Mythical Beast

Chapter 9 First Entry to Beijing

At the wall of Chang'an, a lame man was talking to several gangsters in his twenties about his glory. When he spoke, the crying child's face showed a trace of brilliance when he saw that he could immediately stop crying.

"Master Zhang also has time to walk across our Jingzhao Mansion." A gangster couldn't help laughing when he heard his glorious deeds. This group of people called him a bald man behind his back. Of course, they didn't dare to call him that in front of him, but no matter how you look at it, you can't see that this lame man has been famous.

Zhang lame gave him a white look and scolded with a smile, "Just look down on your Master Zhang. I think he was at least the most famous person in this city in those years." Then he sighed and said, "If someone hadn't ruined my leg, I could still walk across the city with a set of mandarin duck legs today." There was a trace of hatred on his face when he spoke, but more lonely.

Those gangsters were slightly shocked and dared not answer. They heard that this lame man was domineering 20 years ago, and even the government was a little afraid to take care of it. It was the prestige of those years that made him not insulted by these gangsters now. The domineeringness occasionally on his face is difficult to pretend, so these people still feel a little in awe of him.

When Zhang Yanzi saw that these gangsters were shocked, he laughed and said, "I lied to you, your uncle hasn't shruged to the point of being easily broken his leg." While talking, he looked at the direction of the city gate and bumped into the Tang Haotian family who entered the city gate. Zhang was stunned, and there was an extreme panic in his eyes, and there was an indescribable anger.

Twenty years, what are you still doing here? Twenty years ago, you said you came here to clean up garbage for your brother. What about today 20 years later? Zhang Lma looked straight at the back that scared him and couldn't speak for a long time. Just because the daughter of the family was hit by you, one move ruined my leg, which was simply half of my life.

Those gangsters saw Zhang Yanzi trembling there, with fear and anger in their eyes. For a moment, they felt inexplicable. Seeing that there was no interest, they dispersed around, leaving him alone to recall the past.

When Qin Yuning saw that the matter was solved, she immediately walked slowly into the car, regardless of the comments of the people behind her. Anyway, they were all used to. Recalling his stunning expression when she appeared in front of Tang Yutian as a saint, she couldn't help showing a faint and warm smile under the veil.

However, when Tang Longyan saw Tang Haotian coming with a dark face, he quietly said to him, "What's wrong, Dad? Do you feel that your charm is not as good as your mother, and it is rare for your mother to be so strong in front of us that you have always been calm? To be honest, Dad, you are kind enough. You can talk to an old farmer, but you have no choice but to eat your charm. Don't be discouraged. Of course, if you show the momentum of the last time you fought someone, make sure that these people will be released immediately. After saying that, he reached out and patted Tang Haotian on the shoulder, just like comforting his brother. After he came out for a long time, his playful heart gradually emerged, and his fear of Tang Haotian slowly receded.

Tang Yutian listened to his son's words and showed a black line on his forehead. How could this boy have so many strange words and actions? At present, he coughed twice and whispered to Tang Longyan, "Yan'er, as a man, you must have a man's dignity, understand? If you are a man, don't let your cherished woman be injured. Alas, the tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by dogs. The speech was full of helplessness. He was originally very conceited. Although he treated people modestly, he was finally a little arrogant. In the past, who dared to stop him if he went in and out of the city? Today, Qin Yuning came forward to solve the problem, which is not the same as when he was in high power on that day.

"Yo, Lord Tang has a good way to teach his son. Why, is our woman just a treasure bottle in the room and the pearl in the box? Can't we shelter you from the wind and rain? Who says women are not as good as men? Official, this is a little opinion of a woman favored by you. If there is anything wrong, please punish the official. Yaner, do you want to say that your mother is usually very domineering and not as gentle as jade? While talking, the smile on her face became more and more bright and touching. What she had just emitted was a trace of charm. At this time, it was the ultimate charm of harming the country and the people, but the voice she emitted made the father and son tremble slightly. Needless to say, my mother is angry. Dad, go home and wait to kneel on the gravel road. Tang Longyan sighed and thought heartlessly.

It's over, it's full of energy. Tang Yutian said that it was not good. Seeing that he had gone to the Longshou Canal, he was about to talk about the Longshou Canal when he changed the topic, he suddenly heard someone in front of him stroking his palms and laughing, "Which woman is not as good as a man? You are the sister-in-law in the world who can say such a pleasant voice." However, when he saw a middle-aged man's sword eyebrows and square lips, his slender body was covered by an official uniform, and he felt a vast sense of righteousness coming to his face.

"I've met my eldest brother and sister-in-law." When the middle-aged man saw Tang Haotian's family coming, he immediately smiled and greeted him with his fists.

"Brother!" Tang Yutian and his wife have been separated from their old friends for a long time. When they saw each other today, they couldn't help but be a little excited.

