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Chapter 320 War 4

China's first gold medal at the London Olympic Games on July 28, 2012 Beijing time - Yi Siling Women's 10 meters*

The meaning of the city owner is that the army is ready. There is a long street outside the gate of the city owner's mansion, leading directly to the gate. At this time, the street is full of soldiers, wearing blue fighting spirit, and with a strong spirit. Shuiyue came to the gate of the city owner's mansion. At this, he knew that the city owner meant to solve all problems by force.

"City lord, are you going to attack them at night?"

When the city owner saw the soldiers's eyes at the door, they were full of murderousness, "Don't hesitate. Although they are my brothers, they actually did something to burn my granary, which made me unbearable!"

Shuiyue touched her chin, and the action of the city owner must be inevitable, so she did not stop it, but if it goes on like this, there is no way. Tens of thousands of people' war is imminent. At that time, the loss of soldiers will make Shuiyue heartache.

"City lord, how about this? I have a merciless invitation. Can you add me to this mission?"

The performance of the meteor is more amazing than that of the city owner, "What are you going to do?"

Shuiyue smiled and said, "Save people. If you feel that your body has recovered, you will be counted as one at night!"

If you can get the assistance of Shuiyue, the city owner naturally can't ask for it.

"Little brother, of course I hope you can participate, and I can give these people to your command. I also have some concerns about going to attack one side and the other side will take advantage of it."

Shuiyue faced tens of thousands of soldiers and said to the city owner, "I only need a thousand people. The city owner doesn't have to worry, but I did this not for war, but for peace!"

"With only a thousand people, although your little brother is strong, my two brothers also know some means, and his soldiers are brave and good at fighting. I'm afraid this is a little dwarfed, isn't it?"

Of course, Shuiyue understood that the purpose of Shuiyue at the beginning was to stop the war, not to start a war. Naturally, he had a way to deal with tens of thousands of troops.

Hua Shao said later, "City owner, don't worry, Shuiyue will be measured. It's better to believe us this time."

The city owner stressed, "I don't believe in you, just...!"

"Auncle, I will lead 10,000 troops to respond to Lord Shuiyue at that time, so that I won't suffer losses!"

The city owner thought about it over and over again, "Okay, then according to the little brother's meaning, I will allocate a thousand excellent for you."

The army of Yuancheng is excellent. Shuiyue said, "Don't worry. I only need 1,000 people closest to the gate, and I have a request."

The city owner was puzzled, "Little brother, please tell me?"

"If I return from victory and am lucky enough to catch the two brothers of the city owner, how does the city owner plan to deal with him?"

Just looking at the attitude of the city owner, it is bound to say that these two people will be punished according to law. Burning the granary is a manifestation of rebellion against the city, and their crimes should be punished. Although these two have rebelled against the city, Shuiyue does not want them to die, especially at the hands of their brothers.

There was a trace of sadness in the eyes of the city owner, and his face was weak.

"I will follow the rules. Although they are my brothers, I can't abandon Yuancheng."

Shuiyue clenched her fist, "Thank you for telling me the truth. My request is to leave the lives of the two of them. If the city owner agrees to me, I can give up the rebel!"

"This...." The city owner meditated.

"City lord, don't be embarrassed. Since the grain has been burned, it will be burned, but the brother is still there. Will there be less grain? The stuff that is full is not only grain, but also righteousness. If Yuancheng can return to its original appearance, isn't it more important than anything else?"

The city owner's tears lingered in his eyes. After a long time, Shuiyue did not talk to him and turned to ask his nephew.

"Where is the Red Army and what the military configuration is, please tell me."

The people returned to the hall and sat down. The blue command said, "The Red Army, a total of 30,000 people, built a small city in the east of the source city. The small city has a small population and the city defense is not very strong!"

"Is that all?" Meteor inquiry.

The young man nodded.

Shuiyue said devoutly, "After talking for so long, I don't know my brother's name!"

"My name is enlightenment!"

"Oh, enlightenment, I'm going to bother you again."

