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Chapter 322 War 6

China's third gold medalist - Ye Shiwen's 400-meter medley at 3:15 a.m. Beijing time on July 29

"Stop talking, don't say it!" The city owner has some insights.

Bear, the vanguard said, "Let go of our city lord quickly."

Shuiyue looked at the sword and withdrew, "Well, I didn't want to kill him in the first place!"

The city owner waved to the vanguard officer, "Brothers, I'm sorry for you. We are not traitors. Shuiyue is right. We failed and lost to ourselves, not to the enemy. Our enemy is not the source city, but ourselves."

All the vanguard officers were depressed, "General, we have wanted to go back for a long time, but we are a little unwilling!"

Shuiyue laughed, "Hahaha, then everyone go back with me. Yuancheng is your home. There is nothing to be unwilling. What can you do with the position of the city owner? It's very tiring!"

The general stood up and said, "It is worthy of being a teenager who can rise as a leader in the future. He has such a deep awareness of power. I finally understand why you can become a person with a mission, not us. You have no yearning for power at all!"

Shuiyue answered, "I have also thought about this, and have also been a city owner. It's really tired, but it's very brilliant. The important thing is people's hearts. The heart is generous, which can accommodate the world to rise and narrow-mindedness, which can make the ears of flowers wither!"


5,000 people and horses came from thefar of the grassland, which was not small.

The vanguards were shocked, and the general laughed alone and said, "You brought these soldiers, just in case?"

Shuiyue's face squeaked, "Well, needless to say, I still want to thank the general for his understanding, which made me avoid a bloody battle, which is also a great blessing in Yuancheng!"

The general went to the horse and looked into the distance, and the thunder rolled.

"My brother is still there. I don't know what you want to do?" The general is talking about another rebel, and the dusk has taken people with him.

Shuiyue doesn't sell the barrier. "Now the general is also aware of it. Why don't you push the boat with the water and make a personal favor to say goodbye to each other and reunify Yuancheng?"

The city owner doubted, "I won't hide it from you. My brother is stubborn by nature. I can't compare with him. Will he be persuaded so easily!"

Shuiyue patted his chest and said, "Then we should also have a try. Is it possible that we need to meet swords and soldiers?"

The meteor arrived with 5,000 people. He was quite surprised to see this, and then laughed.

"I said, how did you separate us from you? It turned out that you came here to complain. General, did he talk to you a lot? Do you believe it?"

"Meteor, shut up!" Shuiyue really wants to gag the meteor's mouth.

The general didn't agree, "This brother said that I have lived for half of my life, and I still have to enlighten a child. It's humiliating and shameful, but I have promised to go back with you, and I won't regret it. Let's go to another city!"

"City owner, our city?" The vanguard warned.

"Don't call me the city owner. Our city owner is waiting for us in the source city. Take any city as a lesson. Take the mirror as a lesson. It may be useful to stay in place!"

The general went back and re-directed the army to pull out in the other direction. Shuiyue asked the meteor, "Has the twilight has been ordered to the west ahead?"

Meteor nodded and said, "Although we don't know what you want to do, we all believe you. What should we do? Naturally, we will listen to it. I didn't expect that your boy took down 30,000 people without a single soldier. OK, now I really can't see that you used to be A boy who dares not go into the water.

Shuiyue smiled and said that the relationship with the meteor was unnecessary. When we were young, we grew up wearing crotch trousers together. "Don't need to mention this, we have experienced too much and are destined to mature. The only thing that will not change is our friendship!"

Meteor turned around and said, "I have only one wish in my life to assist you, the rise of the leader."

Looking at the back of the meteor, Shuiyue said, "Good brother!"

The twilight led the soldiers, passed through the Yuancheng Road and drove directly to the rebel garrison in the west. They stopped when they were still 20 miles away from the rebel garrison and waited for Shuiyue. Then someone came to report that the rebels had left the city and went straight to themselves.

The twilight calmly ordered the army to disperse and wait for the rebels to arrive.

