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Chapter 390 Be a lover for a day

In one day, the pure land city defended by 350,000 troops was conquered. This incident spread to other cities of the demon clan. Together, the leaders of the demon clan held accountable to their huge legion. Why did 350,000 people, who were still defending in the city, fail to resist for a day?

Is the human race too strong, or is the demon clan too weak? Wasn't the demon clan invincible in the past?

The demon clan has become. In the leader's house, the leader was very angry. There were hundreds of generals standing below, and none of them had just spoken.

The leader said, "The battle of Pure Land City is the most humiliating battle that the demon clan has fought so far. Failure is a common thing for soldiers. Today, I will not pursue it. You go back and firmly defend Senluo City, which is our last line of defense. If you lose again, you can wait to die with me!"

"Your Excellency, the morale of the human race is booming. Our army has been defeated in both wars, and its morale is low. In the battle of Pure Land City, it has suffered heavy losses. The human race is still chasing 200,000 people of our army retreating from the Pure Land City. If we don't change our battle plan, I'm afraid Senluo City will be able to resist the edge of the human race!"

"What he said makes sense. We must rearrange it. A total of 1 million people have been dispatched by the human race, 500,000 in the front, and 500,000 in the rear. If we don't increase the number of troops to Senluo City, Senluo City will be irresistible."

The leader thought about the macro situation and said to the people in the hall, "Who can take on this important task?"

A figure came out, "Let me go. Except for me, no one can stop attacking. Now the momentum of the human race is like a broken bamboo, and the demon clan is difficult to resist. No matter how many people are sent, it is useless."

But seeing this person, the leader nodded with satisfaction, "Now, only let you go!"

This man arched his hand and said, "For the sake of long-term peace between people and demons, I will go from now on, but before going, I still have to take someone."

The demon leader waved his hand, "Everything is according to your instructions!"

Speaking of Shuiyue, at this time, he was thinking about the Protoss with Wenwen in the hotel.

Shuiyue feels that in the current situation, the Protoss should soon attack himself or Wenwen, so she should take Wenwen to a safe place as soon as possible. The cave of the gods is the best place, because the Protos can't enter there. The caves of the gods has the protection of ancient power, and no one who is not a human race can enter. However, Wenwen is also a member of the demon clan, and she can't get in, so she has to give up.

"Wenwen is not safe here. We'd better find a safe place to settle down and ignore the war. After the war, no matter who wins or loses, we will go to the Protos to seek his hatred." Shuiyue's bitter advice.

Wenwen shook her head, "No, we can't go. The strength of a Protoss is that we can catch it when we get to the ends of the earth. In my opinion, we are waiting for him here, Senluo City, hoarding heavy troops. I think it's very safe, so we can't go."

Shuiyue is not worried about himself. He is only worried about Wenwen. He has lost Xiao Xue and no longer wants to lose Wenwen. There is no place to go. If he doesn't stay in Senluo City, Shuiyue can't take Wenwen back to his army, which is not as safe as Senluo City.

"Well, if you don't want to leave, we will stay here and I will stay with you until the end of the war!"

"Are you really going to be with me?" Wenwen said happily.

Shuiyue smiled and said, "When did I lie to you?"

Wenwen gave Shuiyue a big hug, "Well, let's go to the street and suck out the enemy. When the other party sees us together, they will definitely be unable to restrain us. Instead of letting him come to come to us, we might as well go to him."

"Then it's up to you!" Shuiyue pinched Wenwen's nose.

Wenwen walked to the door and Shuiyue followed. At this time, Wenwen suddenly stopped, rushed to Shuiyue and put her arms around Shuiyue's neck. "I have one thing, which is my greatest wish in my life. I'm afraid that I will die with regret."

Hearing death, Xiaozhi didn't like to listen, "Wenwen, what are you talking about? We don't die. Even if I die, you won't die. I will protect you."

Wenwen continued gly, "You have to promise me, I want you to promise me!"

"What's the matter?" Shuiyue asked.

"I want to be your wife for a day!"

