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Chapter 350 Abyss

Xu Lijia

1987.8.30 born in Shanghai

Item: Women's Single Boat Laser Redier Class

Time: August 6, 2012 20:00

Venue: Weymouth-Portland

won the 31st gold for the Chinese Legion.

Shuiyue stopped her feet, took a deep breath, and looked down.

After the stone door was opened, there was an abyss below, and it was bottomless.

The last cave is not as Shuiyue imagined. There is nothing here, only an abyss.

Shuiyue retreated and asked the painful soldier in the place, "How can there be an abyss here? Is the secret hidden under the abyss?"

The warrior muttered a few words. His voice was very low, and Shuiyue didn't hear it clearly. By the time he went to ask, the warrior had already hung up. There was nothing he could do. Shuiyue had to figure it out by herself.

Shuiyue came to the stone gate and threw a stone down. Half a day later, the sound of the stone came, and the sound was very low, which showed that it was very deep.

The water moon uses the Qingming attribute and can't see the bottom at a glance. The water moon walks down from the top of the mountain and finally comes to Montenegro. At this time, it probably extends to the upper part of Montenegro, and the abyss is also inside Montenegro. Will its depth be equivalent to the height of the remaining Montenegro?

What is hidden underneath?

Shuiyue decided to go down to have a look, but at the same time, she was a little worried. After all, this is the dark main nest, and there is such an abyss. If you go there rashly, in case you encounter danger, you will go down by yourself. How can you get up? Outside meteors and others are waiting for you, you should follow in advance. They talked about the situation here.

This is feasible. Shuiyue planned to go out from here first, but as soon as she left, she remembered one thing. The entrance above had been sealed, that is, she wanted to go out. I'm afraid it was contrary to her wishes, so Shuiyue returned to Shimen.

"No matter how much it is, let's go down and have a look first!" Shuiyue said to herself.

Now Shuiyue is no longer the fledgling boy. Even if the abyss is unfathomable, Shuiyue will not be in danger, but after getting down, it is unknown how to climb up.

The long sword of Shuiyue was shallowly inserted on the stone wall, and the body jumped down. There was violent friction between the sword and Shibi, so that the water moon slowed down the speed of decline, and the Mars of the sword can still be seen upward.

Under the abyss, it is very cold, as if in the ice and snow, [spiritual power] plays a role, and the water and moon are a little warmer.

After sliding for a few minutes, there is still no bottom, and the light above can't be seen clearly. Shuiyue has an unprecedented sense of loneliness. In the abyss, only you are in danger.


The long sword went all the way down and did not break away from the stone wall, but just as the water and moon were full of confidence and thought that it could reach the bottom of the abyss, the tragedy happened. There was a particularly stiff rock on the stone wall that stopped the route of the sword sliding down. The sword was bounced, and the water and the moon began to appear like a stone. Movement by falling body.


Shuiyue shouted coldly and said to himself, "It's going to be over, and you can see the real face of the abyss in a moment!"


Under the abyss, there was a circle of turbulent airflow. Shuiyue's limbs were thrown as if they were scattered, and it was dark in front of her eyes and fainted.

When Shuiyue woke up, I don't know how long it took. His body was swollen and painful, and his bones seemed to be misplaced. There was no fracture. Fortunately, he fell from such a high place and accelerated and fell in the air for more than ten seconds. If he were any other person, he would die several times. < /P>

"It hurts me so much." Shuiyue's face was face down and she didn't dare to move. When she didn't move, her bones clucked.

[Spiritual Power] is healing himself. Shuiyue stared at the ground for a while and found that the place here has been sorted out, because the ground is not uneven, but smooth like a stone slab. Only artificially built can it show this appearance. The more the ground is like this, the more Shuiyue falls. Heavy.

The bottom of the abyss is very quiet and there are no other noises, which reassures Shuiyue, which means that he is still very safe at least before he fully recovers. As he is now, anyone who can use weapons will kill him, so Xiaozhi almost pricks up his ears to listen.

Suddenly, Shuiyue felt in her lower body, but she didn't feel it on her lower limbs. It seemed that something cold was crawling on her calf.

"What, get down." Shuiyue wants to move and wants to go to the torso, but she can be powerless.

"Hey, don't move."

This cold feeling crawled on her back, and Shuiyue had already judged what it was.

is a snake. After getting familiar with Grandma Sweetheart, Shuiyue will become more and more familiar with this animal. Snakes are cold-blooded animals, so they should often bask in the sun, absorb heat from the sun, and maintain their needs. If there is no sun, snakes will reduce their activities and maintain their body temperature, so the snake's body temperature is very cold and not enough. The road is crawling.

The movement of this thing on the back of Shuiyue is very method, one to the left and one to the right, but the center is always in a straight line.

How can there be snakes in the abyss? It's dark here. How can snake survive without sunlight?

When this thing climbed to his neck, Shuiyue began to hold his breath and felt that the snake was not big.

In the end, this guy finally showed the face of Lushan. It was indeed a snake, but not an ordinary snake.

The whole snake appeared in front of Shuiyue, only about one meter long, with a person's head. It was a man with a nose, eyes and ears that could see clearly.

"There's another prey, and it seems that I can have a full meal again." The man's head snake licked his tongue.

"Who are you?" Shuiyue almost collapsed and lay on the ground and asked.

"Who am I? How do I know who I am? You're not dead yet. That's just right. I haven't eaten fresh human meat for a long time."

With that, the human-headed snake bit Shuiyue's ear, but its mouth was not small, and it could still see people's teeth.

"Hey, wait a minute, even if you want to eat me, you have to let me die, right?" Shuiyue is very worried about her ears. It seems that this snake is real, not a joke. Now it is not long before she recovers. If she still wants her ears, she has to drag her back.

"Well, I haven't spoken to anyone for a long time, but I still love your meat more than your delicious food."

"Who are you, a human or a snake?" Shuiyue asked.

"I'm not a human or a snake. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"Unsatisfied!" Shuiyue shouted.

"Believe it or not."

"You clearly have a man's head and a snake's body. How can you say that you are neither?"

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. I'm going to eat first. Let's eat your ear first, hahaha, and then eat your leg, so that you can't die. How about I answer your question?"

Shuiyue struggled and felt that her limbs were getting better. How could such a strong body be eaten by a monster? "It's not good. You answer my question first. Where is this?"

"The abyss of the land!"

"Why are you here?"

"Stop talking nonsense, don't you know so much that you're still going to die?"

The human-headed snake was a little angry and bit its left ear.


The water moon swirled up and punched the head of the human-headed snake. The snake's body itself was light. After being hit, it was beaten far away.

The human-headed snake was not hit and stood up bent from the ground, "Good boy, how can you recover in such a short time!"

Shuiyue saw that the nose of the human head began to bleed.

"What I ask you, just tell me honestly, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Shuiyue commanded the thousands of miles of chasing souls to appear and wrapped around the sky of the snake.

The other party didn't dodge when he saw this, "I know I'm not your opponent. I'm just a snake with a long head. You can do whatever you want. I didn't want to live. How can I see people like this now?"

"You're not from Carat?" Shuiyue asked.

"Of course not. I was caught here by the female demon. After sucking my real body, I turned into a snake and hid in this place."

"Then what are you originally? Your real body, what did leader Carat take away your body?"

"I can not answer any of your questions." The human-headed snake said fearlessly.

The other party is not a carat, and Shuiyue will not kill him, although he just wanted to eat his own ears!