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Chapter 221 Whip

The next morning, when it was still dawn, Shuiyue only heard Wenwen shouting outside the hotel in the room!

Last night, I drank a little too much with the meteor, and now Shuiyue's mind is a little dizzy!

"Water Moon, it's time to get up. The carriage is ready!" The meteor got up unusually early and came to the door of Shuiyue, creating a noise enough to wake up the whole hotel.

After finishing the time, Shuiyue came downstairs. Wenwen was sitting in the corner eating breakfast. Seeing Shuiyue walking down and said, "This time, it will take a full day to reach the next city. You'd better eat something!"

Sit down, Shuiyue looked at the food on the table and felt no appetite, so she pushed aside and shouted to the clerk, "Prepare some food and stay on the road to satisfy your hunger!"

The business schedule is to get up earlier than the chicken and go to bed later than the dog. At this time, the guy has begun to get busy.

"I have already prepared the food. If you don't plan to eat it, we can leave right away!" There is no doubt about Wenwen's ability to do things. She has been very thoughtful for a long time, but there are still many people upstairs who have not got up, especially Xiner. Although this girl has also been woken up, she needs to dress up and may come out to meet people.

Shuiyue picked up a small pastry on a plate and put it in her mouth. She found that it tasted good. Shuiyue rarely eats these things. After a piece of pastry, Xin'er Shanshan walked down from the upstairs with her skirt fluttering. Today, she actually changed into a long skirt with a good temperament. To Shuiyue's surprise, when and where did she get the long skirt?

When she saw Wenwen, Xin'er felt a little strange, "Why is she here?"

Xin'er didn't know what happened last night. Shuiyue explained, "Wenwen is the same as our destination on this trip. We can just go together!"

"I mean, how did she appear here!"

"Little beauty, the world is so big that there is no place I can't come. What's so strange about this?" Wenwen's tone is not right. How can she look like a mature woman?

"Ready, we can go!" Meteor strode in from outside the door, and a pleasant pastry on the table, like a hungry wolf, reached out and grabbed it. "Good thing, I said you guys really enjoy it. I was busy outside for a long time in the early morning, and I didn't ask me to come in and eat together!"

"If you want to eat, just take it!" Wenwen gave way, and Xiao Tian also came in, and the two of them cleaned up the mess together!

The sky has brightened, and the rising sun on the horizon is struggling little by little. There is a gorgeous scene in the eastern sky. The horse's hoofs are going eastward, and the water moon poked out its head to enjoy this rare scene.

The morning sun rose, and the clouds in the sky were dyed red and half white, which made people beautiful. Wenwen rode a single horse and came from behind, "What are you looking at?"

"Suns day!"

"Although the sunrise is good, there is dusk. It's so ruthless. Don't look at it!" Wenwen rode on the horse like a goddess of war, both solemn and beautiful. Shuiyue took a look and finally fell on this tall horse.

"Are you looking at people or horses?"

"Look at both!" Shuiyue simply lifted the curtain of the car. In an instant, Fanghua leaned in the car, and Xin'er was sleeping soundly. The road was also very flat. It went east, straight on the road, and there were no potholes. Then went to the edge of the sky, there were dark clouds there, dark pressure, and heavy.

"What the hell, I'm taking a good break!" The meteor complained that the light of the morning sun stimulated the eyes of the people in the car, slightly closed, recuperated, and confused!

Xin'er also woke up at this time, rubbed her eyes and pouted, "Little husband, pull down the curtain!"

Shuiyue leaned forward and pulled down the curtain. The whole person appeared next to the driver and asked Wenwen, "I also want to ride a horse!"

ka ka-----

"Why is this difficult? I asked my men to give the horse to you. In fact, I'm tired of being bored in the car. It's better to ride a horse."

The free man's eyes flowed with free light, but Shuiyue has never ridden a horse. In this way, Shuiyue blushed a little.

"Why, don't you tell me that you can't ride a horse?"

Anyone can see Shuiyue's expression, "I can't ride a horse. Is there any embarrassment?" Shuiyue is not convinced. He thinks that riding a horse is just a simple thing. He just needs to lift his buttocks and get on horseback, and then everything will be fine. There will be horses on the road ahead.

