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Chapter 341 Map

Tian Qing (born in Anhua, Hunan Province on August 5, 1986)

Zhao Yunlei (born on August 25, 1986 in Yichang, Hubei)

Project: Badminton Women's Doubles

Final time: 22:45 p.m. Beijing time on August 4, 2012

Venue: Wembley Stadium

won the 22nd gold for China.

Several people came to Montenegro. The raft used by meteors and others to cross the river was still at the end of the river. Shuiyue ran over first and rowed the raft over.

But when I saw this raft Shuiyue, I was a little suspicious that this raft was not my own, and the workmanship was very meticulous, which could not be made by soldiers. Moreover, depending on the color of the raft, it should have not been used for a long time. Is it possible that someone left the raft here, and it is popular to find it there?

Ku Wu asked first on the shore, "How can there be a raft here? I thought they were running across the water like Shuiyue."

"You said I almost forgot, yes, how can there be a raft here? Is someone staying here?" Dusk is surprised.

The raft was also found after Shuiyue came here. Before, Shuiyue moved very fast and was not seen.

"It's nothing. Some people can poison here, which proves that there are human activities in this place. Look, this mountain is full of poisonous soil. I think they want to stop us from going up the mountain, right?" He said innocently.

"Even if you stop us, there is no need to be so cruel. Unexpectedly, they are poisoned. I don't think the people on this mountain are very good people. When we go up, we must press them one by one on the poisonous soil and let them taste it." Say it bitterly and fiercely.

Shuiyue looked at the Montenegro on the raft. According to its situation, the people here must have hidden on the mountain, but how to go up? The poisonous soil is everywhere.

"Come on, everyone." Shuiyue shouted.

The raft is too small to hold everyone. In addition to Shuiyue and others, there are dozens of soldiers behind it.

The raft transported everyone to the other side of the river several times.

gang arriving here, dusk said, "Shuiyue, I don't know if you have found it. I always feel that this mountain is very strange!"

"Yes, the plants on the mountain are all dead. Are they all poisoned?" Innocent interference.

Twilight shook his head and pointed to Montenegro. "That's not what I'm talking about. Look behind you and then look at this mountain!"

Shuiyue looked back seriously and saw the vast grassland and dusty river.

Turning back, I could only see the black on Montenegro.

"I didn't find anything. Just say it quickly. Hua Shao is dead. I just hope to revenge quickly now!" I can't wait for innocence.

Shuiyue's face was bitter, and she hadn't escaped from Hua Shao's death. "Twilight, just say, what's strange here?"

The twilight paused, "What are your eyes? There is only one mountain here. Can't you see that as long as we go up, the other party will have no way to escape."

The water moon looks up, no, there is only one peak here. The peak is still buried in the clouds halfway up the mountain, and you can't see the situation above.

"It's just a mountain. What's strange about this?" I don't think it's innocent.

Meng Hao said, "I'm innocent, don't you know a reason? This is a plain, not a mountain, and the peaks are generally connected. Take a look, are there any other peaks around here besides this peak, and there are no other highs near this peak. Will this be very Strange?"

Shuiyue suddenly heard something in Meng Hao's words. Why is there only one peak here, and she seems to have seen another unique peak somewhere.

"Well, Meng Hao is right. This is the most strange place. The location of the peak itself is very strange. I can feel that there seems to be something hidden here, otherwise the other party will not have to do everything to design traps. First, the Black River. They repurposed the original river water, passed around the mountain, and then in the river. Poisoning, the second line of defense is the poison on the mountain. Twilight said.

Shuiyue has never issued any suggestions. He is thinking about where he has seen such a mountain. Of course, he has never been here before. From Licheng, he walked to the mountain city and walked from the mountain city to here. He must have seen it somewhere on the way.

"Water Moon, what are you thinking about?" The twilight found that Shuiyue was a little worried, so she asked.

