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Chapter 211 Border

The horse runs fast and whips, which is urgent!

Sitting in the car, Shuiyue's mind is full of the intentions of these magic soldiers. The outpost is a relatively peaceful place. Why did the other party rush there?

"What are you thinking? Come and have a drink. You won't arrive until dark!" Holding a wine jar, it's not Shuiyue nagging him. Since he came out of Heping Town, he and Xiao Tian next year alone held a wine jar all day long. They were drunk and drunk, making the carriage full of alcohol, and the horses in front of them were also drunk and slowed down!

"I don't want it!" Shuiyue pushed away the wine jar of the meteor and said, "You two drink gently. In the evening, we still have to do things at the outpost!" What Shuiyue said has nothing to do with the magic soldiers she saw.

The outpost is mixed with dragons. Naturally, someone knows the whereabouts of the poisonous arm. Shuiyue plans to rest there for a night, supplement it, and then insert it into the center of the demon clan in one breath!

"Your Excellency, something happened before!" The driver slowed down and let Shuiyue see!

"What's going on?" Shuiyue leaned her head out of the car, and the bodies of several horses appeared in front of her, which looked a little familiar!

Shuiyue came down and went to check. These black-headed horses were the team of magic soldiers just now. These people ran fast and urged so urgently that the horses also lay on the ground tired!

Something must have happened to the outpost!

Shuiyue ignored the horses on the ground, jumped into the car and said to everyone, "Let's go quickly. There may be a war at the outpost!"

"War?" The meteor swallowed a sip of wine and wiped his mouth.

Yes, the only thing Shuiyue thinks of is war, otherwise these magic soldiers will not have to tire the horse alive.

"I'm really right. Shuiyue, you are really a plague god. If you go there, please follow me, but in this way, we can cross the border of the demon clan in chaos!" Meteor Road.

"Shut up!" Shuiyue can't wait to block the meteor's mouth with a wine jar!

The carriages and horses moved again, and I met some tired horses on the road. Before dark, Shuiyue's carriages and horses finally stopped at an intersection.

Walking out of the car, Xiao Tian looked at the road sign and said, "A few miles further ahead is the outpost, but we didn't hear the sound of fighting!"

"Is it that we're late? They've finished fighting?"

It's just Xiao Tian's guess!

The outpost is shrouded in dim light. The closer you get, the more you can feel the desolation of the border. The periphery of the outpost is very quiet.

"I made a mistake?" Shuiyue asked back.

"Only when you get to the outpost can you find out what's going on inside!" Meteor and Shuiyue stood together, and this time they had arrived under the door of the outpost.

The outpost is just a small city. The wall is not high, and there is some wind and sand. The gate is open. Looking from the outside, the outpost is very quiet, like a dead city, and darkness covers everyone's heads!

The watery wind scattered clothes, and it felt a little cool. "Twilight, you and Xiao Tian stay here. I'll go to see the meteor first. It feels a little strange!"

Although none of the people have come to the outpost, how did the lights in the outpost become dim as soon as they entered the night?

"Go and go back quickly, I also feel a little strange!" The twilight broken arm was lonely in the wind, stabbing Shuiyue's eyes!

"Little husband!"

"You stay with the dusk and don't leave half a step!" Shuiyue almost missed the letter!

"All right!" It was windy outside, and Xin'er got back into the car.

Shuiyue and Meteor appeared under the gate. What's more strange is that the gate was unguarded!

"How do you feel?" Shuiyue looked at both sides of the street, and the dark buildings asked the meteor!

"There seems to be no living people here. It's dead and a little heartfelt!"

At the same time, the footsteps of the two are also a little heavy!

The night was a little cold, and the wind was a little strong, blowing the old eaves whining, as if a woman was crying. At this time, the meteor's sword played a role. The unicorn arm combined with the long sword, and the firelight on the sword lit up a small place!

But compared with this empty night, the ignition light is so weak, and the moon and meteors look even smaller.

