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Chapter 276 Robbery Prison

Shuiyue mobilized the available people in the whole crime city. The city owner set up a patient shelter in the center of the city of the crime city. In less than one night, a large number of patients in the city were taken to the shelter for treatment. At first, these patients were a little afraid of mouse blood, but they knew that it was the only one that could cure the plague. When the good medicine was about, he was also happy to accept it. Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Shuiyue was busy all night at the shelter. The next morning, Shuiyue couldn't support it and went back to the city master's mansion to rest for a while. After lying down for less than two hours, he got up by himself. He couldn't see everyone getting rid of the disease. Shuiyue was not at ease and climbed. After getting up, the city owner prepared lunch, which was very rich. Shuiyue simply took a few bites and came to the shelter station again.

The overcrowding here is a good omen. Compared with the death of Zecheng, Shuiyue is very gratified by the situation in Sincheng. After using the medicine, everyone rested in the prepared place of the shelter and waited for the second treatment. Shuiyue checked everyone's condition.

Those serious patients who received treatment last night have now improved, and those who are still taking medicine.

A small mouse saved a crisis, which was unexpected. Shuiyue stood in the open area of the shelter and saw that everyone was busy. The despair on the faces of the patients turned into hope. Shuiyue liked to see all the smiling faces. Some people knew that this was the credit of Shuiyue and that he saved the crisis. So when he saw Shuiyue, everyone sent greetings and thanks. Shuiyue smiled without saying anything. At this time, the city owner came over and quietly approached Shuiyue from behind.

"City owner, the situation here has been controlled. I believe that everyone can recover in less than three or four days. In addition, those bodies killed by the plague must be properly dealt with!"

The city owner doesn't know, "What's wrong with burying the body in the cemetery of Sin City under normal circumstances?"

After all, the plague is an infectious disease. How can it be buried on the spot? The plague is likely to break out twice underground!

"It should be cremated!"

" cremation?" The city owner is a little dissatisfied.

Shuiyue knows that this method is generally difficult to be recognized by everyone. Burial has always been popular on the mainland. After death, a complete body should be preserved, so that the probability of becoming a human in the next life is relatively high. If the body is cremated, which is what everyone says, then this person will become Livestock.

These are all superstitious statements. After death, the will is separated from the body, and the body is just an empty skin. As long as it is buried, it is respect for the will of the deceased. If the body is not buried in the soil, it will not stand the passage of time, buried in the dust, and finally become dung, and re Go back to where it appeared!

Shuiyue insisted, "The cremation is to prevent the resurgence of the plague. I have cremated the body of the owner of Ze City. There is no need to worry about this. As long as the situation is explained to everyone, everyone will accept it!"

The city lord was enlightened and immediately ordered the people around him to do this matter, "Little brother, the situation here has been curbed. I have something to ask for below!"

I don't know what's going on. Now that the plague has been restrained, there are other important things in the city of sin, which are more important than human life!

"The prisoners in the prison were also plague. This morning, someone came to report that hundreds of bodies were carried out, and a large number of people were terminally ill. There was turmoil in the prison, that is, I have the intention to treat them, and I have some scruples!"

"Is the city owner afraid that they will run out in the chaos?" Then the city owner means that he wants to help control the situation. The prisoner is also a human, and of course, Shuiyue also needs to be treated.

"That's what we mean. On the one hand, we have to treat them, and on the other hand, we have to prevent them from escaping from prison. Now the number of troops in the crime city has been greatly reduced, and it is difficult to control the actions of prisoners. I think only you have the ability to deal with these prisoners!"

In the current situation of Sin City, there are still about 2,000 to 3,000 guards, a large number of them. In addition, the number of sick soldiers is still 4,000. With their help, Sin City can find sufficient sources of medicine in a short time. How can it not fight against the prisoners in the prison?

Shuiyue nodded and always had to go to Wanjie prison to have a look. "I don't know how many people are in Wanjie prison?"

"There are about tens of thousands of prisoners and hundreds of guards, but don't worry. The cage of Wanjie Prison is built of black iron, and the prisoners are imprisoned in it. If we don't open the cage, they can't escape, but these prisoners are very strange. They will take advantage of all the opportunities to escape. Our treatment for them will not go too smoothly!"

In this way, Shuiyue will be more interested. "Oi, I'll meet them and bring enough medicine. Let's go now!"

The city owner was worried, "I'll organize people first. I must not underestimate these prisoners. There are several powerful characters in them. Be careful!"

Shuiyue smiled and said, "Okay, let's go and prepare. The number of people should not be too large. The shelter station still needs a large number of people, 500 people enough, and these 500 people, only dozens of people are enough!"

The city lord sent away the soldiers around him and led Shuiyue to the entrance of the prison. "One of them was escorted by the Protos city. He can use ecstasy. He is an older elf who has tried to escape many times. This person is the most dangerous!"

The people of the Protoss are also imprisoned here. Presumably this hell prison is really a mixed place of dragons and snakes. Shuiyue doesn't care, "Wait for me to crack his ecstasy!" Shuiyue touched the ring in her hand and wanted to deal with a ecstasy. The Qingming attribute is enough.

The entrance to the prison is guarded by heavy soldiers and is located in Beicheng District. It is a corridor that goes straight to the underground. The corridor is very long and wide, and there are more than 500 guards on it. It is arranged by the Chenghui people.

Shuiyue randomly selected dozens of people to take medicine and walk down. The city owner led the way. Within a distance, a guard room appeared in the corridor. There were more than a dozen guards in the guard room. There was an iron fence around the guard room. The iron fence had only one door, and it was closed. The prison was heavily defended and strict. Dense, I'm afraid that even a fly can't fly out. At this point of view, there are indeed no flies, but the air here smells a little smelly, because of the death of people. On the whole, the prison is a city, and the corridor is a street. It is very clean. The prison has sufficient lighting and uses the principle of mirror reflection. This water Yue experienced a little in the ice palace. There are several large light holes on top of the prison and several large mirrors on the wall, so that the sunlight is drawn to the prison. Here prisoners can enjoy all kinds of treatment, that is, they lose their freedom.

I don't know how many fences have passed. Shuiyue followed the footsteps of the city owner. The city owner said, "When I was innocent, I had to patrol the prison almost every day for a week. Now that he is no longer, I have to come down and walk every day!"

The water moon is tongue-tight, and the prison is the same size as the city. Isn't the city owner going around the city every day? He is really a conscientious person!

When you come to the bottom of the corridor, empty cells appear on the left and right, just like a house in the city. The gate of each prison is in the shape of an iron fence. Through the steel gap, you can see the situation inside. The other three sides of the cell are made of stone bricks. The three cells are in a group, wrapped in one outside the three cells. The cage of Xuantie, so that you are not afraid that criminals will destroy the stone wall and escape from it.

The city owner explained: "There are not many prisoners now, so I have arranged them all in the first district. There are no prisoners at the door. They are all in the southeast and southwest corners. The prison is divided into four districts, namely, the first district and the second district. As the place where prisoners are detained, it is the largest district. The third district is the prison office area, relatively Smaller, the soldiers deal with prisoners who are not disciplined and accept new prisoners. The four districts are called public areas, and various activities are often held in the prison. At that time, the prisoners are locked up in the fourth district. The prisoners have access, the soldiers have the corridor for soldiers, and there is an iron gate in the middle!"

Shuiyue did see many iron gates, as well as the bronze locks on the iron gates.