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Chapter 308 Mouse Hole

What does sweetheart use to judge that this is a mouse hole? There is no such a big mouse on the mainland? After the plague incident, Shuiyue drank a lot to deal with this animal. It can be said that mice, a weak animal with a body of no longer than half a meter, is also a strong man, because they have strong adaptability, and the weak are also theirs. When God created something again, it gave them good strength and also gave them fatal weakness, so that the whole continent can be balanced. There is no real king on the continent, and there is no outstanding strength. Artifacts still have weaknesses.

Sweetheart sniffed in the mouth of the hole and whispered in Shuiyue's ear, "Grandson, I said this is a mouse hole, that is, the mouse hole. Have you forgotten your grandmother's old job?"

What does sweetheart do?

Shuiyue suddenly realized that sweetheart is a python, a kind of natural enemy of mice, and naturally has a special preference for the taste of mice. "Grandma, do you live on this for a living under the patio?"

Sweetheart shook her head, "I won't eat these dirty things. I'm both a snake and a human. I can often go out under the patio to eat human food."

"That continent is on, how can there be such a big mouse!" Judging from the diameter of the hole, this big guy can compare at least two cows, which is too terrible!

"I'm not very big. Have you seen a snake as big as me before?"

Shuiyue nodded. What my sweetheart said is very right. Everything can exist on this continent. So how to deal with this big guy? Imagine its appearance. A pair of eyes are still stronger than the cow's eyes and the tail is thicker than the ponytail. Whether such a mouse has strong strength, it must be this guy who took away the sheep. He still had a big appetite and took away a flock of sheep without letting go.

Shuiyue turned around and said to everyone, "I already know what animal this is. Grandma said that this guy is a big mouse!"


Xin'er screamed, "How can there be such a big mouse?"

Shuiyue deliberately threatened, "Maybe there is more than this big mouse, but we haven't talked about it."

"It's actually a mouse. How can we deal with it?" Dusk lay at the mouth of the cave, and the opposite side shouted twice, but there was no reply.

The dark uncle's expression looks like an autumn eggplant. "What you said is true. There will be such a big mouse, so it must be very powerful, right?"

Shuiyue smiled, "Although it is powerful, we also have very powerful people, and we are natural enemies of mice. It is not a problem to deal with it!"

Sweetheart nodded and waved the corner of her skirt. "I'll go down and have a look later, grandson. You two will go with me at dusk. We'll go to its old nest and pick it out."

Twilight opened his mouth, "No, we're going to get down?"

"The rabbit has three caves, and the mouse is the same. I believe this is just one of its ventilation holes, and you can only start from here. At the mouth of the hole, I can smell the smell inside. This guy is hidden underground. I don't know where it is, but it doesn't matter. Yongdao will take us to find him!"

Shuiyue jumped down first and said, "You can all do it on it. Grandma's out of the horse and we can come back soon. We can come back before dawn. Before we come back, Hua Shao, you have to send someone to the distance to whistle, and a magic soldier will raid."


The pickled mutton in Hua Shao's stomach has not been digested yet. "Okay, don't worry. Leave the matter here to us."

The dark uncle looked up and said, "Little friend, you and this girl, be careful and don't mess around!"


Shuiyue looked at her sweetheart and laughed, "Don't worry, this girl is very powerful!"

The sweetheart then flew down, "Bad boy, how dare you laugh at your grandma!"

At the age of sweetheart, she can be a grandmother for her grandmother. Isn't it funny?

The three people went down to the hole, and the air rippled with the special smell of mice. The moon and dusk pinched their noses, but sweetheart didn't care. She was a snake. Of course, she was not afraid, but the smell was too big that she could smell it even if she pinched her nose.

It's very dark under the hole. Sweetheart can smell the mouse and find the mouse's place. Shuiyue can use Qingming, but the twilight is not so lucky. Nothing can be seen by the teacher hitting the wall. There is a way to follow him. Shuiyue still has to wait for him in front of him. "Hurry up, when you rush, the mouse will run away!"


Twilight hit the corner, "I said, how can you two see it? I can't reach out here. It's good for me to keep up!"

"Well, don't complain. The night gave you black eyes, but you use it as a blind man. This doesn't blame you. Just grab the corners of my clothes." Shuiyue talked nonsense.

This trick is not bad, walking at least a few hundred meters, and the twilight has not hit the wall.

"Grandma, you can tell the location of the mouse!"

Sweetheart nodded, and sweetheart's words echoed in the black hole, "Although the hole is full of the smell of mice, our snake tongue can distinguish different concentration of smell. This smell comes from a distance, and I can conclude that this guy must have passed by here!"

Shuiyue knows the skills of the snake clan. Besides, this cave is called a nine-curved eighteen bends. There will be a corner turning in less than ten meters in a straight line. I don't know where to go, but Shuiyue soon found that they did not walk too far in a straight line. Many holes are parallel. That is to say, Shuiyue walked east for a while, and then a corner appeared, leading itself to the west. The corner appeared in the west, and then led itself to the north and south. Although he was walking, he seemed to be spinning.

Shuiyue couldn't help wondering, "Grandma, are we going to the mouse nest?"

"Yes, why did you ask that?"

"But I don't think we have gone too far in the same place."

The mouse hole is like this. It is rugged and winding. Their defense work is sufficient, which makes people feel disoriented in the cave. Now that we walk here, they may have noticed it. I smell them, and it should not be wrong to go down.

"They have found us. Will they run away?" Dusk asked.

"Where did they run away? The main road ahead has been blocked by us!"

At the front corner, there is a straight passage. What do you mean by passing through this is the mouse's nest?

"Snakes and mice are inherently opposed. We can smell them and pursue them. They can also feel us. At this time, they are probably planning to deal with us, so you two be careful!"

"Why are people not opponents of mice? Although we are not natural enemies, we have a better way to deal with it!" The twilight is full of confidence.

The mice on the street can use medicine and mouse traps, but the mice here are not small. "How are you going to deal with the twilight?" Shuiyue asked, he hasn't figured out any way to deal with these mice yet.

"I can learn to bark a few cats to scare them to death!"

Shuiyue reached out and measured the length of half a meter. "The cat is so big. Let's see if these mice are afraid of these little things?"

Sweetheart replied, "Yes, Twilight is right. No matter what they become, they are always dead mice and afraid of natural enemies. I am a python, at the top of the food chain. There are no natural enemies, so I am not afraid of anything!"

Human beings are afraid and come to patronize from time to time. Is it possible that the human race has more natural enemies, but the human race stands at the top of all food chains. Shuiyue does not agree with this, but does not refute it. Everything has to wait until they see these guys with their own eyes.

Walking hundreds of meters on the straight corridor, the sweetheart suddenly stopped and put her ear against the wall, "Wait, there is movement in front of you!"

Shuiyue went to listen, and there was indeed a noise. It belonged to the miscellaneous sound of mice, as if they were nibbling something, but judging from these sounds, "Isn't there only one mouse on the opposite side?"

"There should be three or four, big and sharp teeth. You two should be careful. They are likely to ambush us."


Not to mention, the twilight learning from cats is very similar. Shuiyue was shocked, "What are you doing?"

"Give them a majesty first!"

Shuiyue curled her lips, "Generally speaking, cats walk on their stomachs, so that mice will be afraid. By the way, cats also have tails!"