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Chapter 178 Showdown 3

The two formations complement each other, but Shuiyue has not yet found a connection between the two formations.

The large array is behind, protected by the sea of fire, and the small array is in front, and the shadow emerging from the rush is the best defense!

When innocence finds this, it stops the attack on the shadow. The current situation should control the number of shadows. Once the number of shadows increases, the attack power of this small array will increase and will reach an irreversible level!

ka ka-----

"Wou boss, you said that the kid was having a good time. Unexpectedly, he released a shadow array as soon as he came up. These little ghosts will not stand it!"

The shadows of the nine demon clan were stared at by Ku Wu and Shu Yun, and they could actually take time to observe the situation here. After seeing his entity, they were entangled with Ku Wu. After the feather fan and the long sword collided, their bodies retreated a few steps together, and their strength was almost equal. Coupled with the help of Shu Yun, the shadow was obviously in Disadvantage, but the other party did not seem to find that he was at a disadvantage. On the contrary, the more he fought, the easier it was. The black air in the feather fan surrounded his wrists. With a wave of his hand, a black gas circled the sky and turned to the feather fan, which doubled the volume of the feather fan!

It is estimated that such a big fan is rare on the mainland. Ku Wu and Shu Yun did not dare to be careless. The two walked in a row, walking alternately, like a snake, and walking around with swords.

Seeing this, the shadow flashed a strong wind from the feather fan and roared past the two people. There was still black gas in the wind, which did not seem to be a good thing!

"No, this black gas is poisonous smoke!" Shu Yun felt it, so he took the lead in retreating without great surprise, but his footsteps slowed down, and the black smoke crossed his right arm!

This is not only poisonous smoke, but also the blade. A scarlet came out of the bitter right arm. After covering the wound, Ku Wu retreated back and took a few bites of his wound with his mouth to eliminate the poisonous blood!

The perfect combination of poisonous smoke and blade makes Ku Wu taste bitter. On the other hand, the situation of bitterness is very bad. Although the poison on the blade has been expelled, a small part still flows into the body with the blood!

"How do you feel?" Shu Yun took out a small bottle of medicine in his arms and said, "This is our medicine for Shucheng to relieve all kinds of poisons. When we leave, thanks to this, you can take one first. Although it can't completely resolve the poison in your body, it can also relieve a lot!"

Shucheng, is there such a thing?

Shuiyue was puzzled and only heard the shadow say, "I miscalculated again. Even if you have a poison solution, how can it be?"

After Ku Wu took the medicine, he was indeed much better. The black on his lips disappeared, and red powder appeared on his face again, but the shadow attack also arrived, and there was another wind with black poisonous smoke!

The two dodged, and the shadow laughed, "What, are you afraid?"

This is bad. How can a soldier who is still fighting be afraid? If you regard dodging as fear, the shadow is not far from death!

Shu Yun broke out, and the light of the sword was extremely dazzling. He pointed his sword at the shadow, his eyes were slightly closed, and it was like falling into induction again. Shu Yun's ability, Shuiyue has understood that he is a perception type of warrior, so he can predict the enemy's attack. In the fluctuation of the air, he can find it even with his eyes closed. Where the enemy is!

Ku Wu also knew that Shu Yun was sensing the enemy's movements and did not disturb him. He stood up alone, with the tip of the sword pointing to the shadow.


A black appeared on the bitter sword, is it also poison?

"I'm also a poison warrior!"

"Oh, you are a warrior and use poison. Did you tell me that this is useful?" The shadow said and shouted disdainfully, "Go to hell!"

"Bitterness, the enemy's attack is rich in powerful toxicity, and this gust of wind is full of this poison!" Shu Yun opened his eyes and said, "Dodge!"

With no knowledge, the two escaped from the direction of the poison wind together!

"I didn't expect that this boy was actually a perceptual warrior!" The shadow looked at a strong wind blowing in the air, showing disappointment!