On the way, Shuiyue ordered the troops to accelerate. Shuiyue had already thought of the situation faced by the twilight. When the twilight led people to the rebels, the garrison in the rebel city would be dispatched from the whole city, and there were many people in the twilight belt. In this way, the rebel garrisoned and the city was empty. Shuiyue ordered the meteor to lead the people to leave the original route and from behind. Go to cut off the enemy's way and take the rebel's garrison, while he and the general rushed to the twilight with 30,000 people.

The twilight and the rebels are less than ten miles apart, and the news of water and moon came from the rear.


A messenger soldier jumped off his horse.

Twilight knows that it is Shuiyue's plan, "Quick, what can Shuiyue tell you?"

Lord Shuiyue said that if the rebels approach, they can retreat when he does not come, and they can't fight with them. It's better to lead the enemy to a deeper place."

"How's he doing over there?" Dusk asked.

"In return, Lord Shuiyue persuaded the other party alone, and now he is taking 30,000 people to help us!"

The twilight couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart, "This boy actually took down 30,000 people with just one mouth!"

Then, Twilight ordered, "Withdraw the army ten miles, and let the enemy come over."

After getting the order, the whole army retreated, and the lights in the distance continued to approach.

The Western rebels, dressed in yellow uniforms, are rapidly approaching in the morning and evening under the leadership of a thousand cavalry, followed by tens of thousands of infantry led by the general himself.

After leaving the large army, the meteor quickly marched and circled straight to the enemy's garrison.

Everything was moving towards the beginning of the war. Shuiyue led thousands of people to the front, and the general was reinforcements behind. Soon after, Shuiyue saw the rear of the twilight army, 5,000 people gathered together, which was also a large group of people.

The yellow army rose up quickly. At this time, they also found the twilight army and stopped to wait for the large troops behind. On a hill not far from the source city, the forces of both sides gathered.

Shuiyue came from behind to the front and saw the twilight, which was paying attention to the enemy's situation.

"How's it going?" Shuiyue asked.

"The enemy's leading troops have confronted us and are waiting for reinforcement from the rear!"

Shuiyue instructed, "We should try our best to delay the enemy and buy time for the meteor!"

"It's really a great strategy to cut off the enemy's back road first."

"You boy, don't praise me. You can think of this plan, right?"

Twilight smiled and said, "At least the enemy can't think of it!"

The general of the Red Army arrived earlier than the other party, and the army gathered together. In terms of combat effectiveness, Shuiyue has more than 5,000 more opponents. In terms of morale, the soldiers behind Shuiyue are all people who are eager to go home. Even if they really fight, they will not be afraid of the other party, but Shuiyue does not want to fight. In front of the general, Shuiyue Zhang He said, "In order to preserve your strength, please come forward with me!"

General understands that Shuiyue wants to adopt the offensive strategy and continue the old method, but no one knows the temperament of the person opposite better than himself.

The rebel army has been in place, with many flags and a strong fighting spirit. Shuiyue came to the front with more than 100 people and shouted, "Go and invite your generals to discuss something!"

In the opposite camp, a man appeared. He couldn't see his face clearly at night, but his physique was strong.

The general said, "This man is my stubborn brother."

Shuiyue nodded and looked at this person. He had come to the front of the battle without fear, "I am the source energy, and you are the water moon, right?"

"Yuaneng, I have changed my mind. Can you also retreat and go back with us?"

"Oh, it turned out to be the eldest brother. I said how dare the other party dare to provoke. It turns out that you are in charge. Forgive me, I can't agree to this problem that I haven't thought about. You and I raise troops together to deal with Yuancheng. How can you change your mind halfway? It's really a person who is not strong enough."

Well, this brother is indeed stubborn.

"Yuaneng, your brother is lost. Now that everything is stronger than you, why can't you surrender?"

"My eldest brother is always my eldest brother, but I am me. Although you lead many troops and are strong, so what? Thinking about the soldiers around me is not a bastard. It's impossible for me to withdraw from the army and go back with you. It's impossible, delusional!"