"Hang the horse!"

"Do you want to learn now?"

"No, no, it's very simple!" Shuiyue stood up indifferently on the car. At this time, Wenwen's men jumped from the horse and took the horse to the same position as the vehicle!

"Hey, don't force yourself. Horses can ride after being tamed, but horse riding requires certain skills. First of all, you have to learn to keep your center of gravity stable on horseback!" Shuiyue had already jumped up before Wenwen finished speaking.

The horse was shocked, hissed, and ran forward carrying Shuiyue. Shuiyue's feeling was that the horse's back was like a surface of water. People went up, swayed and fell straight down. The water moon buckled the reins and put her feet together on the horse's belly, so that it was not flashed down. Looking down, the ground quickly flew back!


Wenwen waved her whip, rushed over, came to the position parallel to Shuiyue, and grabbed Shuiyue's clothes. "You don't want to die. It's the first time you ride a horse so fast!"

The horse is running, and the people on it don't fall down, even if it is successful!

This elegant wind-like feeling makes Shuiyue infatuated, horseshoes break through the gate, and people are wanton with nature!

"Wenwen, riding is really refreshing!"

"Your riding skills are not good yet. Be careful!" Wenwen's horse moved forward, her long hair floated up, and she was fragrant all the way to catch up with the rising sun. Shuiyue followed, hit the horse's buttocks with her palm, and the horse followed Wenwen like an arrow from the string!

Wenwen left a long string of silver bell-like laughter along the way. His brilliant face was like the fresh sunshine. Shuiyue cheered and said, "If there is a chance in the future, I must find such a place to raise the whip and forget the troubles!"

That place, in a corner of the mainland, when the sun sets, the sun rises in the east, and the water and moon will be together with Xiao Xue, unrestrained, without asking about the world, and falling freely, comparable to the scattered immortals. However, this scene can only appear in illusions. The wolf smoke of the mainland make the array of water and moon understand that only after the peace of the mainland, the artifact is like Only when the fallen leaves return to the root can he have such a pastime.

Wenwen inadvertently asked, "Then what are you waiting for? I also want to live like this. On the vast grassland, find a beloved person, gently blowing the wind and clothes!"

"I have more important things to do!"

"Me too, but I believe that one day I will get the life I want!" Wenwen was sad, holding the cold wind and messy long hair. "Let's experience this kind of life first?"

Wenwen left Shuiyue and ran forward alone.

In the afternoon, Shuiyue was not tired, but the horse was tired. The two of them had been standing in front of the convoy and looked back. The convoy staggered like an old lady and looked forward. There was a misty color.

"Ahead is a big city of the demon clan, Senluo City!" Wenwen, immediately, said suddenly.

Senluo City is one of the necessary places for Shuiyue and others to reach the land of icebergs. Under the sky, the sky is black and there is no boundless wilderness. The sky suddenly becomes low here. Several birds pass over the top of Shuiyue's head, as if they can reach it. The Shuiyue feels the wind blowing from there, and the air becomes a little cold.

There is the real demon realm, shrouded in darkness and become a gloomy world.

Shuiyue's mood also follows the distance, like the thick clouds that slip away, with ups and downs!

"Do you feel cold?" Wenwen's horseshoe came.

"A little!"

"The six cities in the future of Senluo City are covered by the cold wind of the iceberg land, so it's not surprising that the further you go back, the colder you will feel!"

However, the coldness of the water and the moon does not refer to this. The haze also makes the heart of the water moon cold!

"Don't worry, the magic soldiers on the road won't bother us!" Wenwen said with a smile.



Wenwen has many secrets and is very capable of dealing with obstacles on the road. It is also expected that Shuiyue doesn't need to ask more. Senluo City seemed to be close at hand, but there was still a long way to go. The carriage also came. The meteor got out of the car and saw Shuiyue and Wenwen riding a horse each. They said badly, "Are you two running so fast? Is there any secret?"

"Tut talk!" Shuiyue adjusts the horse and follows the convoy forward!