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Chapter 204 Whereabouts of the Lord of Jincheng

The interrogation and hidden killing time is longer than the time for Shuiyue to come back!

"Brother, do you have something difficult to say? Aren't you employed by someone?" Shuiyue, when he said this, he saw that the body of the hidden killing moved slightly. It can be seen that Shuiyue did come to the point. The hidden killing is a killer who takes people's money to eliminate disasters. He can't run to the hotel for no reason.

"Who is your employer?" Xiao Tian asked.

Only then did everyone understand that there was a behind-the-scenes man behind the murderer!

The hidden killer raised his head without showing any fear. "Don't ask, we have always taken the employer's money. Did we tell you the identity of the employer? If you want to kill it, just do it. Don't want to get the whereabouts of the old man from me!"

"Hey, what a hard mouth, I'd like to see if your teeth are so hard!" Xiao Tian stretched out his hand and picked up the long sword to reach out to the hidden mouth!

"Xiao Tian, what are you going to do? There is nothing wrong with you here. Take some humanitarian basements to have a look. I want to hide there, and I will definitely leave clues!" Shuiyue had to help Xiao Tian, in order to save the life of the hidden killing. Xiao Tian is more impatient than a meteor!

"Well, if this guy hasn't spoken before I come back, I'll dig out his eyes!"

The people in the hall were made a cold sweat on their backs by Xiao Tian!

"Go ahead, this hidden killing has been opened. I believe that we can break through the psychological defense line soon!" Shuiyue sent Xiao Tian to the door and whispered, "When you get to the basement, you must take a closer look!"

But when Shuiyue turned around, he saw the mayor holding a knife in his hand.

" Mayor, what are you going to do? You can't kill this man first!" Shuiyue's speed was still slow, and even Wenwen couldn't stop it. With a knife, the hermit's head fell to the ground. Everyone saw that the corners of his mouth were still smiling.

The woman was shocked, the man trembled, and the water moon was a little confused and killed it. What about the whereabouts of the city owner?

"What is such a person doing with him!" The city owner withdrew his knife, sat in the right position, and ordered his men to carry the body out.

Is people's patience limited, or is Shuiyue too patient? Shuiyue has no intention to kill at all, but it may not be that others don't.

The hidden killing was in the hands of the mayor, and Shuiyue couldn't say anything. As soon as she saw that the body had been carried away, Shuiyue turned around and walked out of the hall.

"Wait for me!" Wenwen shouted in the back and came to catch up with regretfully: "After a hidden death, the whereabouts of the city owner have no clue. Do you think of the whereabouts of the city lord?"

Shuiyue shook her head and looked back. The mayor was sitting in his seat and looking at himself from afar. "Let's go to the basement where the murderer was found first to see if we can find some clues!"

By the way, Shuiyue admires Wenwen's men very much. Unexpectedly, they found the murderer so quickly. Do these men have some special ability? If they can still help, the city owner should be able to find them faster?

As soon as Shuiyue opened her mouth, she heard Wenwen say, "I know what you want to ask. Do you want me to send a few people to participate in it so that I can easily find the whereabouts of the city owner?"

"I really can't hide anything from you, but your men are so strong in pursuit that I can't imagine what method they did. If they could use them to find the whereabouts of the city owner, wouldn't it be fast?"

"You boy, if they could find the whereabouts of the city owner, I would have sent it out long ago. Their pursuit ability is based on the tracking mark, and on the Golden City Lord, they have not set a mark at all, so they can't do anything about the Golden City Lord!"

"Tracking mark?" What is this?

"Do you remember the scene when the hidden killing was on the stage at the auction? At that time, I felt that he was not good, so I sent someone to set up a tracking mark on him, and this mark is connected to my subordinates. As long as the mark is still there, no matter where he escapes, we can find it, and I said, the city The Lord's men died in the hidden killer, so I thought of this person at that time, but I didn't say anything. When I sent out my men, they sent a message saying that the hidden murder was hidden in the hotel, so they became the biggest suspect!"