Tang Haotian came over and glanced behind him. Seeing that Qin Yuning had not yet got out of the car, he immediately punched the man in the chest and whispered and scolded, "Well, Qin Yiyun, you haven't seen each other for you for so long and said good words for your sister-in-law, so you didn't want to save your eldest brother?"

Qin Yiyun didn't mind. He rubbed his painful chest and said with a wry smile, "Am I not distracting my sister-in-law's attention? How can I not help you? Your punch is too heavy." After saying that, he laughed and came here to hug Tang Haotian. Although they are brothers, their friendship is deep, no worse than their own brothers.

Tang Longyan, who had already got out of the car, looked around and was slightly disappointed to see that the person he was looking for was not there. At present, he also bowed his fist and said, "Long Yan has seen his adoptive father."

Seeing his look, Qin Yiyun didn't know what he thought in his heart, so he smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for ten years. You are so handsome that I almost can't recognize you. Are you looking for Lei Ming? He went to Miss Zhou's house accompanied by Zhao Pengfei. Speaking of this, a smile appeared on his face.

Qin Leiming was the son of Qin Yiyun. Because his birthday was only three hours away from Tang Longyan, and Tang Yitian and Qin Yiyun were originally homage brothers, so the two simply became godfathers and kissed each other. Zhao Pengfei is an orphan taken in by Qin Yiyun. Because he is similar to Qin Leiming's age, he can be regarded as a playmate who grew up together.

"You are 18 years old, and you need someone to accompany you to see your confidant, but according to this, your father-in-law is about to do it. It seems that the Qinglong clan of Dongqin is going to thrive here. Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, it's really comfortable for you and Yi's sister to live here.

Qin Yiyun smiled faintly. Although his son and the Zhou family have not been engaged in marriage, this matter has basically been settled. This is also a well-known secret. Listening to Tang Yutian's joke, he immediately laughed back and said, "How can I have the warmth of your two immortal couples living in seclusion? When you took away this Xuanwu saint But the five clans are sensational. Besides, haven't you decided to marry the Yu family? When will you meet your future daughter-in-law again? The two met again after a long separation and couldn't say that they wanted to laugh at each other. At present, the two laughed loudly, and even Qin Yuning reached out to cover her little mouth and smiled softly.

At this moment, the two walked slowly along the Longshou Canal. Despite the war, the most important streets in the city, such as Jingfeng Street, Anshang Street and Hanguang Street, which connect the city gate, are still lively. People come and go in the market, so lively. The reader who shakes the fan to appreciate calligraphy and painting, the hawker farmer who set up a stall on the street, and the gorgeously dressed merchants in the store constitute a natural picture of life. In an instant, all sentient beings have a panoramic view. The outstanding achievements of textiles and porcelain in the Northern Song Dynasty have transcended history. The silk and satin are bright and bright, causing Qin Yuning's beautiful eyes to frequently look at the store.

After talking about the past for a while, Tang Haotian asked, "Brother, I don't know what position you are doing?"

Qin Yiyun smiled bitterly and said, "I am now living in Beijing Zhaofu."

"You are the head of the family, and you are actually the fifth grade! What did Zhao Guangyi think? Did he forget his original promise? If others hear such remarks, they must be scared to death, and they must think that Tang Haotian is either a madman or looking for death. Dare to comment on the emperor without saying so, the emperor's name is straightforward. If it reaches the emperor's ears, he will probably be killed by the nine clans.

"Alas, since Taizu's wine was released from military power, the power of all ethnic groups has not been as good as before. Taizu's hand came to his younger brother, and it became even worse. Not only was I cut off, but also the military power was no longer in my hands. Now there are only 800 Qinglong soldiers left in my hand, serving as a box army. Originally, they were also The one who wanted to be transferred from me as a forbidden army was forcibly retained by me. In fact, this regiment is really a false job. The man who just blocked you is called Qian Hao. With the protection of his parents, he became a corps. He is so arrogant and domineering that he doesn't pay attention to the army I control at all. 200,000 are banned from the world, and 100,000 are guarding the capital. Hey hey, on the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snoo? Taizu and Zhao Guangyi, prevent us from being so strict. Qin Yiyun was also outspoken, as if he was not afraid of this emperor.

Tang Yutian snorted and said coldly, "He himself was a real man by a forbidden army officer. Can he prevent his men from planning the same thing? With military power in hand, it's all good to talk about. It's just that I still don't understand why there are so many people entering the city today, and the precautions are so strict?

When Qin Yiyun saw him ask, a mysterious smile flashed on his face and said, "Why did the eldest brother come here? Is it just to catch up with me?

Tang Yutian was stunned, then smiled and said, "I'm really not just looking for you. It won't be long before I have to go to another place."

"The place you went is Xiyue Huashan in Huayin County, Huazhou?" Qin Yiyun hasn't answered yet, but he heard a man standing in the dark against the light at the fork of the street, but there was unconcealed excitement in his voice.