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Chapter 427 Who was defeated?

"Xiaoya, take good care of your sister. Leave it to us!" Shuiyue said to Xiaoya that the meteor handed Xiao Xue over to Xiaoya, and several soldiers protected Xiaoya and took Xiao Xue to a safe place.

Xin'er didn't say a word in the crowd, watching her father and Feather II, who was about to fight with the man she liked.

"Xin'er, you can also go down!" Shuiyue cared and was afraid that Xin'er would not be able to bear it. As she spoke, Shuiyue took out the crystal love in the ring and brought it to Xiner herself. "Look, such a beautiful person is obedient and strange. I don't want you to see this."

The leader of the Protoss looked at his daughter and agreed, "Yes, Xiner, get out of here quickly. This place doesn't belong to you!"

Xin'er shook her head, "Father, stop. If the Hell Legion is summoned, the whole world will be over. My daughter only wants a harmonious family. If you drink your brother now, you will not pursue it!"

This is all Xin'er's wishful thinking!

"The ceremony has started, and no one can stop it. My good daughter, my father still loves you. Since you chose to stay with Shuiyue, you are still the father's daughter!" The leader of the Protoss, three splits, each of whom is full of love for Xiner.

Just now, when Shuiyue took out the crystal love, she accidentally saw the [Key of the Dragon Gate]. I still remember that the mage principal once said that the thirty-seven sculpture, the last sculpture, is the key to the whole summoning ceremony. To start this sculpture, you need to use the [the key of the Dragon Gate], and the key is still by itself. Even if this ceremony is completed, can you still summon the Hell Legion?

Shuiyue took out the key of the dragon gate, like a necklace, which originally guarded Lily as a necklace.

"What is this?" Feather God II asked.

"Even if you complete the ceremony, you can't summon the Hell Legion without this thing. This is the key to open the last door. You are doomed to fail. Why don't you say, stop it!" Shuiyue took out the [Key of the Dragon Gate], showed it, and put it in the ring. As long as it was put in the ring, no one would take it except the owner of the ring.

Feather God II and the three protoism leaders are whispering to verify the credibility of Shuiyue's words. If what Shuiyue said is true, then in the current situation, what the Protoss have done for decades has been abandoned.


The ceremony is about to be completed, and the power of the thirty-six artifacts has almost shifted. On the sculpture in the middle, flames are ignited, and the thirty-six beams of light have become narrower and narrower.

"Then let's verify it. If God makes me fail, I have nothing to say, but why haven't I heard of another key besides the Thirty-Six Artifacts? Without the key, can't I summon the Hell Legion?" The leader of the Protoss is still obsessed, which makes Shuiyue feel pitiful.

Xin'er didn't leave and wanted to dissuade his father from stopping at the end.

All the mysteries were solved in the next second, and the thirty-six artifacts completed the transfer of energy. Now on the middle sculpture, huge energy is gathered, like a burning fireball, and no one dares to approach.

"Death, lend me your warrior and help me rectify this continent!" The three leaders of the Protos knelt on the ground and prayed to the flames.

The meteor raised his sword forward and wanted to meet the leader of the Protoss for a while to stop this absurd farce. Feather II was like a guardian, stepping up his sword and stood with the meteor. Even if it was a meteor, Feather II could not compete with the tactics. The two fought behind the leader of the Protoss and did not disturb it at all. The leader of the Protos Prayer.

Twilight also wanted to help. She was stopped by Shuiyue to deal with Feather II. The meteor was enough. If he wanted to deal with the leader of the Protoss, his blessing was nothing more than psychological. It had no effect on releasing the Hell Legion. Shuiyue was also waiting. Is [the key of the Dragon Gate] the key to open the door of hell?

The answer is about to be revealed.

The leader of the Protoss, knelt for a long time, and the flame burned still, but the sculpture did not move. This is the couple found by Shuiyue in the thirty-six artifacts.

[Yanxuan] is among which, the bow that Shuiyue has been curious about is actually exactly the same as [Yuanxuan] in appearance, but not many. Now [Yanxuan] has lost the meaning of the existence of the artifact, without any attack power, and the energy has been absorbed by the sculpture in the middle. The flame is likely to be some kind of connection between the mainland and hell.

Suddenly, the flame increased and rushed in, but it did not hurt anyone. It lit up the castle of Death. After the flame broke out, it suddenly weakened. The flame statue in the middle began to connect with 36 artifacts again, and the energy seemed to be returned to the artifacts.

"How could this happen? Your key is real?"

After the flame disappeared, the statue in the middle turned into a door, two open, and there was a big black lock on the door.

The gate of hell turned out to be monochrome, and there was no ball on it.

The Protoss failed, but struggled to death.

The three leaders of the Protoss stood up from the ground and smiled bitterly, "Or we still have a chance of winning. As long as we kill you and take the key, we can open this door, right?"

Speaking here, the split of one of the pross leaders ran to the place of the artifact. Shuiyue followed closely and shouted to the back, "Prepare to fight. The other party wants to make a dying struggle!"

The split of the other two Protos leaders also came to stop Shuiyue. Shuiyue kicked down one of them and slowed down half a beat. He failed to stop the split of the Protoss leader and found his own artifact. This man fought with him, and his strength increased greatly. Shuiyue was blocked in his eyes and could no longer find a time to fight the enemy.

The split of the three protoss leaders have found the artifacts they are good at, and also threw the [bead curtain roll] of Feather II. After supporting the meteor, Feather God II received the four men with artifacts [bead curtain roll] and gathered together to defend their achievements.

Shuiyue retreated to her own camp, and it seems that this battle is inevitable.

Twilight, meteor, Xiao Tian and others came forward and competed with their strength. If Shuiyue was allowed to deal with these four alone, I'm afraid they would not be as strong as them.

"Shuiyue, let me do it. You are not my father's opponents. His three splits, as long as they don't gather together, they can be said to be immortal. You have no chance of winning." Xin'er came from the face, does that mean she came to end the battle?

"Xin'er, leave this to us. No matter how powerful your father is, the matter here has nothing to do with you." Shuiyue stopped Xiner, but Xiner did not obey and walked around to the front of the leader of the Protoss.

"Father, you have failed. As a daughter, I really hope you can stop. Why do you have to be obsessed? What's the use of mastering the world?"

Xin'er's words seemed to have no effect. The leader ignored Xin'er, raised his long sword, waved it down, and said to Shuiyue, "Xinger, get out of the way. It's not safe here!"

Shuiyue pointed to ten feather arrows flying above his head. At the critical time, Shuiyue found that there were twelve feather arrows flying above his head, and [Yuan Xuan] broke out again.

The flame of battle burns in every heart, and fierce collision is inevitable. Is Xin'er moving forward or retreating?

"Father, if you want to resist, kill me first. I don't want any of you to be hurt. You also said that fate belongs to God. Are you not satisfied with letting you get artifacts? God doesn't let you dominate the mainland because we all know that peace is the most important thing!"

The leader of the Protoss kept slap and slapped the letter, "You child, talker. After your mother's death, I gave you everything. Now it's okay that you openly rebelled against me for the sake of the person you love. I spoiled you too much. If you want to die, I will complete you."

The leader of the Protoss raised his sword and fell.

Shuiyue appeared under the sword and blocked it. Only then did she find that the attack of the leader of the Protoss was powerless.

Xin'er closed her eyes slightly and waited to die, but did not die.

The three leaders of the Protos raised their swords together and put them on their necks. "Shuiyue, you are a man, so I will give you the letter. Today's failure is God's choice. I didn't lose to you, but to heaven."

Three blood splashed out!