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Chapter 301 Colorful

Leaving the glazed city, the party has been more than ten days. Shuiyue did not find the whereabouts of the magic soldiers. They seemed to have given up their pursuit, and the world became so quiet.

Go straight south and ask that there is still a long way to go to Shacheng. The Shuiyue troops have also been supplemented on the way. The number of people who came to join the army are mostly poor children in the countryside along the way. They are not for money or fame. They volunteer to serve the human race. Shuiyue is very grateful, but there are not many weapons in the team, and some people are still empty-handed.

At noon, the water moon was swaying, and the weather suddenly became very hot. In addition, in this section of the road, there was no shade of trees, and the summer was almost over. It was dying and released all the heat. Everyone walked listlessly and looked forward. The Buddha could see the water vapor tossed from the grass. The meteor rode came on horseback. Shuiyue said, "Shuiyue, the weather is so hot that the soldiers can't stand it. Otherwise, I'll take a look in front of you. Maybe I can find a place to enjoy the cool. I should take a break."

Shuiyue looked back, and the soldiers' footsteps were a little soft. "That's good, then go quickly!"

The meteor urged immediately, and Xin'er snuggled on the horse of Shuiyue and said, "What if there is no forest in front of you?"

Shuiyue went to the head of the letter, "You can pour cold water. If there is no place to enjoy the cool, we have to take a rest at night."

Xin'er spit out her tongue, "It's so hot!"

Shuiyue unscrewed the kettle, "Would you like to drink?"

"I don't drink, it's just hot, not thirsty!"

Shuiyue touched Xin'er's forehead, "Isn't it heatstroke?"

Xin'er smiled and said, "They are hugged by you. It's hot!"

Shuiyue curled her lips, "If you talk nonsense again, I will stuff you into the carriage!" Shuiyue had no choice. Xin'er only asked to sit on his horse. There were three carriages behind, loaded with supplies and everyone's rations. If the letter was stuffed in, there would be no place.

Hua Shao came up and said, "I think it has entered the grassland. There will be no trees near here!"

From afar, a small hill is connected to a small hill, a green grassland, which has indeed reached the grassland. Only the grassland has such a meadow. Walking out of this grassland, it should be a desert area.

The meteor disappeared, and he disappeared quickly in a blink of an eye. This may be because the grass hill covered the sight of the water and the moon.

"Everyone is working hard. The meteor has gone to find a cool place. If we can't find it, we will have to wait until the evening." Shuiyue turned around and shouted, and everyone raised their strength, and then they were taken away by the sun.

Xin'er sniffed, "Little husband, do you smell it?"

Shuiyue didn't ask anything. The air was the smell of grass.

"What's wrong?"

"Aroma." Xin'er stared ahead and said.

Shuiyue felt it, but there was no fragrance. "Your nose is broken. How can there be a fragrance?"

"No, it's right in front of you. There must be a sea of flowers!"

Shuiyue didn't care. The army continued to move forward. After an hour passed, the sky and the sun also shifted from an angle, and there was no shadow of the meteor. Shuiyue was a little worried and said to Xiner, "The meteor has been gone for so long and hasn't come back. I feel a little wrong. You go to Grandma's place first. I'll go to the front to have a look. Look!"

Xin'er agreed. As soon as they saw Shuiyue stop, they didn't know what was going on. Dusk asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'll go to the front to have a look. The meteor has been gone for so long and hasn't come back yet. You keep moving forward. I'll come as soon as I go!"

Caesar said, "I'll go with you?"

As soon as Shuiyue patted the moon's forehead, "No, I'll go by myself. I can speed it faster."

These days, the falling moon is indeed outstanding. Its endurance and explosive power are unmatched by other horses. Kaiser knows that the dark horse under his buttocks can't keep up with the speed of the falling moon, so he has to let Shuiyue go alone.

The falling moon galloped on the grassland, like an eagle flying in the sky. It didn't take long to come to the front and leave the team far behind until it could be seen. In front of the moon, a hill appeared. At this time, a trace of flower fragrance floated in the air, guiding the moon to move forward.

