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Chapter 182 Showdown 7

"My hand!" The right arm of Twilight, ten centimeters below the shoulder, is missing.

But the wound on the right arm of Twilight is still irrelevant. If Shu Yun hadn't delivered the pills in time, the twilight would have been poisonous!

Twilight lost consciousness and fell to the ground, helping the twilight up.

Shuiyue saw the whole process of a friend's arm being eaten with her own eyes. She was heartbroken, but laughed arrogantly: "Shadow, this bastard is a real man. He can take away an arm when he dies. It's worth it!"

Shuiyue hated and ordered, "Mu Wu, you take the twilight away first, send it to the doctor, detoxify him first, and put down his hand first!"

The twilight hand has been completely exploited into a pool of mud. I'm afraid it will be the same as the meteor, and the situation will be worse!

For a warrior, weapons are life, and hands are the support of weapons and life!

"Ky, the following will be our conversation!" Wuwang has never launched an attack and only relies on two formations to stabilize his situation. Compared with the other nine demon clans, his strength is actually two levels!

Feeling the grief of losing his arms in the twilight, Shu Yun and Meteor walked to their side and faced this dark wizard!

"How could this happen?" The meteor shook his head and had not yet eased from the twilight!

"Focus, this enemy is difficult to deal with. His two large arrays of five elements are related to each other. If the big array behind the other party is not eliminated, the small array cannot be cracked!" Shu Yun said.

"You can see the mystery in the array!" Shuiyue's eyes shrank, but she saw that innocence was still struggling to support. Although the attack speed of the shadow is not fast, the number is large, and the most important thing is that innocence cannot attack it. It has shown the strength of innocence that it can persist until now without increasing the number of shadows!

"No, the other party's formation is too strong, and I can only find the mystery of the small array!"

And the mystery of the small array, Shuiyue already knows, so there is no need for Shu Yun to talk about it!

"Mad, these two fires follow me!" Meng Hao scolded and ran over with two fireballs.

"Also, these two fires are the same as each other's small array!" Shu Yun said.

Shuiyue agreed, "Yes, these two attacks are related to the other party's array. If they don't destroy the other party's array, innocence and Meng Hao can't escape. The two of them can't participate in the battle now!"

"Then how do the three of us deal with this person?" What the meteor asked was also what Shuiyue thought. This is to fight with the wizard. The best way is to get close. And this method, innocence and Meng Hao have tried it. Once Wuwang finds that someone is approaching, it will release something as difficult as a small array or fireball. Once you encounter such a thing, it will undoubtedly reduce your side. Combat effectiveness!

Analysis of the current situation, he is the only one who can use long-range attacks, and Meteor and Shu Yun are good at close combat. Shu Yun's role is not only to fight. He wants to analyze the situation on the battlefield and gain insight into the reckless attack. In this way, the only person who can enter the battle is himself and the meteor!

"Shu Yun, you observe the other party's attack, we are going to go!" Shuiyue said, and told the meteor, "You stay by my side and don't act rashly!"

"Why can't you rush up?"

"Do you want to become a burden on the battlefield?" Shuiyue was speechless, and the meteor became confused again. How did he kill the coffin at that time?

"Kid guys, how's your discussion going?" With a contemptuous glance, the right palm and five fingers are separated, but in this hand, the five fingers burned a layer of light blue flame.

"What is this?" Meteor question.

Shu Yun closed his eyes slightly and began to feel the other party's movements. He said, "The energy of these hands is increasing, and the flame is the attack power of this hand. The other party wants to throw the palm over!"

Can the palm be thrown over? It is impossible. The opponent's attack must be the same as Syl. The flame on his finger is a sea of fire. If it is thrown over, it will become very big, but the opponent's flame is blue, and the power must not be simple!

"The other party's flame is phosphorus fire, which starts from hell and can burn people's minds. Be careful!" Shu Yun's words really played a role!


The phosphorus fire was thrown from the other party's hand and became bigger little by little. The three of them flashed behind. The phosphorus fire flame broke out directly in front of the water moon. The area was very large. In a blink of an eye, the phosphorus fire separated the two sides. Through the blue flame, he walked slowly and stepped into the phosphorus fire with one foot, as if he was not afraid of being injured.

How can the other party walk in? Is this sea of fire a fantasy?

The water moon stimulated Qingming and found that this phosphorus fire did exist. The flame had no temperature and walked into the flame without delusion. It was to protect itself with the flame and narrow the distance between itself and the opponent.

