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Chapter 292 Ziling City

Looking at the little wolf ball safe and playing around his mother, Shuiyue suddenly became a little heavy, like a cloud in the sky. Shuiyue said to the wolf king, regardless of whether he can understand human words or not, because Shuiyue does not understand the language of the wolf clan.

"Wolf King, I should go!"

Shuiyue put away her sword and walked back. The Wolf King whispered in the back, and then the four wolves opened their way for Shuiyue. It seemed to understand Shuiyue's words. It is really a creature of nature. Every life created by nature has its own development history. Shuiyue feels good. Now he actually made friends with the wolf clan. .

Four wolves and a Shuiyue walked in the heavy rain. Shuiyue returned to the original position of the big tree. Originally, they thought that the four wolves would leave, but they actually surrendered at the foot of Shuiyue.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

The wolf is speechless.

"Do you want to take me out of this forest?"

The wolf stood up and walked down the stream in the heavy rain.


The other three wolves followed with their wet tails. Shuiyue smiled at the corners of their mouth. It seemed that they had understood the meaning of the wolf clan. No matter who they felt it with their heart, they could gain something. The wolf said and repay their kindness. Shuiyue obviously did not take what she had just done. If she didn't save the little wolf ball, he would definitely be trapped. It died inside.

Shuiyue said to the back of the four wolves, "Anyway, now my body is more wet, so I will follow you!"

The wolf turns back, teething, not fierce, this is the wolf's way.

Shuiyue laughed, touched the rain on her face, and walked on the wormwood under her feet. At the end of summer, these wormwood grass were also dying. One summer's efforts achieved their most prosperous time so far. The rain and dew on it stuck to Shuiyue, which was so cold.

It is said that there is an enemy hunting trap here, which should not be far from the city.

The rain and dew became beads, and the forest passed away. Naturally, the wolf's footsteps were naturally fast. On this walk, it took more than a dozen miles. The stream flowed more and more slowly. Shuiyue knew that it was coming to the end of the stream. When the news gathered into the river, a noisy child seemed to see his parents and was sorting out because of greed. Play with dirty clothes and throw yourself into your parents' arms.

At the end of the woods, surrounded by water. At this moment, the clouds in the sky are also darkened. The rain spots have become smaller, as thin as cattle hair. The water and the moon hate to look at. A city is shrouded in the drizzle, and it is faintly pale, like a newborn. The air in the forest is much fresher. The water and moon take a deep breath and sighed, "Wolf friends, I'm here. Thank you for helping me. Lead the way, and I'll find a way to cross the river by myself. You should go back quickly!"

The four wolves looked at each other and were speechless. Finally, they looked at Shuiyue, turned their heads and got into the bushes. They didn't like to wander around in the woods. They liked to stay in the bushes. Shuiyue smiled at the faraway wolves. Facing the distant city, Shuiyue urged [spiritual Power]!

Shuiyue has already learned the skills of walking on the surface of the water.

In the falling rainy season, under the sky at the end of the end, ripples on the turbulent water. A person stepped on the water and walked fast. In a blink of an eye, the water left a wave mark rippled around, and the water moon stepped on the river bank with one foot.

Shuiyue took out another 50 taels and gave it to the clerk. "My clothes are wet. Go and buy me a dry set. In addition, give me a few plates of bacon, a few steamed buns, and prepare a place to take a bath."

Shuiyue said three requirements in one breath, and the other party took the money and wrote them down.

"The bathroom is on the second floor. Buy food and prepare it. In my opinion, adults should wash it first. The humidity in the rain is too heavy, which is harmful to the body."

Shuiyue had this intention and immediately said, "Go and do it. If you do it well, there will be rewards!"

It's rare to meet a rich master like Shuiyue. The clerk answered and ran into the kitchen. Shuiyue came to the second floor and took a shower for about 20 minutes. The clerk ran up downstairs and shouted outside the door, "Your Excellency, the clothes are almost ready. It took a total of 30 taels!"

Shuiyue opened a crack in the door and brought her clothes over. "That twenty taels is a reward for you!"

The man said, "I think this pure white dress is very suitable for your age and the best clothes in the tailor shop. I wonder if adults like it?"

Shuiyue put on her clothes and felt good, "It's very comfortable and suitable!"

But it's white. The water moon doesn't have time to wash it. In a few days, it will turn gray!

Shuiyue came downstairs, and the food was ready. The steamed bread was big and the bacon was delicious. Shuiyue ate it regardless of the image. When she thought of the wolf clan and looked at herself, Shuiyue smiled.

"Man, come here for a moment." The water moon calls.

"Do you have anything to say?"

"How many hotels are there in your city?" Shuiyue wants to find Hua Shao and others.

"There are five big ones and seven or eight small ones. I don't know what adults want to do?"

So many?

Shuiyue said softly, "It's okay. Just inquire. There's nothing here. Go ahead!"