Artifact vertical and horizontal

Chapter 234 Dung Palace 3

Why, the meteor's clothes hang on the spear soldiers and move to the soldiers of the dagger. It's just a piece of clothes. No one will make trouble!

These statues are dead again!

"What's the matter? Why don't you leave quickly?" The meteor turned his head and urged.

"Did you hang your clothes on the ice sculpture spear on the right at the beginning?"

"Yes, I'm on such a casual side. According to my habit, I take off my clothes and put them on the right hand side, and of course I also put them on the right side. What's strange!"

"Have you ever moved the meteor's clothes?"

Everyone was puzzled, and Wenwen said, "What on earth happened?"

"Meteor, you just took the clothes from the left!" Shuiyue thought she was dazzled. She just glanced at it before. Now it was confirmed by the meteor, and something strange came out.

"Yes, why did my clothes run to the left? You didn't move!"

Shuiyue paid attention to these two ice sculptures anyway. Could it be that the clothes moved by themselves? No one noticed this just now!

The meteor came and stretched out his hand to touch the ice sculpture of the spear. Something unexpected happened. The soldier's spear moved slightly, and the meteor's arm was in one hand, "Is this thing moved just now!"

Everyone also saw it, "Aren't they statues? How can they move?" Xiao Tian came over and said in the air of a grave robber, "Are these ice sculptures really treasures?"

"It may also be a precursor to bad luck. Let's get out of here!" The water moon is urgent.

Behind him, hundreds of ice sculptures clicked for a moment!

"Ah, look, they can really move!"

When you first arrive at a hidden underground palace, the situation inside still needs to be verified. Anything can happen!

"Everyone, step back!" Shuiyue has an ominous foreboding that these ice sculptures seem to be not good.

"Oh, interesting, this is similar to my ability, but I didn't command them to move. Is it possible that there are other people in this underground palace who, like me, can pass on their ideas to ice and snow and direct their actions?"

A sentence of the poisonous beast guided Shuiyue, "Do you mean that these ice sculptures have been commanded?"

"If not, how can I explain it?" The poisonous beast came from behind and became an ice sword in his hand. "Children, don't worry, these ice sculptures that have been ordered will not let us go!"

"You can command them to stop with your mind!" Wenwen said something that Shuiyue didn't think of.

The poisonous beast is also an ice and snowman. How can they fight against these ice sculptures?

"No, I have tried it for a long time. When I first came into contact with the Ice Palace, I scattered my will to find other lives in the underground palace, but my ability is firmly bound by some energy, and I can only follow you!"

This really surprised everyone!

Hope also turned into disappointment. The ice sculptures moved their muscles and bones, stood up, and surrounded several people.

"Run, what are you waiting for!" The meteor scattered the girl and ran away. Only then did Shuiyue feel that it was meaningless to fight with these ice sculptures. "The meteor is right. We can't fight with these dead things. Xiao Tian, take out your ability to rob tombs and find a channel for us!"


Seeing that Shuiyue and others wanted to run, the ice sculptures attacked quickly, and the spears shot out and stabbed directly into the back of the people. Shuiyue blocked the offensive route of several spears and found that the ice sculptures moved very fast. In a blink of an eye, an ice sculpture approached him, and the dagger scratched under his waist!


Shuiyue kicked the ice statue away and broke it on the ground!

The strength of ice sculpture is still very low.

"You go first, I'll come to the palace!" Shuiyue shouted to the back.

"I will also stay to help!" Wenwen came over.

"No, you can also go first. I can deal with it here!"

Under the firm eyes of Shuiyue, Wenwen could only agree, "It's hard for you to be careful. We will wait for you in front!"

"Don't worry!"

Shuiyue was alone. Facing hundreds of ice sculptures of different shapes, she waited for everyone to be far away and grabbed a long sword from the hand of an ice sculpture. When Shuiyue attached the power in her body to the ice sword, the ice sword turned into water in an instant!

