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Chapter 255 Call Me Grandma

Shuiyue picked up the cheat she lost many years ago and said, "Why should I fight with you? I don't like to fight, especially with the old man. In case there is a mistake, I will be sorry."

The other party claims to be grandmother, and must be very old. Such a perverted beast will not be young, and Shuiyue's timidity has not dissipated. At this moment, he stares at the python and feels that he is a pot of its dish, and it is not enough to plug its teeth. Of course, Shuiyue can clearly see the patio. In this situation, this is not a fantasy, but Qingming can let yourself have a pair of night eyes to distinguish everything. The python is right. If it hadn't reminded itself that I didn't know that Qingming still had such a role, it would be tantamount to a torch!

"Kid, are you playing scoundrel with me? Grandma, I won't kill you. I not only have an artifact, but also have a pretty face. Such a man is rare in the world!" The python seemed to be a little shy, and his big head tilted to the right!

Shuiyue cried with a sad face, "What are you going to do?"


"If I'm not allowed to use the artifact, I can't do it empty-handed. In this way, I will suffer a lot. I won't do it!"

The python opened its mouth and spit out a long sword. Before the dead moon fell into the water, it used the one, "Is it all right now? This is the long sword you used at the beginning. Will you be satisfied?"

Shuiyue was dizzy. What does this python mean? "How can my sword appear in your mouth!"

"Don't say, you stinky boy, the last one fell down. I was about to swallow it when you fell to the surface of the water, and then there was only this thing left, which made me get stuck in my throat!"


Shuiyue understood, is this whirlpool made by it, just to eat?

"Have you eaten all the people?"

"I never eat people!"

"Then why do you still swallow me and swallow my weapons instead?" This python just killed a liar. He doesn't eat meat. Can he grow up by drinking water?


"Hahaha, old woman, I saw you being playful. I couldn't help it for a moment. I didn't want you to die so early!"

"What about the people who fell down?"

"Dead, they all fell down!" The python's tail swept over the water. With that strong tail, Shuiyue thought of what attacked her, which was probably it.

"Why did you do this?"

The python was stunned, "What should I do?"

"Make a whirlpool and kill so many people!" Twenty thousand magic soldiers were killed by themselves and swallowed up by the whirlpool. Among them were Shuiyue's companions, a person with clear love and hate. Such hatred could not break out in front of the python.

"Do you really want to know?"

Shuiyue nodded and picked up the long sword on the surface of the water. Since the appearance of the python, the surface of the water has also changed. Shuiyue does not need to deliberately maintain stability, and the sword does not sink. The python can control the changes on the surface of the surface.

"Fight with me and I'll tell you!"

"If you don't tell me, I won't fight!" Shuiyue touched her buttocks and sat on the surface of the water!

The python was a little angry, "If you don't fight with me, I'll kill you!"

If you want to kill, the python has been killed for a long time, and tens of thousands of people have become dead souls in an instant. Only they survived. This is what the python intended to do. The water moon has insight into the heart of the beast and stretched out its neck, "Come on, I'll kill you!"

"You!" The python opened its mouth and swallowed Shuiyue into its stomach. Following the esophagus of the python, Shuiyue slid to the deepest part of the python's stomach.

This is a large space in which is very viscous around it. It is the digestive juice secreted in the python's stomach. The taste is very heavy. It seems that the water and moon have miscalculated. The python is really true, but the water moon is not dead, and there is no sign of death. There is still air in the python's stomach, and the water moon can still breathe.

"Kid, does my stomach taste good?"

It's really a little smelly. Shuiyue squeezed her nose and lay down and said slowly, "I'm staying here!"

"Hey, you stinky boy, don't cry when you don't see the coffin. Look at me shut your mouth!"

In an instant, the stomach of the python secreted more digestive juices, and the water moon was soaked in it. The temperature of these digestive juices was very high, which made the water moon very uncomfortable.

"Hey, you're going to drown me. Come on, I'll poke a hole in your stomach and naturally go out." Shuiyue wanted to scare it and let Shuiyue do this, but Shuiyue did have some conscience.

It's not easy for a creature to cultivate like this!

"Then try it and see if you can still pick up the sword?"

As soon as Shuiyue raised the long sword, there was only one hilt left! Is it the effect of these digestive juices that decomposed the sword? Why hasn't it been decomposed?


"What are you laughing at? I still have artifacts in my body, which is what you are most afraid of!"

"Kid, although the digestive juice in my stomach can't break down your artifact, it can prevent you from using it. In my stomach, even if the three gods come, it will lose all its ability, let alone you?"

Three gods?

God of War, Snow God, Fire God, isn't this the originator of the mainland?

"Do you also know the three gods?" Shuiyue didn't believe it. Sure enough, she couldn't summon [Ren Xuan], and [The Ring of Creation Space] is not easy to use. The python is right. It's no different from ordinary people. A digestive fluid that can be decomposed into steel can also decompose its own body, but the python didn't do it. It can control the digestive juice!

"Why don't I know the three gods? The God of War once fell into trouble in Kara's land. When he was injured, he hid in my stomach. It was not until the injury recovered that I spit him out."

"So, are you friends?"

"Want to know why Snake and Scorpion Valley is called this name?"

"Think!" Shuiyue's heartbeat may be able to get a lot of stories that happened before from the python!

"Then call me grandma and I'll let you out!"

What kind of request is this? Shuiyue's head is a little big. She touched a hard thing with her hand and picked it up. It turned out to be a human bone. Isn't the python a liar who never eats people in the clubhouse? How can there be human bones?


"What, I asked you to call me grandma. As long as you call me, I will let you out, otherwise you will stay in my stomach, but I told you that I'm going underwater later. Strong pressure will make me have no air in my abdominal cavity. You may have to suffer a little."

"How can there be human bones here?"

"Please take a good look, that's the calf bone of the cow!" The python is helpless outside.

Shuiyue continued to stay in it without compromise, but looking at it, this bone was really not a human bone. Suddenly, Shuiyue felt the python's stomach contracted, and the stomach wall stuck to her face, and the air became thin.

"Hey, are you really in the water?"

The python did not answer himself. Maybe it was really underwater. Shuiyue took a few breaths, and the air in his stomach disappeared. Shuiyue's screen sucked for only one minute. His face was red and his voice was a little difficult.

"Grandma, I can't...!"

"Oh, what a good boy!"

The stomach wall has recovered. Did it come out of the water so soon?

"Can you let me out now?"

"I didn't hear enough of your grandma's cry. Shout again!"

"My God!" Shuiyue sighed.

"No, no, it's not this sentence, it's grandma, do you understand?"

Shuiyue was very reluctant. She hit an empty punch on the stomach wall of the python. Anyway, she couldn't see it. "Grandma...!"


Shuiyue spit out together with the digestive juice in the python's stomach. As soon as he looked at the surface of the water, Shuiyue knew that he had been fooled. There were no ripples on the surface of the water. It was not just drilled up from below.

"You lied to me?"

"I'm not tired of cheating, my good grandson, have you suffered in your grandmother's stomach?"

The python turned around and became a beautiful woman.

Shuiyue was surprised, "You, you, you!"

"What, I'm surprised that this is my face!"

A woman has a slim face, her eyes are glowing, and her shoulders are spreading. She looks like an old man. Even if she changes, she has become normal, right?

"How old are you?" Shuiyue asked impolitely.

"17,000 or eight years old!"

"Is this New Year's Eve?"

"I'm too old to remember. I said, I should tell you one thing, so that we have to fight!"