Talking to the peak, I didn't feel the wind nearby. "I seem to have seen this peak somewhere, and it can't be this peak. You should also think about it carefully whether you have seen another unique peak. The death of Hua Shao made me forget a lot of things."

Twilight recalled for a moment, "Don't mention that I'm also a little impressed. We did talk about it somewhere!"

"Why haven't we seen it? I have only seen the mountains in the mountain city. Not guilty joked.

Ku Wu went to look at the peak with his eyes tilted, "Didn't you see it on the map? There is no such a unique peak on the mainland? This is the only one!"


is the map!

Shuiyue shouted happily, "I remember. I know I've met there."

Several people were shocked and asked at dusk, "Where, when?" I want to explode, but I still can't think of it.

Shuiyue took out a map from her arms, "That's it, you must remember, and others have never seen it!"

"Didn't you steal this map from the military aircraft department in Senluo City?" The twilight recalled.

Expanding the map, the peak on the map suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and there was also the battle plan of the magic soldier. There was a river in front of the mountain, and there was a city in front of the river. The magic soldier wanted to attack the city first and then attack the peak.

Shuiyue suddenly understood, "Look, this mountain and this river, is it here? The mountain is the black mountain, the river is the black river, and this city is the source city!"

"It really looks like this!" He said innocently.

"More than that, this is the battle map I stole from the magic soldiers. Obviously, the map shows that the magic soldiers will come to attack this mountain after attacking the city. More than ten days ago, the magic soldiers suppressed the border. The target is not us at all, but the source city and this Montenegro. Now everyone should understand. ?" Shuiyue said.

"The 15th army came to attack Montenegro. Is Montenegro so powerful?" There is no way.

"Ha ha, in my opinion, fortunately, the magic soldiers did not come and did not defeat Yuancheng. When they met us, they were right and only lost 80,000 to 90,000 people. If they got here, there would be poison everywhere, and they were not completely destroyed?" He laughed innocently.

That's not what Shuiyue thought, "Why did the magic soldiers come to attack here?"

Twilight thought for a moment, "I can't guess, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with Yuancheng. When the war broke out in Yuancheng, except that we didn't see anyone to help. On the contrary, this must be the enemy of the magic soldiers. Look at the arrow, the three-way army of magic soldiers. On the grassland, it is nothing more than trying to attack in, and Yuancheng is blocked between the two, so that the demon clan will attack Yuancheng first!"

The moon looked up to the sky, and half of the peaks of Montenegro were covered. No one could be seen, and no one could be found at the foot of the mountain.

"Don't think about it, no matter who's enemy it is, whether it's a magic soldier or ours, we'll know when we go up and have a look. If it continues to delay, the sun will set." He said innocently.

Meng Hao said calmly, "Unless we can find the way up the mountain, don't think about going up the mountain. Don't you want it? The death of less than Hua is both an incentive and a warning for me. It's full of danger. It's even more dangerous to go up the mountain at night. Maybe we should wait until tomorrow to act!"

Shuiyue put away the map, "Meng Hao is right. It's too late now. We have to go up the mountain tomorrow morning, and we have to find the way up the mountain first. There must be people on the mountain. They also have to go down the mountain. There are rafts here to avoid the soil poison in the black water. Then there must be a way down the mountain. The other party can't stay on the mountain all the time. Go back first and send a sentry nearby. I'll stay here to find the way up the mountain!"

"Why did you stay?" I don't want to stay.

Shuiyue pointed to [spiritual power], "I have this, so I'm not afraid of this poison. You just follow my instructions. When I find the way, I will naturally go back. Don't worry."

Twilight was the first to stand on the raft. "Shuiyue is right. We want to go back to refresh ourselves. Don't wait until Shuiyue finds the way, but we didn't climb up. These soldiers will stay here. In case someone comes down the mountain, I'm afraid you can't deal with it alone."

Shuiyue looked at it and said, "Just leave ten soldiers for me!"