"It's not that simple!" Ku Wu said and launched an attack in the direction of 45% of the other party with a long sword. Ku Wu's speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the enemy. The shadow was forced to wave the feather fan to protect his chest. The tip of the sword collided with the surface of the feather fan, and the surface of the feather fan was instantly wrapped in bitter poisonous smoke and gradually spread to the back.

As a poison-using connomy, the enemy naturally knows the power of this poisonous smoke. The feather fan incites it and blows away the bitter smoke, but the enemy seems to have forgotten that Ku Wu is not only a poisonous person, but also a warrior. The sword in his hand is naturally good. When the feather fan fan incites, the bitterness smokes the long sword and his wrist Turn, the whole sword slid against the fan of the feather fan to the enemy's chest!

"Bitter, the other party wants to dodge to the right!"

Turn right at the front of the sword-----

"The other party wants to incite the feather fan!"

Sword down-

The enemy's attack was penetrated by Shu Yun, and he was forced by the bitter swordsmanship without resistance. In a blink of an eye, a flaw appeared in front of him, and the feather fan was pressed down by the sword front. In addition, the fan surface was large and could not be pulled back. The bitter sword continued to stab forward, and it was too late for the enemy to defend.

"Well done, the enemy's entity has been killed!" Shu Yun said.

Indeed, the bitter sword pierced the enemy's chest, like piercing a ball. In the enemy's body, the virtual body of the shadow was released and hung in mid-air. "It's a pity. Do you know how long it will take me to reshape this entity!"

This entity is also the virtual body of the shadow, and the virtual body of the shadow is his entity. He is a shadow!

The enemy is not dead, because his entity can die instead of him!

"Shu Yun, how is the enemy's situation?"

"I can't feel it. Just like when I felt the cabin just now, this person has no body!"

"You're right. Air is my body. For a perception warrior like you, I belong to the air. How can you feel it?" The shadow hung in the air, and the feather fan was in his hand, but it became smaller.

Is this person still a human? Mixed with air?

There is no pain. Of course, the enemy is still a human and will die if he is injured, but the next battle seems not so easy. The enemy appears in the sky, and he is on the ground, which is enough to suffer from standing!

If this enemy is handed over to himself, [Luan Xuan] will definitely be able to shoot down, but Shuiyue can't get out at all. This innocent guy has been entangled by the shadow. He can only resist but can't attack, and Wuwang's mouth begins to chant the magic spell again. I don't know what kind of attack will break out below!

Meng Hao chased Wuwang with his sword.

Open your eyes wide and spell in your mouth!

A flame appeared at Meng Hao's feet. Meng Hao jumped over, but the flame actually flew up from the ground and followed Meng Hao's direction. When Meng Hao felt the flame, the long sword scratched it away. The flame was divided into two halves and drew a circle in the air. The two flames returned to their original size and continued to Meng Hao chased it.

Shuiyue can see that they are the same principle as the dark shadows in the small array. If they are dispersed, it will increase, and in the end, a huge amount will be generated!

"Meng Hao, this thing can't be scattered!"

Meng Hao looked back and whispered, "I understand!"

A warrior of outstanding level, how fast he can move, he can see the fireball following Meng Hao for a few steps and gradually can't keep up.

Shuiyue took a long breath, but saw Wuwang smiling at him. Only then did Shuiyue find that the situation was a little bad. At present, he seemed to be 1V1 with Wuwang, and others were entangled by their respective opponents!

Twilight is entangled with the huge force. It is difficult to distinguish between high and low. The attack power of the huge force is really great. When a stick hits the ground, the place of the bluestone slab immediately cracks, and the gravel flies up. What kind of person is the twilight is fighting with? The wind around the long stick can hurt people, and even the water moon can be felt here.

Twilight waved the soft sword around the body, and did not dare to touch it. It only defended against the long stick to defeat the strength. After a few rounds, it was already out of breath!