddhas?

No, a warrior is a warrior, but a warrior can have a Buddha-like heart. Although the Buddha does not advocate killing, the warrior advocates killing.

Killing or not killing is not something that anyone can control. He is afraid of hurting ants, but Buddha still killed them. The warriors are fearless, but they also kill them.

However, as long as the heart is to benefit the world, the warrior will also be a Buddha, and the Buddha is also a warrior! The warrior becomes a Buddha because of his heart, and the Buddha becomes a warrior because of killing!

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you say that you don't want to learn? I'll take it back and burn it!"

"This is Xiaoya's manuscript, and the collection is also good!"