"I'm grateful that adults can help. I don't know what to order?"

"At that time, you will lead 10,000 people and follow us. At that time, I will inform you what to do. You need to follow and hide well. Can you do it?"


Shuiyue patted his enlightenment on the shoulder, "It's up to you whether we can win the first battle or not."

Meteor didn't understand, "Why did you do this?"

"Of course, it's the first salute, idiot."

The city owner recovered and ordered to prepare dinner to see Shuiyue off.

Shuiyue had no time to waste on eating. She chose Dusk and Meteor to follow them and stood up from her chair and said, "Lord, the food is ready. We can return triumphantly in the middle of the night. Time is tight. I don't want to go back on my promise."

Walking out of the door, a thousand excellent, have been ready for the water and the moon. Step on the setting moon, and the moon look at the sun, and there are signs of sinking.

"Let's go!" Shuiyue commanded the troops to leave the source city.

After separating from the source city, the Red Army built a small city dozens of miles away. The defense was loose and the personnel were concentrated. Many sentries were set up between them and the source city. As soon as the water moon left, they walked 20 miles. When it got dark, the lights of the Red Army's camp in the distance loomed.

"The enemy's base camp is ahead. What on earth do you want to do?" The meteor asked later.

Shuiyue stopped, "The other party already knows our movement. You led 500 people to stay here, waiting for the round of this enlightened army. After meeting, kill directly to the other party's city, but we can't attack the city. Twilight and I will sneak attack him!"

"Are you crazy and lead 500 people to sneak attack?" The meteor shouted.

"Calm down, remember what I said. Don't attack the city. When attacking, try to make the momentum as big as possible, and it's better to make a march of 100,000 people!"

"Okay, I know!"

After the meteor stayed, Shuiyue took the twilight, and 500 people walked out for ten miles. At this time, the twilight asked, "I still don't understand what you are going to do!"

Shuiyue turned around and said, "You will understand in a while. Next, you will also stop here and wait for the meteor to meet. After the meeting, you will take half of the meteor's 5,000 troops and drive directly to the city on the other side. We are going to take two cities tonight!"

"Do you mean to deal with a city by yourself?"

Shuiyue patted the moon, "Wrong, it's the two of us, and we don't need to deal with one city, we just need to deal with two people!"

Twilight suddenly understood something, "Okay, I will follow your orders!"

The moon** fell and flew away and walked out of a few miles. The oncoming lights surged on the grass like a vast ocean of moonlight. After receiving the news of the attack in Yuancheng, the leader of the Red Army personally led all the people and horses to fight. The military power of 30,000 people shook the earth. Shuiyue had no distractions and was fearless. He rushed head-on and soon arrived in front of the two armies.

The two armies, on the one hand, are 30,000 people, black, and on the other hand, a man and a horse. Maybe they also ignore the existence of horses.

Shuiyue stopped and saw a man at the front of the team, sitting on a dark horse. It didn't look ordinary, but it was slightly inferior to the falling moon.

"Is the opposite the brother of the owner of Yuancheng City?" Shuiyue shouted through the air.

"You are that Shuiyue, right? Who am I talking about? You are so bold that you dare to lead a thousand people to attack my station. Are you too arrogant?"

The water moon rode on the sunset moon and did not speak for a long time.

"What, you talk, why don't you talk?"

"To be honest, I heard that General Yi was also a strong person in Yuancheng. I have a habit. Maybe you can't hear it in the rumors, but you like to fight alone. Today, I'm lucky to see the general. I don't know if I can appreciate it?"

Now there is no movement on the opposite side, and a vanguard officer shouted, "You think our city owner will be afraid of you, and you don't need the city owner to take action."

A fast horse rushed out of the army, and the vanguard used a spear.

Shuiyue took up the sword, and the sword front collided with the spear. Shuiyue's men show mercy and passed several moves with the vanguard before kicking it under the horse.

"No, no, it turns out that he can't replace the general!" Shuiyue deliberately said