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Chapter 318 War 2


The two armies fought in a melee, and the flags flew and sword danced. When Shuiyue came to the edge of the war zone between the two armies, they were forced to stop. The red and blue sides rushed repeatedly and fell without killing once. The two sides were equal. There was no victory or defeat for a moment, and there was no intention to end the army. It seems that this battle must be won or lost. The most terrible consequence is that both sides lose, and the casualties on both sides are increasing. In the end of the battle, no matter which side wins, it will lose.

"Water Moon, what should we do?" Twilight swordsmanship.

"It is often said that once the thief captures the king, once the other party's commander is controlled, they will stop. This is the only way to quickly end the battle." Shuiyue shouted, if she didn't shout, the sound would be difficult to cover the sound of the charge.

Twilight understood the moon, "Then I'll stop those who wear red, and you go to stop those who wear blue!"

Shuiyue said to Luoyue, "Brother, let's go. Be careful under your feet. Don't step on one to death. Step on one to death. Go back and punish you for eating carrots for a month."

The soldiers have no grudge against Shuiyue. Shuiyue only wants to stop the battle, not participate in the battle, and the origin of the two sides is not clear.

The falling moon entered the battlefield, and Shuiyue couldn't help it. Facing him in white, whether it was a soldier in blue or a soldier in red, he killed Shuiyue.

"Damn it, are you looking for the wrong one?" Shuiyue commanded Luoyue to escape in the crowd and casually checked the commander of the Blue Army. It would be easy to find someone to talk in this situation. The whole battlefield was in a mess. Every soldier only recognized his clothes but not anyone. Everyone looked the same. How can you tell which side you are on? Are the clothes worn by Shuiyue at the sight of the soldiers on both sides? Similarly, if you raise your sword and cut it, the experience of the twilight is the same, and the situation in the twilight is even worse.

Twilight commanded the dark horse to rush into the battlefield and did not dare to fight against the soldiers who came to him. Inadvertently, the dark horse was assassinated by many cold swords. At this moment, he fell to the ground. Dusk could only bump into the battlefield with his bare hands and kick away the soldiers who had been killed.

Shuiyue jumped off her horse, kicked away a soldier in blue, and patted the moon's buttocks. "I don't need you here. Don't die in vain. You wait for me on the hill first."

The front hoof of the falling moon was raised and ran away. Behind, the soldier raised his sword to chase him. He had already killed his eyes. Unexpectedly, he did not intend to let the horse go. Shuiyue grabbed the warrior who chased the falling moon behind and threw it on the ground. The two soldiers were both dressed in red. As soon as they were thrown to the ground by Shuiyue, the spear of the warrior in blue immediately inserted the two people. Shuiyue was shocked and acted as a helper for the Blue Army.

As soon as Shuiyue passed, he kicked away the two warriors in blue and said, "Enough, stop it quickly. Do you know what you are doing?"

No one around listened to Shuiyue's words. As soon as he saw Shuiyue kicking down his comrades-in-arms, many blue soldiers attacked him. Shuiyue improved his speed and cut his palms at the soldiers' necks, making them faint. Whether it was in blue or red clothes, whoever Shuiyue caught, he would go to see Zhou Gong.

After reaching more than a dozen people, Shuiyue's arms were a little swollen. This group of soldiers was simply endless. Four or five warriors in blue surrounded themselves. The soldiers in red attacked and stabbed down a warrior in blue. Other warriors in blue gave up Shuiyue and rushed back. Shuiyue rushed to check the injury of the soldier in blue.

The spear pierced the soldier's stomach, and the blood flowed. Shuiyue tore off the upper corner of his clothes and blocked the soldier's wound. "How, how's it going? Breathe, stop."

Although the soldier was working hard, he persisted for a minute and still turned his head and cut his breath. Shuiyue's hand was stained with the soldier's blood and grabbed a soldier in red. "Don't fight, what are you fighting?"


The soldier in red spit blood, and a long sword scratched Shuiyue's arm. Shuiyue's arm waved and was scratched a wound.

Put the body of the soldier in red, Shuiyue shouted, "Shout!"

