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Chapter 285 Scary Separation

The enemy had disappeared from the woods. Shuiyue turned her head to look at the body of the blind man. When she took him back, it was also an explanation for the dead guard. When Shuiyue picked up the stinky meat in the place, she couldn't help but feel something wrong with her arm.

The blind man was lying on the ground in shape, more like the blind man, but Shuiyue took over and looked at it. He felt that this person and the blind man were not alone. Shuiyue once lifted the blind man in prison. His weight was very light, and this man was obviously very heavy. Shuiyue turned over the man and his brain was deadlocked.

This person is not blind at all. He was fooled. Then, Shuiyue opened [Ruanxuan] to enable the Qingming attribute and found that the enemy was still standing there in the position just now. Did the other party use the method of invisibility?

Isn't this the means of Kara's dark warrior?

Shuiyue shouted, "Where are you running!"

The feather arrow flew away.

The enemy was shocked, but failed to escape the attack of the water moon.

Waiting for Shuiyue to pull down this guy's mask, he saw a young face. Undoubably, Shuiyue was fooled twice and almost thought of him as an old man through his voice. This man dressed as blind is likely to be a dark man of Carat. How did they find here? How could they know that it was hidden in prison? The blind man.

Shuiyue was transferred away from the mountain. The enemy must still be still in the city of sin. Shuiyue immediately turned around and was ready to leave, but the whole forest shook with a roar. Several dead leaves on the tree fell. Shuiyue stopped and looked back. On the other side, a person was not a human, and the cow was not a monster of the cow. Shuiyue recognized this guy. When he was on Xuanwu Mountain that day, the puppet summoned by Xili was him. Of course, there was also the big stone man. Shuiyue was also impressed. Zhili appeared here. Is Xili also here? Shuiyue was almost about to forget the appearance of this bastard.

The bull's head tide and moon came, and the people were not good. It turned out that the purpose of the other party's transfer of the tiger away from the mountain was to choose such a hidden place to deal with himself.

Shuiyue shouted to the empty woods, "Xili, you bastard, you led me to such a place. Why don't you show up there quickly?"

When Shuiyue speaks, she releases thousands of miles of chasing souls, and blue light feather arrows around her body. Now Shuiyue has mastered the use of thousands of miles of chasing souls. With the induction of [Yuan Xuan], she can change the route of the feather arrows at will, let the feather arrow accelerate or slow down, kill or hurt people. Shuiyue is like this, unconsciously with the artifact. There is a connection. Thousands of miles of chasing the soul, Shuiyue can freely control it, let it wrap around the outside of its body, protect its safety, and lock the target and launch an attack in due course.

"Ha ha, I haven't seen you for a few months. Your ability has improved, but I have also realized the power of the Dark Rubik's Cube, and I feel that my strength has also taken a step forward, just in time to take this opportunity to kill you!"

The sound of Xili came from the air, and his voice sounded much more hoarse, like a broken bellows and a few leaves missing.

"Where are you huddled?"

Is it possible that Xili used the crimson dream again? Shuiyue has always been unable to crack this. Xili can hide outside the concubine's dream, which makes Shuiyue unpreventable. It seems that Xili has indeed grown a lot. This can be seen from Zhili that this taeno-headed man is no longer the cow on Xuanwu Mountain at the beginning. The head man, Shuiyue can feel the huge energy flowing on his body.

"Don't be afraid, I didn't use any fantasy for you. I'm not here at all. I just summoned Zhili to wait for you here. I set my willpower on Zhili to talk to you through it. Isn't it incredible, hahaha!"

The laughter was so afraid that the air was a little cooler. Shuiyue observed the Tauren, with a slight black flame all over his body, and his eyes were locked on himself.

It's better to do it first, "Okay, Xili, today I'll tell you what is the light of justice in this world!"

A long axe suddenly appeared in the hands of the taeno-headed man, which was almost the same as the huge axe of the nine demons seen by Shuiyue.

Xili's words came again, "Your opponent is not me, but my puppet. When you defeat him, come and look for me again. Unfortunately, if you can't beat him, he has been transported 80% of my ability in my body. Go to death!"

