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Chapter 303 Unknown Enemy?

In the depths of the flower forest, the water and moon released thousands of miles to chase souls and gathered everyone here.

The meteor shouted to kill and ran all the way. He thought that Shuiyue had encountered some danger. The setting of chasing the soul for thousands of miles is a signal of danger, which also can't be blamed against the meteor.

Seeing A Yong, the meteor grinned and complained. Shuiyue made a fuss and actually used thousands of miles to chase his soul to deceive his feelings.

Seeing Xin'er, Xiaoya was surprised and said, "Why is this girl still here?"

Shuiyue shrugged her shoulders, "I can't help it. She is starting to fall in love with the human race and is not going back."

Shuiyue made another introduction for sweetheart, and A Yong was about to leave. Zecheng now urgently needs him to hurry back.

After A Yong left, Shuiyue sorted out the situation. A Yong just said that the magic soldiers were probably intercepted in front and did not know the number of the other party, so Shuiyue planned to lead some people to the front to see the situation, which could also avoid the whole team falling into the enemy's encirclement, so that the team would lose a lot.

"Meteor, twilight, you two lead a hundred people and follow me to the front to explore the way, and behind, Hua Shao Kaiser organizes a team to move on!"

The meteor rolled up his sleeves and said, "Grandma, I'm afraid I won't meet a magic soldier. Now I have to play."

Twilight smiled and said, "Maybe the magic soldier will be the first to kill you. Be careful!"

Shuiyue was helpless, "Please, you two, we are going to fight. Can we be serious?"

Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. Xiaoya's comments are reasonable. After staying with Meteor for a long time, everyone has become a little different.

"Then let's go!" Shuiyue got on the horse, and the extra soldiers walked in front. The meteor couldn't stand it and led people to the front for a long time.

"Go, grandson!" Sweetheart sat on the horse and enjoyed the scenery here. After all, she stayed in the patio long enough. The flowers and plants on the mainland can evoke memories of the past, and those are the best.


"Brother Shuiyue, when did you recognize such a beautiful grandma?" Xiaoya smiled.

Sweetie's face changed, "Woman, you should also call me grandma!"

The water moon waved her sleeves and dropped petals, "Sweetheart, it's a python!"

Sweetheart looked unhappy, "Little beast, how dare you say that about your grandma?"

spit out her tongue, and Shuiyue urged the horse to leave. "Everyone cheer up and pay attention to keep a distance from us. If we can't handle the enemy in front of us, everyone will deflect and break out of this forest!"

Shuiyue thought that if the enemy wants to intercept himself, this flower forest should be the best choice. It is not so simple to get out of here, the grassland wilderness, march and array.

The meteor stared at the movement of the flower forest and looked very seriously. Shuiyue came, "Have you found anything?"

Twilight is more conscientious, "I haven't found it for the time being."

Shuiyue looked around and felt that he had come to the edge of the flower forest. If the enemy was not here, it would not appear. If the enemy was here, he was likely to carry out a sudden attack and check the traces on the ground. It was indeed a little strange. Here, A Yong and others did not set foot in, and Shuiyue had just arrived. Why were the petals trampled on Crushing such a withered appearance?

"Be careful!" A trace of the smell of magic soldiers flashed in the air, which was stinky and unique to the demon clan. Shuiyue frowned, pulled out a long sword and came to the horse, so that it was more convenient to maneuver in the narrow woods.


Luoyue was a little nervous. Shuiyue touched its neck, and his artery beat violently. "Don't be nervous. We are invincible!" Shuiyue said to Luoyue.

As livestock, you can feel the danger approaching.

The end of the flower forest appeared in front of everyone, an endless grassland, and meteors rushed over, followed by dozens of soldiers.


A black wind fell into the sky, which was the arrow rain of the demon clan, and the other party hid at the end of the forest.

Shuiyue shouted, "Everyone, hurry up and avoid the enemy's arrow rain!"

shua la-

In the feather arrow, the fine branches of the flowers and trees were broken, and the petals all fell. A soldier fell in front of Shuiyue. Shuiyue reached out and pulled out the feather arrows on the soldiers's body to see the casualties of the team. Due to the obstruction of the forest, the team did not have much casualties. The meteor led people out to rush out. Shuiyue ordered, "You stop. Don't you want to live? The magic soldier must be there. On the other side of the hill, rushed out. Without the cover of the woods, won't the arrow rain swallow everyone?

