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Chapter 418 Impact the Coast

After the arrow rain, the sea was in a mess, and the sharks were having a crazy party under the water. The soldiers of the moon gathered together and withdrew their shields, revealing their swords. On the side of the ship, the vanguards issued orders to attack the prosian coast. Those who set foot on the coast were without honor.

The water moon took the lead and covered up, and the blockers were torn in half.

For a short time, he only heard the shouts of killing from the rear. Meng Hao led 200,000 troops and waded in the water. Its means of transportation was logging, a large raft, with a total of hundreds of soldiers arranged on it.

If all the arrow rain is knocked down, I'm afraid that the 200,000 army will be damaged, but the feathers and arrows of the Protos have been used up, and the arrow rain has lasted for half an hour. Now they are powerless to deal with the defenseless army soldiers of Shuiyue.

Feather God II originally wanted to use the navy to intercept the army, but unfortunately, the sailors on both sides were trapped in combat effectiveness and could not get out. On the front, the water and moon were like broken bamboo, and Noah's big ship was invincible and could not be stopped.

"Your Excellency, how should we deal with the reinforcements of the other party?" He joined the army at the side of Yushen II at all times in case the order of Yushen II could not be conveyed.

"Let's light the beacon smoke and report the matter to the city owner."

At present, Feather God II can still cope with the situation. The pross' water army is indeed powerful. The sacrifices made by the meteor and twilight sides are relatively large. The sailors in Sunset City and Yuesheng City are not as well-noted as the water army. However, with a cavity of blood and heat, they are still a tenaciously charging. There is a collision between ships and ships, and the soldiers of the two sides rushed together. The Protos The combat effectiveness of the navy is extremely strong, and it can firmly grasp the situation on the battlefield.

As for the middle, Shuiyue took the initiative with a completely overwhelming attack, and many Protoss ships were led by the nose by Shuiyue.

The beacon smoke lit up, one after another, and a fire dragon intermittently circled the island. There was also a rising army in the hands of the leader of the Protoss, which was immediately released. A total of more than 100,000 people were receiving the news of beacon smoke and reinforcements from the ports of the other two floating islands.

When Shuiyue saw the beacon smoke, she also knew that the reinforcements of the Protos would arrive soon, so she immediately ordered, "the whole army should charge and set foot on the coast in the shortest time."

As soon as the reinforcements of the Protos arrived, the first to suffer was Meng Hao's 200,000 troops. The logging was in the sea and could only be used as a means of transportation. Once attacked and the raft was damaged, hundreds of people would hide in the sea.

Twilight and meteors give up the trembling of the enemy, and at the same time set out for the floating island. All the ships get rid of the glue with the enemy. The enemy chased them. The twilight sent a team behind the whole fleet to block the enemy's pursuit. The other ships continued to move forward. The purpose is very simple. Park the ship on the shallow beach and set foot on the coast. This floating island is in the bag.

The way of the meteor is a little different from the twilight. He prepared a powerful stormer to rush forward, take the lead in speed, and block the enemy behind him.

Shuiyue has come to the shoal area and more enemies from the coast, about hundreds, trapping Shuiyue in the middle. When Shuiyue was killed, the enemy did not retreat at all. Yushen II was pulling the troops on the island to prepare for defense, hoping to bury Shuiyue's troops in the water before the reinforcements came.

Seeing the situation, Meng Hao first let the boat move forward and left the raft at the end. Under the scuffle, the Protos ships approached Meng Hao's army and died under the feather arrows before they approached.

Looking back, the vast water and sky, the moonlight poured down, and the battle lasted for several hours. Before dawn, if you can't hit Shanghai Island, the water and moon side will be destroyed.

The meteor approached the coast, jumped into the water, and killed the enemy in the middle. It was also surrounded. The fighting intention of the Protoss was obvious, killing every enemy near the shallows, meeting a powerful master, and attacking them in groups.

The dusk walked halfway. Hundreds of soldiers on the ship jumped down, picked up the long soldiers and launched a charge. There was a fierce battle on the sea and moved to the shoal. The battle close to the land was not what the sailors were good at, but on either side, their enemies were the same. They were all naval forces.

Meng Hao's troops also began to launch attacks. The rafts were stranded on the beach, and tens of thousands of people charged fiercely against the enemy.

The high sound of the trumpet resounded through the sky and night. Yushen II knew that the general trend had gone, but the floating island was still in his own hands and had to let go. The army of the leader of the Protoss was still on the way, and now he has only walked half the way.

"Hear me, if we put the enemy on land, we will die here!" Feather God II, put all his hopes on the rest of the people. So far, there are more than 100,000 people defending on the coast and can resist for a while. Even if a wall of corpses is piled up, he will stop the United Legion off the coast.

"Fight!" The meteor was the first to rush out and set foot on the land to feel secure. The tactics were used to destroy the enemy's sense of combat.

Slowly, the protoss army on the coast was cleaned up, and there were sporadic resistance and dying struggles. Three or five Protos warriors gathered together to form a small combat group, holding hundreds of people on the water and moon. These hundreds of people stepped directly, leaving the remains of the Protoss warriors on the ground.

Feather II also participated in the war, with golden arrows flying all over the sky, killing the soldiers rushing to the front.

The two pioneers surrounded him in the middle, two long swords to deal with an artifact. Although the tactics are not exquisite, there are also means. When he hurriedly responds to the battle, Feather II always notices the other soldiers who attacked him. In this way, he and the two pioneers actually struggled for a few minutes.

Feather God II's long-range ability is difficult to exert. He is forced to retreat step by step, and the warriors are pressing step by step. Some soldiers came to help, and they are also killed by two warriors.

Today's embarrassment is the taste of Feather God II's first attempt to fail. The tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog. In desperation, he had no choice but to escape. The speed was still faster than the two soldiers. When the distance was opened, he released an arrow to solve the two warriors.

And Shuiyue is still besieged. At first, there were hundreds of people, but now it is thousands of people. The Protoss warriors put the key to victory on themselves and defeated themselves, and the Protoss will not win. This is fate.

The blood flowing under his feet disappeared in the sand, and the body of the enemy was dissatisfied. Only the dead know the horror of the water moon!

The sky is clear and bright, and the sun is getting out of the clouds little by little. Today is another charming warm day.

The reinforcements of the Protos appeared on the sea, but unfortunately, Shuiyue's troops have all set foot on the coast and are close to the depth of the floating island.

Looking all the way from the sea, the slope structure of the whole floating island is full of scattered corpses, which can be described as a mountain!