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Chapter 207 The Undead Enemy

What is the warrior's secret method?

Before Shuiyue asked, the attack from behind interrupted Shuiyue's doubts.


The strong sword spirit swept towards the back of the two people. Shuiyue turned around and blocked it with a long sword. She felt that she did not have enough strength. At the moment when the two swords collided, a gap appeared in the blade of Shuiyue's sword. If it hadn't been instilled with the power of [Ruan Xuan] on the long sword, I'm afraid that her body would have been cut in half!

After blocking the mayor's attack, Xiao Tian turned around and launched an attack on the mayor. At that time, the sword in the mayor's hand was like a gust of wind, which could not tolerate the two of them to breathe for half a moment!

"This old guy is awesome!" Xiao Tian pulled out from the scope of the mayor's attack.

But Shuiyue seems to be uneasy and lucky. He wants to concentrate on maintaining his power on the sword. Even if there is a moment of negligence, the sword in his hand will be eaten by the enemy, and in the battle of losing the sword, Shuiyue has no chance of winning!

At this moment, the meteor also ushered in a wave of enemy attacks. These soldiers who were bought by money rushed to the door like crazy. There has been the death of mercenaries at the door. It is really difficult for the meteor to fight with only one person's strength. While killing the enemy, the meteor watches the water and moon side. In the distraction, the enemy has Open the door that was previously closed by Shuiyue!

There are four doors in the hall. If all of them are opened, you can see the whole picture of the hall. Defending in this way is tantamount to a flat defense battle!

Wenwen also waved the dagger and came to the front. As soon as she saw that Shuiyue was entangled by the mayor, she shouted to the meteor, "Go and support Shuiyue. We will resist this side!"

After saying that, the popular rushed over with an arrow. In fact, he had planned to support Shuiyue for a long time!

"Water moon, you boy, take the sword!" As the meteor ran, he noticed that the sword in Shuiyue's hand was so damaged that it was difficult to fight against the other party's attack. In a hurry, he had to throw [non-life] out!

After taking the sword, Shuiyue bounced away the opponent's attack and asked, "Why are you here!"

"I won't come, I'm afraid you'll die!" The meteor looked at the long sword thrown away by Shuiyue on the ground. In its state, it was estimated that it was of little use to pick it up. The meteor simply waved the unicorn arm and rushed up!

Shuiyue also instilled power into [non-lifelonging], which will show more powerful power in the hand of this long sword in Shuiyue than in the hand of meteors!


After two sounds, the mayor's attack wave was suppressed!

"Good boy, I have some strength in my hand!"

pu wa-

Just as the mayor stopped talking nonsense, Xiao Tian was not idle. He took the opportunity to go around behind the other party and was ready to launch a fatal blow. When the opportunity came, Xiao Tian was like a tiger down the mountain. After roaring, the enemy's body was cut into two pieces!

When the meteor saw this, he came over to check, but unexpectedly, the two halves of the bodies that had just fallen turned into two smoke and annihilated in the air!

"How could this happen?" In shock, the meteor found that the enemy appeared on his right, and the sword in his hand was not far from him. In desperation, the meteor could only stretch out its unicorn arm and try its power!


Wenwen is also a strong warrior, and for the soldiers who use daggers, close combat is the most beneficial to them. Wenwen waved the dagger in her hand. I don't know where the dagger came from and where it came from. With the help of the smaller body of the dagger, It was frightening. The other party was only trapped for a few rounds and was defeated. As soon as he closed it and left the door, Wenwen refused to let go. The dagger flew out and scraped the enemy's neck, another blood and a burst of dust!

"I didn't expect that there were so many masters in the town!" The enemy stood up again in the dust!

"The other party uses the warrior's secret method?" Wenwen said instead of the mayor.

"You still have some insight. I don't want them to explain it to me!"

Do Wenwen know the principle of this secret method?

"Listen to me, Shuiyue, the enemy in front of us is immortal, because the enemy in our eyes is just a virtual image, and this virtual image is attached to his power!"

virtual image?

The water moon opened the Qingming attribute and did not find the illusion!

"What do you mean?" Shuiyue asked!

"This is the secret method of a warrior, the method of virtual instantaneous. It can be said that what appears in front of us is not only the enemy's entity, but also his virtual body. The virtual instant method, with the help of its own high-speed movement, forms a body that combines shadows and entities in the real world. When the body is in danger, the entity will bounce away from the body, leaving a shadow, and then the enemy will appear beside the other party through the virtual instant method, and no one can catch this speed!"

"That's right. If you know this, of course you will understand that you will not be my opponents!"

"However, there is a weakness in the virtual instant method, that is, when the user falls into this secret method, and the battle is not over, he will always be trapped in the secret method, and his body will not be quiet for a moment, and in high-speed movement, he can only kill people with the help of shadows and entities, and this new body, because In order to integrate the shadow and the entity, but the power of the entity cannot be completely released, resulting in deviation in the ability and causing the opponent's attack power to be very unstable!"