"Damn it!" Shuiyue had to fight hand-to-hand and retreat while fighting!

Xiao Tian took people under the cover of Shuiyue and quickly went to the corridor of the Ice Palace, but in the corridor, there were some other ice sculptures, and they had been resurrected, just like the guards in the palace, firmly holding the passage, and Xiao Tian and others also killed all the way!

When Shuiyue came to the corridor, the ground was full of broken ice. It was very slippery. When he ran quickly, it was difficult to grasp the direction. The ice sculpture warrior who chased behind him was integrated with the ice and snow, so he caught up with Shuiyue in terms of movement speed!

The two sides launched another war. The broken ice on the ground made it difficult for Shuiyue to play. This time, Shuiyue showed a difficult struggle and came to the middle of the corridor. Shuiyue found that an ice gate appeared on the ice wall. Without thinking about it, she burst into it.

In an instant, the dazzling white light surrounded the water and moon!

There is an ice crystal standing here. The room is full of various shadows of Shuiyue. The meteors are not here. They may have gone to the other side of the corridor. When Shuiyue wanted to push the door out, the door was completely blocked by the ice sculpture warrior. Shuiyue had to walk deeper into the room. The more she walked, the more she found that it was a little bad. Here , let the water moon lose the way forward, all kinds of shadows, let the water moon get lost, and I don't know which one is the real self.

Stop, Shuiyue smiled at countless mirrors, and the shadows from it are also smiling. However, such a smile is different from different shadows, which is a visual impact of human beings.

Just like a three-view, an object looks directly from three different directions, and the effect is different. The mirror reflects different small faces, which makes Shuiyue dare to be afraid. This is the first time that Shuiyue is afraid of herself. She smiles a little and becomes ferocious after reflection!

Soon, the ice sculpture soldiers outside did not dare to come in. Shuiyue was quiet for a while, looking for the exit of the room to meet with the large army as soon as possible, but so many Shuiyue in the mirror made Shuiyue see what was different from her eyes.

Each has a thought, and the views on treating people are different, either tall and magnificent, or thin and timid. Just like a book, a thousand readers will have a different evaluation, and in the mirror, the shadow of the water and the moon also shows this.

The water moon in it allows the water moon to see a different self.

"Who are you?" Shuiyue pointed to her shadow in the mirror and joked.

The other party did not answer, because he was just a shadow, but the shadow did not stretch out his hand. He stared at Shuiyue in a daze and showed Mueller in the mirror.

Shuiyue asked herself in the other mirror, "Then who are you?"

Why are the shadows they mapped not the actions of the current water and moon? This image is another grumpy look, and I can't wait to eat people!

"We are all you. Welcome to the world of thousands of mirrors. Here, you will see a thousand different you. We are all your true portrayal!"

"Who is talking?"

"God of Creation, Snow God!"

"Snow God, I haven't heard of this name. Where are you? Come out quickly!" Shuiyue was not scared by this inexplicable voice, but in the mirror, some of her images were timid.

"I'm dead. Are you afraid of me?"

"I'm afraid, I've only been afraid of myself!"

"Ha ha, are you cheating me or yourself? These mirrors can reflect your heart. Why don't you look at you in the mirror at this time!"

"Some of them are hallucinations. Don't pretend to be a ghost here!" Shuiyue is sure that the person talking is the owner of the ice palace, and the ice sculpture warrior outside is also commanded by it!

Shuiyue opened the Qingming attribute, but the effect was still the same. The shadows in the mirror were very frightened one by one. Shuiyue resisted the visual image of the body and found the only mirror image exactly like herself now!

"This is the real me!"

"You are predestined to get here. For thousands of years, I have been waiting for a person who can get out of this room. There are a thousand mirrors in this room. The images in each mirror are real you. If you have a thousand thoughts, you will have a thousand enemies, and you can only defeat the mirror. Only in you can you break the mirror, and when you go out of here, you can also understand the mystery!"