So it is, "Your mind is still very delicate!"

"Don't praise me, it's important to find the whereabouts of the city owner!"

If only Wenwen had also set a mark on the city owner!

When he came to the basement of the hotel, Xiao Tian just climbed up from it, "I said, this basement is deep enough!"

"How's the situation?" Shuiyue looked down and said that this was a vegetable cellar.

"The bodies of the previous bodies were put in it, and no suspicious places were found. Would you like to go down and have a look?"

Shuiyue followed Xiao Tian. There were hundreds of steps down. Just halfway, Shuiyue felt that the surrounding air had become cold!

"Wenwen, you stay on it first!" Shuiyue looked back and saw that Wenwen also came down with him!


"Do as I say!" Shuiyue is a little worried that the entrance above will be suddenly blocked!

After coming down, there was an empty basement with several stretchers on the ground. Xiao Tian pointed to the bodies on the ground and said, "These guys are happy enough to find such a good place on such a hot day!"

"Are you envious? Hell is colder!" Shuiyue came to the body and did not lift the body. She asked, "Have you checked these bodies?"

"They? I have seen it for a long time. What else can I check? I don't bother to look at the dead. I just looked around and didn't find anything wrong!"

Shuiyue complained, "You boy, I asked you to check carefully, but you didn't even move the body. What if the hidden killing knocked the city owner unconscious and hid it in it?"

" Come on, he has such a mind. He is not an idiot and will hide the city owner in his hiding place?"

Shuiyue just said that he didn't want to see the body. Who would always deal with the body when he had nothing to do? After looking around, Shuiyue didn't find anything. She turned around and wanted to leave, but found something wrong. He couldn't help but take a look at the bodies covered with white cloth placed on the wall one by one.

"What's the matter? Let's go. It's freezing here. I have to go out and bask in the sun!" Xiao Tian pushed himself!

"Wait, something is wrong!"

"Is that wrong?" Xiao Tian looked back at the stretchers and walked over. He reluctantly lifted the white cloth on a corpse, and the head of a corpse appeared, which was very horrible. "Look at it yourself, they are nothing more than corpses!"

Shuiyue shook her head, came to the stretcher, and counted!

"Xiao Tian, how many bodies have we put in?"

"seven, that young master, and six guards!" Xiao Tian's affirmative answer!

"Then see why there are eight stretchers here!" Shuiyue's brain suddenly brightened up.

There are eight stretchers covered with white cloth, and there are only seven bodies!

Xiao Tian suddenly realized and scolded, "Damn it, the city owner is not really hidden here, is he?" Before he finished speaking, Xiao Tian lifted the white cloth on the body one by one, and a body appeared.

"Lord of the Golden City!" Xiao Tian shouted.

Shuiyue saw it, and Jincheng lay on the stretcher at the far end! Shuiyue tried the breath of the city owner and found that he was not dead, but in a coma.

The two carried the body of the city owner and came out of the basement, but listened to Wenwen's conversation with a person on the ground.

This man seemed to be a meteor. Shuiyue smiled in her heart and said to Xiao Tian, "He must have finished what I arranged for the meteor!"

"What did you arrange for him?"

"Find the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Shuiyue came up, and the meteor did not look at the stretcher in Shuiyue's hand and said, "Xin'er really had an accident, but the man has been killed by me. At this time, Xin'er has been protected by 20 dead men. We can go to the murderer to settle accounts!"

Wenwen was stunned, "What murderer, have you found the behind-the-scenes hand?"

"Who is this person?" The meteor pointed to the stretcher of the Golden City Lord and asked!

"A rich man!" Xiao Tian replied.

"He was hidden in the body of the murderer. No wonder your men didn't find it!"

Wenwen was hit hard, "I didn't expect the murderer to hide the body of the city owner in here!"