It seems that Xin'er is right. With the fragrance of flowers in the air alone, there must be a large sea of flowers in front of it. It should be just behind the hill, which is a pothole.

When the water moon was about to set foot on the hill, a fast horse flew out of the other side of the hill, and the whip in the meteor's hand sounded.

Seeing the water moon, the meteor gasped and said, "There is a flower forest under the hill, and it is very large.

Flower tree is a very beautiful tree on the mainland. Unlike other forests, this kind of tree only grows on the grassland. When the leaves germinate in spring, pink flowers will sprout on the branches and bloom until the autumn weather turns cold. At that time, the leaves in the book and pink flowers fall together, which is unspeakable.

Shuiyue has only heard of this kind of flower and tree, but I have never seen it. When the flowers fall, it is also the most fragrant time. When the flowers bloom for a lifetime, there is always a fragrance that can not be released. After withering, it is also the most brilliant time to bloom.

When Shuiyue came to the hill and looked down, a sea of flowers came into view, which lasted dozens of miles. The flower tree itself was not tall, just like a lilac tree, but the lilac flowers are thorny and not easily touched. The flowers and trees are different. When the flowers and trees bloom, when they are beautiful, she is perfect like a woman with light makeup. , also heavy makeup, plain face, achieves heartbeat.

Shuiyue asked, "Can it be found here?"

The meteor patted his forehead, "If you don't ask, I almost forgot that there are brand-new artificial traces in the flowers and trees, which should have just been left, and the footprints have been extending deep. The other party should not have come out of the flowers and trees."

The water moon urged the horse to fly down, and the fingertips gently run over the pink petals in front of him, put it on the tip of the nose and smelled it gently. The faint fragrance made the water moon relaxed and happy.

The meteor disared and pointed to a line of wrong footprints and said, "Look here!"

There are not many petals left on the flower trees, paving a flower sea road in the woods. There are traces of being trampled on the pink petals, and there are many people on the other side, at least dozens of people. Only such a huge crushing can cause the petals to be crushed into mud, and the flower juice has not dispersed on the wet petals. The other party should not have dispersed. Walking far away, Shuiyue first thought of not the enemy, but other people who broke out of the mountain city.

The water moon got on the horse and came back to the hill. Here, you can have a panoramic view of dozens of miles of flower forests. The breeze blows, the flowers are blowing, and the falling flowers are flying. In this way, you can't observe the movement in the flower forest. Shuiyue decided to go to a deeper place in the flower forest, but the meteors will stay here to welcome the large army.

"I think this may be a trace left by my own people. I'll go inside and have a look. You stay here and wait for everyone to come!"

Meteor retorted, I'd better go. "This may also be a trap set by the enemy. We haven't heard from the enemy for many days. I'm worried that they are waiting for us!"

It is very possible that if tens of thousands of people are hidden in such a continuous sea of flowers, they will not be able to find that going to the sand city is naturally dangerous, and it is not unreasonable for meteors to suspect.

"But inside, what if it's our people? Look at these traces on the ground, the number of opponents is not large, and it's unlikely that they are enemies. I have the moon set, and it's more convenient to move in the woods!"

The meteor was stubborn, so he had to get on the horse and come to the hill. "I'm waiting for you here. If there is danger, you can release thousands of miles of chasing souls."

This is a good way, but Shuiyue didn't expect it.

Marked a position on the hill, Shuiyue smiled and said, "Let's wait for the news of my victory."

Meteor despised: "I'm afraid that you will get lost!"

The moon can at least know the way.

Shuiyue turned the horse's head and rushed into the flower forest. The flowers and trees were so short that Shuiyue could not ride on the back of the horse and straighten up. Shuiyue had to climb on the falling moon. The vision was a little not wide, but the falling moon was a smart horse, which was the reason why Shuiyue liked it more and more. It understood what it meant and kept following the footprints under its feet. The speed is not very fast, but it is also faster than walking. There is no problem in catching up with the people walking in front of you at such a speed.