The flower forest itself grows in a depression, surrounded by hills. At the end of the flower forest, it goes up through a long slope. The slope is not very large, but it is very long.

The meteor's sword was on the edge of the forest, "Then what should we do? We can't be suppressed by magic soldiers here, can we?"

The number of enemies has not been figured out. From the scale of the arrow rain alone, it can be judged that there are hundreds of enemy archers. The interval between the three arrow rains is two seconds, so the other party uses three consecutive shots on the long line. Generally speaking, after the demon prison, it will launch an attack, but after three waves of arrow rain, on the hill There was no movement, and the other party did not continue to use arrow rain. This commander is a dark guy. Is he waiting for Shuiyue to launch a charge and pull the team out of the woods? In this way, under no defense measures, a wave of arrow rain can almost deal with Shuiyue's troops.

Twilight came over and said, "Why doesn't the enemy launch an attack?"

There is a way to try it. Shuiyue ordered: "I order everyone to find a shelter to prevent the rain of arrows and shout for charging, but no one person is allowed to charge!"

Meteor asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm waiting for the enemy's arrow rain!"

The shout of charge came from the flower forest, and now it also spread to the rear. Hua Shao knew that Shuiyue had already clashed with the magic soldiers, and ordered the team that was originally marching in a straight line to go straight into the 45-degree diagonal line to avoid encountering the magic soldiers. This was Shuiyue's order.

Sure enough.

Three seconds after the shouting, the enemy's arrow rain came, and the meteor was surprised, "Shuiyue, you are really a god. How do you know that the enemy will continue to release the arrow rain!"

This is Shuiyue's perception, and it is also what General Wang wrote on the merger. Once they understand the hearts of the demon soldiers, their attack is decoration. In the nervous grasp, what else is there to kill?

"Twilight, you stay and keep the army quiet. When the meteor and I mess up the archer position of the demon clan, you are launching an attack!"

The water moon is on horse, and the meteor is on the horse.

Shuiyue said to the meteor, "The left wing belongs to you, the right wing belongs to me, and the middle belongs to the twilight!"

As soon as the meteor smokes, the horse stepped on the swallow, "I know, I know, I know, it's talky!"

Shuiyue held a sword in his left and a bow in his right, and the falling moon galloped. Shuiyue held the long sword toughly in her mouth, pulled away [Yuan Xuan] and released thousands of miles of chasing souls, wrapped around her body. Then four long swords appeared on [Yuan Xuan]. When Luoyue ran up the hill, oh, good guy, the magic soldiers were surrounded by black pressure and surrounded by them. There were about five or six hundred people, and the archers appeared in the front. Shuiyue shot arrows, and four demon archers fell down. Then, Shuiyue put away [Muan Xuan], held a long sword in his hand, and rushed into the enemy's array. A charge made a thorough attack and penetrated the team of the demon clan.

The meteor unicorn arm is stronger and has stronger firepower than before. The outer firelight of [non-life] has expanded a whole circle, and the flame seems to be spewing out, killing the enemy in front of and behind the horse.

The demon clan seemed at a loss in the face of the two fast horses flying oncoming. There was only one person in the whole army who was calm. He was dressed in a long earth and could not see his face. He stood majestically in the middle of the demon army and witnessed the killing of Shuiyue.

Under the sword of the water and moon, the demon warrior fell down, the blood splashed, and the falling moon became a real sweaty BMW.

The uprising has a greater speed for the infantry. It not only has a broader vision and a good horse, but also can make a good helper. Luo Yue really showed his hand today. Under the horse's hoof, he stepped on the four hoofs of the magic soldier and could ask for the head of a magic soldier with one foot.

Under the hill, the dusk came as promised, and the sound of killing resounded in the hinterland. In this way, it was more difficult for the magic soldiers to fight, and they were disturbed by the sudden fierce attack. When the whole team was reorganized, more than 100 bodies had been left behind. When Shuiyue was killing, they saw the man in long clothes and dirt. The shadow was a little familiar and urged the horse to kill him.

The man took off his long coat and threw it into the air. A mass of blue gas appeared under his feet. The moon hissed, and the moon disared and rushed straight over.