Zhili seemed to be the incarnation of Xili. He waved the huge axe in his hand and hit the water moon. The huge axe was indestructible, and he didn't care how many obstacles were on the attack route. Under the huge axe, all the obstacles turned into fragments. A strong wind, with the spirit of tearing, split the water and moon flashed on the ground. A big pit appeared, Zhili waved a huge axe to sweep it, and Shuiyue commanded the feather arrow to block it.


The feather arrow disappeared, and Zhili retreated a few steps. The other party still could not compete with the power of the artifact. Shuiyue commanded a thousand-mile pursuit of soul to fly out, wrapped around him, just like an elf to protect himself. Shuiyue can now only maintain a thousand miles of soul pursuit at a time. No matter how many times Shuiyue has not tried. In order to maintain the existence of thousands of miles of chasing the soul in such a state, it took a lot of energy, which also led to the use of [Rongxuan] not so smoothly, and I felt that the attack power of [Wanxuan] had decreased.

However, it turns out that the two are not related. When the skeleton king fire swordsman was solved with this trick, the attack power of [Muan Xuan] was perfect, but Shuiyue could not master it flexibly.

After Zhili retreated, the huge axe waved, and the black flame appeared on the huge axe, as if it were fire.

Zi Li ran over, and the speed was a little slow. Shuiyue opened [Muanxuan] and shot two arrows and shot them on Zhi Li's legs respectively, but there was almost no effect. The black flame outside Zhili came out for a week. The wind brought by the giant axe became bigger. Shuiyue dodged and looked at the giant axe. The black flame actually flew out and the back of the water moon. The back was scraped, leaving a burn, and Shuiyue felt that there seemed to be toxicity in the black flame, and his back began to swell, and then Shuiyue used [spiritual power] to resolve it.

When did Zhili become so powerful? When he first saw it, he didn't have a weapon. Did Silly do anything to him?

Under the spiritual eyes, the water and moon detect the level of separation.

Zhili, one of the guards of Death Castle, dead body, puppet, ordinary level.

Black flame, the spirit of death, rich in the power of death, hot, attack with toxicity, the light to protect the body.

The enemy in front of him has not been tampered with by Xili. This is Zhili's original strength, and it is also the strength of the dead body. Through it, it can be seen that Xili's strength has indeed increased, and it is not a little bit. He can summon Zhili completely. When he was in Xuanwu Mountain, he summoned After a blow, he was defeated by the principal, and now this guy almost makes it difficult for him to fight. If he doesn't have the [spiritual power] protection, I'm afraid he has been attacked by the poison gas of the black flame.

Shuiyue dares not take it lightly. The black flame is the flame of death and the light of the protection of the body. No wonder [Yuan Xuan] can cause damage to him very much. When the feather arrow touches the black flame, it is eaten by the black flame, but summoning this puppet, its existence time is limited. The strength will become longer and weaker with time. Xili remotely operates the whole puppet, which will not last long, which requires considerable energy. The weakness of summoning the mage is here. Once the puppet is consumed, it has to end the battle.

Thinking of this, Shuiyue pulled away [Rongxuan] and released a feather arrow at Zhili.

sou sou--

Feather arrows blocked Zhili's attack and forced Zhili to wave a huge axe to defend. One after another of black flames emerged from Zhili's body. Shuiyue could feel that Zhili's power became smaller little by little. Shuiyue finally controlled the pursuit of thousands of miles to fly to Zhili's head and prepared to go straight into Zhili's heavenly spirit.

At the foot of Shuiyue, she used [spiritual power] to protect herself and rushed up. As a warrior, Shuiyue still doubted her shooting skills, but for the melee, Shuiyue was full of confidence. On the ground, there was a long sword left by the dark warrior. Shuiyue held the sword, hit the huge axe, and flew out of the black flame from the huge axe, thinking He swallowed Shuiyue, but was offset by the defensive aura of [spiritual power].

Zhi Li is powerful. As soon as she came into contact, Shuiyue became unbearable. Zhili pushed Shuiyue a few steps with a huge axe. Shuiyue commanded the thousands of miles of souls in the sky to fly down.