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Chapter 306 Disappearing Deliciousness

These herdsmen are also human beings. Pastoralers are just a name for their profession. They have been living on grazing.

Shuiyue asked Hua Shao to put away his sword and asked with a smile, "Why are you so afraid of us? We are not here to make trouble, we are just passing by!"

The rear twilight Pegasus came over and said, "Oh, there are still a lot of people. We have a place to sleep tonight."

Yes, you can have a full meal. This sentence is less said, but now it seems that the situation is a little bad. These herdsmen don't seem to welcome Shuiyue.

"Are you here to occupy our house?" The representative of the herdsman, a tall and powerful uncle, half of his body was hidden under sheepskin, and half of his body was exposed to the sun, dark.

Shuiyue waved her hand, "No, no, no, you misunderstood us."

The twilight was puzzled, "Didn't Hua Shao say that we can have a full meal?"

"Are you still here to rob us?"

All the herdsmen raised their weapons and decided to defend their homes to the death and prevent the invaders from taking a step forward.

"Shut up, let's talk about these things later!" Hua Shao said, and then Hua Shao took out the round jade from his arms, "I've been here before, or is it a good friend of your herdsmen?"

Twilight asked, "What is this jade for? Why have I never seen it?"

The herdsman said, "Jade is a witness of friendship. We live on the grassland, and many people often come to the grassland to help us, make friends with us, and treat our best friends. We will send jade."

Jade is like a token of love between two couples. This is the truth when you see this thing.

Xin'er opened his mouth and said, "Uncle, we are not bad people. You see, we have someone here who has jade as proof. He has been here, and he is also your good friend. How can we be bad people? In addition, you don't have anything worth thinking about!"

The herdsmen seemed to welcome Xin'er. The weapon in his hand was put down. Shuiyue walked forward to shake hands with the dark uncle. The uncle did lift up the weapon in his hand, "What are you going to do?"

Shuiyue stretched out her hand and felt very embarrassed. Xiner quickly said, "He is my husband and wants to make friends with everyone!"

Shuiyue looked at the letter slantly, and the girl was very proud.

"This little girl, do you mean no harm when you come here?" The dark uncle asked.

"We just passed by. A friend was injured and wanted to come for help." Xin'er said.

Hua Shao went to the horse and ran back. Now it is not suitable for large troops.

"Where are the injured?"

Xin'er blinked her innocent eyes, "The wounded are in our big team, and hundreds of us are afraid of scaring everyone, so we stayed under the hill. If the uncle wants to see it, I will ask them to come over!"

"Oh, so that's it!" The dark uncle took a few steps back and turned around and said, "Call your people here. I don't think you are bad people. We nomadic people are naturally hospitable and may be able to do something for your friends!"

Born hospitality? Shuiyue scratched her head and almost didn't fight just now. If the other party really did it, he couldn't stand still, right?

The letter is very good, and it is also useful at critical times.

Shuiyue and others followed the dark uncle to the bottom of the hill. This is the square of a small tribe. In a blink of an eye, more people came out of the earth bag, mostly old people, children, and women. The old people here are very dark but strong. The children here are very shy and a little afraid of strangers. The women here are very bold. He wears less than Xin'er, and his lower body is covered with only a piece of sheepskin, revealing the roots of the two thighs. The upper body is generally exposed. The skin is not very good, with wild beauty. In a word, a strong man is a wolf in sheep's clothing. His physique is almost generally stronger than his own warrior.

Seeing outsiders coming, the men hid the old, children and women at the first time, which was a good job. Shuiyue appreciated it very much and used the body of the strong to stand in front of the weak without any fear.

Uncle opened his mouth and said, "We are one of many nomadic tribes, consisting of ten families, with a total of more than 50 members."

Shuiyue nodded and saw that this kind of day is quite good. In his spare time, he can let his horse in the grass and warblers fly and hug the earth. When he is in a hurry, he can graze his horse while grazing, especially with his lover. The two ride a horse together, stay together in the breeze and lingering under the moon.

The large army went up the mountain. Gang, several soldiers brought the meteor first. Caesar, sweetheart, Hua Shao and Xiaoya followed. The herdsmen looked and felt a little dizzy, "What do you do?"

Xin'er said, "The fugitives, go through here into the desert!"

Be honest can win trust.

The shepherd didn't say anything and ordered the others to continue to work. "Bell the wounded in and let me have a look!"

The uncle walked into a dirt bag and followed by Shuiyue. From the outside, the dirt bag is not big, but there is a lot of space inside. Two beds can be placed. Several pairs of saddles scratched the wall of the dirt bag. Shuiyue found the ring structure of the dirt bag. Its internal frame is a cones connected by multiple wood, and the outside is covered with a layer. The cloth should be able to protect against rain. There is a bed inside. This is the house. It is a charming place, which is very simple and suitable for moving frequently.

The earth bag was cleaned up, but everyone squeezed in and could not fit it. The meteor was placed in one of **. The uncle took over. Shuiyue turned around and came out of the bag and came outside. The sunset, and the beautiful scenery of the grassland came into her eyes. Shuiyue felt that this should be the destination of the human race. The wilderness can be infinite. Free, free, unrestrained, secular, go to his secular world, sit and watch the rising sun rise in the east, the sunset, close to the world.

Soon, Xin'er got out of it, took advantage of Shuiyue's attention, and hugged him from behind, "Little husband, why did you come out? Do you feel it's beautiful here!"

Shuiyue nodded, "Yes, the sunset on the grassland is really beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people want to cry. How about the meteor?"

"Hua Shao is right. These herdsmen are indeed better than us. They know how to treat meteors, and they are busy!"

Shuiyue broke free and turned around and said, "It's like chasing the sunset in the sky."

Xin'er blinked, "Then go after it?"

"But the sunset has set, and I can't keep up!"

"Aren't we having a falling moon?"

That guy was eating grass. He ate very well and didn't raise his eyes. Shuiyue lowered her head and sighed, looking around the whole tribe, feeling that there was something missing.

"Shuiyue, why are you hiding outside whispering? The meteor's wound has been treated. This uncle is really an aprivat!" Hua Shao's head came out of the door.

A curtain, thicker, is the door.

"That's good. The whole thing can run again!" Shuiyue laughed.

Hua Shao came out of it and said mysteriously, "At night, let Xiner talk to the uncle and ask him to sell the sheep to our group. Brother, I will pay you to treat you a delicious meal. You don't know that this roasted whole lamb is full of oil." Hua Shao's mouth is drooling.

"They are living lives, I won't talk about it!" Xin'er said.

"Little girl, what do you know? The chicken, duck and fish you usually eat is not alive. As the saying goes, they all have a destiny, that is, if we don't eat, others will also eat it. We have been driving so long, why can't we get along with our own stomach?"

This seems to be the truth.

Xin'er pouted, "Okay!"

Not only the two of them, but also the greedy insects of Shuiyue have been hooked out. At the same time, if there are few flowers, they will wake up Shuiyue. Why is there no sheep, horse or horse here? Aren't they here? The sheep pen is still there, and the saddle is still there. It's so late, shouldn't the sheep come back?

Hua Shao also felt something wrong. "Why can't we see a sheep here? Is it possible that someone rushed in front of us and sold them all? Then we are sorry."

At this time, the curtain was knocked open, and the uncle came out from inside, "The sheep are gone. They are all dead, and the horses are dead. It's not the right time for you to come!"

Hua Shao was tongue-tied, "They are all dead. How did they die?"