This request made it difficult for Shuiyue to agree, because Shuiyue still had Xiao Xue in her heart, and Xiao Xue also had a skin relationship with her.

"Wenwen, please forgive me!" Shuiyue meditated.

Wenwen hugged Shuiyue to death, "It's because of that woman that I've never seen her. Is she really that important to you?"

One day appointment, keep the promise for a lifetime.

Shuiyue nodded, but couldn't bear to make Wenwen regret. There are too many regrets in the world. If you can be satisfied, you can't fall behind. "We can't be husband and wife for a day, but I promise you that I will accompany you for a day!"

Wenwen is also very happy, "Okay, then let's be lovers for a day."


Wenwen kissed Shuiyue's face.

"Hey, you are so rude."

"I can kiss you as a lover!" Wenwen said stupidly.

Shuiyue also kissed Wenwen's forehead, kissed her with a freezing point, and she was pale for a lifetime.

Out of the door, Wenwen was happy like a swallow, and her behavior was full of the softness of the little woman, obediently accompanying the water moon.

Shuiyue put everything down. On this day, she planned to treat Wenwen seriously and treat a girl. Walking on the street, many stores had been closed. Shuiyue took Wenwen's Qianqian's jade hand and saw that there was another jewelry store with the door slightly open.

Shuiyue also changed her previous habit and brought some money with her, which was the result of selling Kirin Armor in Ziling City last time.

Wenwen was surprised and said, "Why did you take me here?"

" Be your lover!" Shuiyue smiled and knocked on the door of the jewelry store.

The boss is a woman. Suddenly, he saw a pair of talented women who came in love and opened their mouths and said, "The young couple, what do you want to choose? Now that the war is in turmoil, the store is about to close, but judging from you two, I still decided to do your business."

Shuiyue and Wenwen, looking back on a smile, Wenwen is even more charming. Shuiyue said, "I want a bracelet, white emerald color, suitable for her!"

"Young man, good eyesight, white jade, symbolizes eternal love. I think this girl is generous and beautiful. She is the treasure of Senluo City. Wearing this thing is even more brilliant."

Wenwen laughed, "Madam, you're kidding. I usually don't like to wear jewelry, so I don't know what it means."

The boss took out a crystal clear white jade bracelet and put it on the counter. Wenwen's eyes lit up, "It's so beautiful."

Shuiyue paid for it without asking. She threw away three hundred taels of money, picked up the jade bracelet and put it on for Wenwen, "As long as you like it."

Wenwen touched the jade bracelet and was excited, "If there is a chance, I would like to meet you in my previous life and hold you firmly in this life."

Shuiyue turned around and pulled Wenwen away, "You little fool, in the previous life, I was a pig. When you met me, why didn't you eat me?"

ka ka-----

Wenwen smiled, "It makes sense, you are a pig!"

The two talked and laughed, and Wenwen always stared at her bracelet, which was particularly dazzling against the sun.

"Now that the war has not been sent out of the city, otherwise I must take you to ride a horse and cross the vast sea of people. The world is vast. I will turn you into an afterlife butterfly and dance!" Shuiyue stood on the corner of the street and said, Wenwen was snuggled.

"Stay together for a day, miss you all your life, be your lover, and feel that time is like fastwisand. From my fingertips, it seems to be grasping, but I can't grasp it. With a flick of my fingers, it's like ten years, still memory, still here with you." Wenwen said softly.

"Silly girl, you and I are the eternal distance between mountains and rivers. We are destined to make this unwilling choice, and who can we blame? Red sandalwood has gone, but I haven't left."


Shuiyue was slightly stunned, "Why are you crying?"

Wenwen choked, "I don't want to!"

Shuiyue's answer can only be to hold Wenwen closer, don't think about anything, and don't complain about anything.

Wenwen tiptoed up and sent her lips. She turned into a sad, gloomy and melancholy, and turned into a continuous kiss.

Shuiyue felt that time flew by and came to the grassland again. The woman immediately was not Xiao Xue, but Wenwen. Wenwen turned around and smiled cutely!