The meteor showed his long sword and whispered, "Let me deal with him!"

"You boy don't want to die. This phosphorus fire is an entity!" The moon pulls the meteor.


The [lifeless] in the meteor's hand reacted, and the flame on the sword was actually extinguished!

"What's going on?"

Shuiyue checked the situation of [non-life], and the attack power actually dropped to 0, which is the role of its shame attribute. The magic soul in the opponent's hand is an artifact!

Shame, when the weapon encounters a weapon with a grade higher than its own grade, its attack power drops to 0, and when the weapon encounters a weapon with a grade lower than its own grade, it causes 5 times the damage to the target!

Is that the reason?

"It's really sad. How can you fight like this?" What's the difference between a long sword that has lost its attack power and holding a scrap iron?

As soon as the meteor's voice fell, a more embarrassing thing happened. Originally, there was a little accident when it was built. There was a crack on the sword. At the beginning, it was only thought that the crack would not change, so I didn't pay attention to it. Now, [non-life] actually broke diagonally in response to this crack. Half fell in the place, half in the hand of the meteor!

"Damn it, my long sword!" The meteor doubted and picked up the other half of the sword in his hand!

Shuiyue also caught fire, and the meteor lost its sword and naturally could not help itself. So the situation on the field became 1V1 again?

"The situation is not good!" The meteor sighed.

"I know better than you, protect Shu Yun! Shuiyue can only hope for Shu Yun now and call out [Yuanxuan] in her hand.

"This is the artifact that the leader wants. Oh, good boy, give it to me!" Hopeless to laugh in the phosphorus fire!


Shuiyue spit on the phosphorus fire and turned into a wisp of water mist in a blink of an eye, "Don't even think about it!"

"It's not a praise. What do you take to fight with me now, is it the artifact in your hand, or the two little boy standing behind you, the weapon in the little boy's hand is also broken?"

ka ka-

A cold laugh came from the flame. The phosphorus fire flame near the water and moon rose, covering the height of Wuwang, and then the flame continued to go up, wrapping the whole person in the phosphorus fire and forming a hemisphere on the ground.

Why does the enemy wrap himself in it? Is it afraid of the power of [Yanxuan]?

"Water moon, the other party's phosphorus fire is also a large array. The enemy is protected by external flames in the array!"

Shu Yun, seeing through the enemy's intention, not to mention that the phosphorus fire of the whole hemisphere is really like a formation. Shuiyue's right foot retreated, his body tightened, and he pulled away [Yuan Xuan]. The strength of his arm increased rapidly. At the moment when the feather arrow was formed, he only heard Shu Yun say, "The enemy wants to run!"

Shuiyue was stunned, and the phosphorus fire slowly rose with the delusion inside until it rose to the air, and there was a blasphemy voice, "Kid, I'll let you go today. A month later, if you don't hand over the artifact, the demon clan will definitely send troops. At that time, the mountain city will inevitably suffer the disaster of life!"

Why did the enemy run away? Doesn't it have the upper hand now?

"Hey, why did you run away!" The meteor chased after it, but the phosphorus fire shrank and finally disappeared!

[Yanxuan] was taken back, and Shuiyue thought twice: "Let's look at the situation of the dusk quickly!"

"That enemy!"

"The enemy has disappeared!" Shu Yun affirmed, "I can't feel him anymore!"

As soon as the enemy left, large and small arrays disappeared. He was innocent, and Meng Hao was also able to withdraw. The two wondered together, "How did the enemy run away?"

"My God, look, my sword has recovered!" With the exclamation of the meteor, his two-and-half dagger is slowly healing!

Is it possible that when [non-life] does not feel shame, he will automatically repair it and the enemy will really leave?

"Oh, I'm exhausted, fiance, are you all right!" The voice of the letter behind, what a graceful woman!

Shuiyue had a headache, "Why did you come here?"

"I saw that the right arm of Twilight is gone, so I'm very worried!"

"What about the twilight?"

"Doctors are detoxifying him!"

Shuiyue turned around and left, and didn't want to get into trouble with Xiner. However, it was thanks to the help of the gods to get rid of the nine demons. Otherwise, the demons had been hiding near the city master's mansion for many days, and the people in the mountain city did not find that they would lurk by the demons again, and the consequences would be unimaginable!

"Hey, wait for me, I'll see if you're hurt!"