Not far on the street, Shuiyue stopped and ran to a dark house. There was no master in the room, and the door panel was a little damaged. The meteor pointed [lifeless] at the old house and smiled, "Don't mention it, this sword is useful!"

"Be careful!" Shuiyue whispered, even he didn't know why he couldn't speak loudly!

Pushing open the door of the old house, the dust on the door was very thick and fell down, which was very strange. The two breathed, and Shuiyue walked into the old house.

Similarly, all the decorations in the old house remained almost intact, covered with dust. The meteor blew away the dust from the chair and sat down and said, "There is no longer any more room in it. I guess they will all move away!"

Move away?

Only a few rooms at the outpost are lit, and so many vacant houses show that there used to be a lot of people here, but how can it become so desolate now?

"Let's go out. Maybe something really happened here. It seems that we have to bring everyone into the city first!"

Shuiyue left the hut, but heard a sound of footsteps on the street in the distance!

"Who is it?" The meteor asked.

"Maybe those magic soldiers!" Shuiyue guessed.

The magic soldier should have arrived at the outpost by himself, but now he has only heard a few footsteps and doesn't know what the other party is doing.

Shuiyue is not a stealth master. He can only rely on the buildings on the street to look close to this group of people. The meteor followed, dismissed the red light on the sword, and finally followed these magic soldiers!

There are only five people on the other side, and there is only one magic soldier. The person walking in the middle is tied with his hands and feet, looking like someone caught by the magic soldier!

"Is this person from the human race?" Many mouths of meteors!

Looking at the back image as a warrior of the human race, but the dress was not like it. Shuiyue continued to follow a few meters, but saw the magic soldiers stop, and the four people stared at the prisoner in the middle together!

The prisoner's body was crooked and fell on top. Several magic soldiers kicked the prisoner's body a few times and found that the prisoner did not move. The two magic soldiers came forward to pull up the rope on the prisoner's body and dragged the prisoner up.

"Mad, these beasts are so inhumane. Wait for me to go and teach them a lesson!" The meteor can't suppress the fire.

"Be quiet, that man is dead!" The water moon pressed the head of the meteor.

Why did the prisoner die? Did he not leave just now? Shuiyue doubted. While the magic soldier dragged the body away, Shuiyue came to the prisoner's death place and saw a line of spit marks on the sand on the ground. Shuiyue did not dare to touch it, but she knew that it was not blood!

"It's disgusting. What's the smell?" The meteor pinched his nose and looked at the wet face on the ground!

"Isn't it the taste here?" Shuiyue sniffed, but the meteor's nose was spiritual. At this time, there was indeed a smell of fishy smell in the air, but it was definitely not coming from here!

"Two, it's late at night. Where are you from?"

Oh my-

Shuiyue and the meteor were shocked. I don't know when an old man stood beside him, carrying a sharp oil lamp!

The voice is scary, and the clothes are even more scary. No wonder Shuiyue is shocked!

"Big... Uncle, why did you appear here late at night? It scared me!" The meteor took back the sword.

"Child, it's very dangerous here. Don't run around if you have nothing to do. I'm a resident here!" The old man said feebly, his voice did not seem to be very good, like a broken organ!

"You said, do you live here?" Shuiyue looked around. It was full of dark old houses. How can there be any sign of people living?

Listen to the old man say, "Everyone is dead, and there are still people here!"

"Dead? Old man, make it clear, what's the matter?"

When Shuiyue saw that the old man was about to leave, she grabbed the corner of the old man's clothes in a hurry. How could Shuiyue let go when she saw a living person?

"Son, old man, I'm here for your good. It's late at night. Find a place to hide. There are many demons here!"

As soon as the old man turned around and the oil lamp lit up, his wrinkled face was like a ball of paper. His eyes were deeply sunken in his eyes, and his lips were cracked like a crack in a stone! Shuiyue couldn't help but be scared again. She took a few steps back, but she still didn't understand what the old man wanted to say. If it was so dangerous here, how could he dare to appear here alone?