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Chapter 401 Borrowing a Boat

After receiving Shuiyue's order, the three brothers of Yuancheng led people to leave the Shuiyue army, passed through the land of the human race and drove to the prairie.

There is no more trouble in the human land. If there is, Shuiyue should find a way to attract the two cities by the sea. After all, only these two cities have boats and sailors who are enough to carry the water moon to reach the islands of the Protos.

After Shuiyue led his troops to leave the quiet city, he walked for a few days and gradually approached the seaside!

The meteor and the west wind have taken the lead in reaching one of the two cities by the sea, the city of sunset!

The vast sea is right in front of him. The meteor stepped down and looked at it slowly. The meteor that has been growing in the middle of the human continent has never seen the sea. Now he has really seen it.

The sea is right in front of us, which is thousands of times stronger than all the rivers. The wind blowing from the sea is cold and smells of seawater, which is refreshing.

Sunset City is built on the vast sea, and part of it goes deep into the sea, which may be the seaport.

The owner of Xifeng City said, "Let's go to Sunset City as soon as possible to discuss borrowing soldiers and boats!"

The meteor suddenly set foot on the road to Sunset City. The sea was rough, but there was no boat. There was some doubts. "West City Lord, didn't you say that Sunset City has thousands of boats? Now I haven't seen a boat."

"Maybe it's in the city!"

There is a sandy flat road leading to the gate of Sunset City. Meteors walk in the front, holding horses, and the west wind is behind. They begin to measure the scale of Sunset City. The city doesn't look big. Maybe it is built by the sea, which is related to its reference.

On the wall, a soldier saw two people and shouted, "Who is that person on that side? Where did they come from?"

Sidely, the meteor can still hear what he is saying.

"We are a large army of the human race. Come to visit the city owner in Sunset City. If you have something important to discuss, please inform us quickly."

The soldier shouted down, "Wait two!"

Not long after, the person who went back to report came back. The two whispered, and the soldier shouted, "The city owner said that no one is seen. You'd better go back. You are not allowed to have nothing to do with Jincheng, Sunset City and other cities!"

Meteor smiled at the west wind and said, "It seems that we have closed the door!"

"Let me do it."

The west wind stepped forward and opened his mouth and said, "Little brother, please inform us and tell your city owner that if he doesn't see us, the whole continent will face collapse."

The soldiers on the wall did not know whether what the west wind said was true or false, and ordered the soldiers around him to inform them.

This sentence really worked. The meteor waited, but at the time of incense, the soldiers at the gate said to the city, "Open the gate and let them in."

"It's done?" The meteor laughed.

The west wind's face is stiff, "Sunset City Lord, it's not so easy to convince us if you dare to close the door!"

The two came to the city's mansion under the leadership of the soldiers. Along the way, the meteors were able to appreciate the Haitian style. The water vapor in the city was very heavy, and the sea breeze was cool. Most of the people in the city were dressed in cool clothes. Unfortunately, they met a group of soldiers. They saw their dark skin, but as a result of years of exposure, they were covered with cloth towels on their heads. , all over the body, without any armor or anything like that.

There are still fishermen on the street, selling fishery products, and meteors have never seen many colorful fish. Is it possible to eat them?

The fish in the sea and the fish in the river are naturally incomparable. The environment in which the sea fish live is larger and the fishy smell is heavier. Sunset City is filled with this smell.

The soldier in front of him led the way and said, "You two, my city lord, have a bad temper recently. It's not that I don't advise you. At that time, speak carefully."

"He has a bad temper. What's wrong with me?" Meteor's acute way.

Xifeng made the meteor stop talking, "Don't say a few words. We came here looking for friends, not enemies. Don't talk and do everything in my eyes, understand?"

Meteor curled his lips and said, "I will never say a word."

The main house of the city has beautiful doors and two trees, one on the left and one on the right. The leaf veins are wide. The meteor has never seen it. Reach out to touch it and only hear someone say.

"Little friend, don't touch it. This kind of book is simply rare in the mainland. It is called a shy tree. Once you touch it, it will curl its veins, which will reduce its life."

The speaker was an old man in white, holding a cool in the pavilion. He had a rocking chair under his body and a folding fan in his hand. He opened the folding fan, but he did not fan the wind, and the air was not hot, with his back to the gate.

The soldier respectfully said to this old man, "City lord, these are the two people I brought to you."

The old man waved his feather fan and said, "Go down."

After the soldier left, the meteor immediately strode forward and wanted to speak, but was stopped by the west wind. "Meteor, what did we just say?"

The old man is much older than Xifeng, so Xifeng called him an elder, "Sunset Lord, I'm really sorry just now!"

"It doesn't matter. I have something to say when I see this boy. Do you still want him to tell me?"

The old man didn't come back. How could he see it?

Meteor opened his mouth and said, "Excuse me, Sunset City. I think our intention has been clear. Why do you shut us out?"

The old man shook the chair, bullied his body, and the fan in his hand suddenly stopped. "Kid, what are you talking about? I don't hear it at all. I'm a guest from afar. I don't know what your purpose is here. Why do you talk nonsense at the gate of my sunset city?"

"Words? This is all true, city lord, is your old man pretending to be confused? Now that the Protoss have obtained artifacts and are planning to release the Hell Legion and Sunset City. Don't you know that the two tribes have joined hands to attack the Protos?


"I know, I know, of course I know this. What do you have to do with me? I will ask you if there is anything to do? If there is nothing wrong, I will see you off." The old man began to wave the feather fan again.

"Meteor, I still want to talk to the owner of the old city." The west wind preempted the way.

The meteor had to give up. I don't know why the old man pretended to be stupid. He didn't come to the sunset city for help. Did he come to beg for food?

Xifeng said to the old man's back, "Old man, if you know everything, you should know the intentions of the younger generation, how many land armies there are, and how many land troops there are, and the Protoss are at sea. This time, we came here to accept the order of the general to borrow a boat from Sunset City and Moonrise City, if the old city owner is afraid Drag your city into the quagmire of war, although you can lend it to us, we will never force it.

"If I say I won't lend it to you, will you force it?" The old man asked.

knew that the owner of Sunset City was not easy to deal with. Xifeng opened his mouth and said, "This will never happen, but I think Sunset City will help us. The owner of Sunset City must be a person of deep righteousness."


"Joke, joke, once I lend you a ship, and you are defeated, won't I push Sunset City to the tip of the storm? Sunset City and Yuesheng City have been fighting with the Protos for many years. I won't lend you a ship, or die. If I have profound righteousness, or you should go to Yuesheng City, Yuesheng City. The lord of the city is a generous man.

The west wind tried fruitlessly, and could only shake its head. "Sunset City Lord, the current situation is urgent. In order to protect the whole continent, we sincerely came here to borrow a boat from you. Now millions of troops of people and demons are breaking through!"

"In the mountain city, why is it useless with this old man? If he doesn't borrow a boat, we will grab it. Why don't we grab it? At the crisis moment on the mainland, how can we care about him? I will go back to inform Shuiyue and lead the troops. I don't believe that millions of troops can still be trapped here." The meteor fire is soaring. Regardless of it, it is really going to return to Shuiyue, and Shuiyue will indeed send troops. The first fact that the meteor said sacrificed the little self and finished beating me, he did not hesitate to do so.


The old man in white stood up from the rocking chair and turned to the meteor and said, "Okay, it's worthy of being a tough man of my human race. With such momentum, I will lend you ships, sailors, and the whole continent to suffer. Am I actually the kind of ignorant and selfish villain?"

The old man in white suddenly changed, and the meteor was puzzled. Is this his true word or a delaying plan!