The crowd nearby was stunned, and then continued to fight. Shuiyue stared, like a crazy leopard, who couldn't control a lot. She threatened a soldier in blue and asked, "Where is your commander?"

The blue warrior shook his head, "No, I don't know!"


Shuiyue sent him to see Zhou Gong, and then Shuiyue looked around. As they first found, their commanders were all riding on horses, but these were not their commander-in-chief. The person Shuiyue was looking for was the person who could stop the battle.

After increasing the speed, Shuiyue flashed beside a blue-ridden warrior, before the blue-clothed warrior could resist and pull him off the horse.

"Where is your commander-in-chief? Stop fighting immediately!"

The warrior in blue looked afraid, "Who are you?"

"I'm here to stop you from fighting. Hurry up and tell me where the commander-in-chief is!"

"I won't say it!" The soldier in blue gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, I'll stab you to death on the spear if you don't tell me." Shuiyue pulled out a spear from a corpse and pricked the legs of the blue warrior. Between.


The Blue Army soldier was shocked. "Say, I said everything. The white horse is our commander-in-chief. I'm just a pioneer!"

Shuiyue was also fierce. The thick stick under the spear hit the other party on the head, and the warrior in blue fainted.

On the white horse, a soldier in black armor was killing the soldiers in red. Shuiyue raised his spear and flew under the white horse's stomach. The spear gliding for a distance in the sky. The spear head was slanted on the grass under the horse's stomach. The upper end borrowed inertia and continued to move forward and hit the right half of the soldier on the horse. The white horse was safe, but the people on the horse fell down. Shuiyue ran over and picked up the soldier, "Are you the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army?"

"Who are you?"

"Yes or no?"

The blue soldier wants to break free, "Let go of me, are you a rebel?"

Shuiyue opened her mouth and laughed, "If I were a rebel, how could I save your life?" Shuiyue doesn't care about any rebels. "Stop your team immediately!"

The soldier shook his head, "That's impossible unless we can defeat the rebels!"

The battlefield situation is meaningless even if it goes on. "You will only lose both sides. It's not too late to stop now!"

The soldier finally struggled to stand up, "Tell me first, who are you?"

"Mountain city and water moon?"

The soldier became nervous and a little disbelieved, "Are you really Shuiyue?"

Shuiyue held [Muan Xuan] in her hand, "People can fake, but artifacts can't fake."

"Our city lord has been waiting for you!"

"Wait for me?"

"Yes, you don't know that there are rumors on the mainland that you are planning to rise up and bring together the four forces of the human race to fight against the other two races. Our city owner is waiting for you, and we just want to stand up against the demon clan."

Shuiyue withdrew [Ruan Xuan], "You let the soldier stop first!"

The soldier agreed and took out a horn from his arms,


Although the horns were small, they were loud. Hearing the sound of the horn, the Blue Army immediately left the battlefield and gathered together.

Seeing this, the Red Army also gathered again. At this time, the dusk came over with blood on its face. "These red clothes are simply ignorant and killed my horse!"

The command of the Blue Army took the horse and shouted to the brothers, "This is the water moon mentioned by the city owner. If it is a fake replacement, today we will let go of this group of rebels and take back the troops."

The commander of the Red Army immediately, holding a spear, rushed to Shuiyue and shouted, "Huangkou boy, I actually want to dominate the human race. I'm crazy about dreams. Before the battle is over, is it that you can come? Whoever leaves will leave? Brothers, quickly capture this Shuiyue quickly, capture it back alive and give it to the city owner for a lot of rewards!"


The Red Army regrouped to attack and shouted for killing. Shuiyue said to the blue suit, "Don't fight against it. Wait for me to capture this guy with a spear first."

Shuiyue rushed away, like a flash of lightning. In the blink of an eye, it appeared under the horse commanded by the spear Red Army. The horse was frightened and raised its front hoof. The other party was unprepared and was thrown down. Shuiyue grabbed the sword of the nearby red-clothed soldier and put it on this person's neck. "Why can't I be the leader of the human race? Why do I have to do this? Position, I think you misunderstood me. Don't hearsay, okay?"